3.0 The Social Product & Its Objectives-Aditya

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0 The Social product & its objectives: UnStress Online

Before we jump into what our product is, let us take one step back and take a
look at the objectives we want achieved.

3.1 Objectives

To increase awareness about stress and anxiety related disorders

To reduce the effects of stress and anxiety disorders
To provide comprehensive solutions for the same to those in need
To be a constant companion to those who need help- track their progress
and increase their quality of life in the long term

3.2 The Product


Core product: Reduction of stress, anxiety & depression along with any
related disorders and their symptoms
Actual Product: The actual product will be an online interface that will
typically start with a fun questionnaire. This questionnaire developed by
psychologists (tools are already available to determine stress levels
through questions) will essentially be long or short depending upon the
response. Once the algorithm has determined the stress level, a profile is
created with some basic details and the payment is completed at this
Depending upon the stress level, the software sends the solution through
whatsapp messages. The message would essentially contain a regime, for
Drink at least 10 glasses of water every morning
Perform these Yoga asanas every morning at 5 AM (Videos
attached in message)
So for a range of stress levels, some pre decided basic solution sets are to
be kept ready
Once the regime is completed, another questionnaire is administered to
determine progress. Post this, the software may send another regime basis
the improved/worsened stress levels. It may also suggest the user to
contact a psychologist (Address attached) with immediate effect. The
regime (or solution) depends solely on the stress level and will vary from
one user to the other
Hence the product is simple yet effective. If a particular type of stress
(identified through questions) can be solved through music (for example),
the portal will simply send the users, these music files for a fee.


Augmented Product:
a) Online helpline: The portal shall offer a 24 hour chat and phone
window provided free of cost to potential and current customers.
They can avail of basic services anf shall be guided on the usage of
the product
b) Online Communities/Forums: The portal shall club users of the
same stress levels into communities and offer privacy options to
protect user data. The user can leverage these communities to

discuss his/her problems/solutions (privately if so chosen) and make

better informed decisions
c) Facilitate solutions: The portal shall also display options for
easier performance of the regimes (solutions). For example, if the
user is to jog 5 kms a day, the portal shall also indicate nearby
grounds/parks for jogging using geo tags.
This also opens up potential partners who can generate revenue
through listing fees at a later point of time.

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