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The Red Prince

Once upon a time a red prince named Amiel from the

kingdom of Winterfell and he was strolling in his dire wolf
Mimi, the Eevee. When suddenly, a desperate goblin
approached him.
Oh my Prince! the goblin cried.
Help me, for my village is under attack by orcs. She
added Fear not my friend, I shall assist in you in battling
the orcs. For I, Prince Amiel of Winterfell, can defeat
anyone,in any size with the use of my mighty sword,
Excalibur! he responded Thank Abnul Jabbar for
bringing you to us! the goblin said.
While they were heading to the village Prince Amiel
suddenly asked the goblin. By the way have you seen a
wizard tower near by?
no, my liege answered the goblin.
But I think our elder knows something, you should ask
him once youve slain all the orcs she added.
Shortly after that, they arrived at the village, where
hundreds of goblins are fighting of the orcs, and Prince
Amiel suddenly run to the battlefield and foughtoff the
orcs. The battle was victorious at the end.
Thank you Prince Amiel for saving our village, the elder
of the village I am in debt the elder said
Elder! Elder! Prince Amiel is looking for a Wizard tower,
have you seen any nearby? said the goblin

The elder pointed far away, where a very tall tower was
peeking out of the trees.
Prince Amiel screamed in joy and thank the elder, and
carried on with his adventure
When he arrived at the wizard tower he went through
different trials to get to the top. When he finally got to the
top the super grand ultra magnificent wizard Miguel was
waiting for him.
Greetings, Prince Amiel, I am the super grand ultra
magnificent wizard Miguel and for completing my Tower
of Power I shall grant you poooweeeerrrrr! the wizard said
Prince Amiel bowed down to receive the wizards blessing
and was given power!
Miguel told Amiel that there was a very hot princess in a
castle in the middle of the swamp of the O hydra, Chab-elita
When Amiel heard the story about the princess he flew with
his new powers Goodbye, Miguel Prince Amiel said.
When he arrived at the swamp he was welcomed by a huge
blast of fire. He saw Chab-e-lita the hydra behind her is the
castle where the princess is captive, Amiel fought the hydra
but at the end he lay weak at the battlefield.

hahahahahh! a voice said you thought that I could be

saved! But the truth is I was never in danger for the hydra
is my prince cursed by a witch! as a girl came closer and
closer the princess! Amiel realized that he was tricked and
now hes dying beneath them.
The End.

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