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B Write the names of the school objects and colour them with the

instructions of your teacher.

(Escreve os nomes dos objectos escolares e pinta-os de acordo com as instrues do teu





C Write the days of the week (follow the order) (Escreve os dias da
semana segue a ordem.)



D Write the correct greeting according to the picture. (Escreve a

saudao correcta de acordo com a imagem)













E Write the numbers, in full, according to the order. (Escreve os nmeros,

por extenso, segundo a ordem.)
0 .

7 .

1 .

8 .

2 .

9 .

3 .

10 .

4 .

11 .

5 .

12 .

6 .

F Answer to the question: (Responde pergunta.)


What is your



G Paint according to the instructions. (Pinta de acordo com as instrues.)

1 is blue
5 is yellow
7 is black
9 is green
2 is orange
3 is red
8 is purple
4 is brown
6 is pink
0 is grey

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