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Session: III

Dated: 04-11-2016


Reviewer: Manrit Sidhu

Resource Person: Dr. Renu
Interview Method of Data Collection in Research

In the third session on the 3rd day of 31st Orientation Course, we had the pleasure of
having Dr. Renu, Department of public Administration, Punjabi University, Patiala as our
resource person. She introduced us to the fact that Social Science encompasses various
streams such as Sociology, Public Administration, History, Literature, Psychology etc. The
common factor among all these is their subject that is human being.
Unlike the scientific subject matter, human beings cannot be classified under only certain
specific categories because every human being is a mixtureof almost all human
characteristics in varying proportions. As such the categories tend to merge blurring the clear
cut borders.In order to get information from human beings, interview is one of the best
methods. Dr. Renutold us that it focuses on verbal communication as well as aids in
understanding through observing body language of the respondent in order to take the
results as close to truth as possible.
Interview is :

A holistic method.
A face to face interpersonal interaction aimed at obtaining answers intended for a

fixed purpose.
To enter imaginatively into the life of a comparative stranger.
To grasp what is said and how it is said.

The objectives of interview are:


Information about unknown facts.

Formulate hypothesis.
Information about qualitative facts.
Observe attitudes, prejudices, likes and dislikes.
Major types of interview are:


Structured interview.
Semi-structured interview
Unstructured interview.
One time interview.
Repetitive interview.
One-to-one interview
Small (focus) group interview.

8. Depth interview
Emerging approaches in the field are:
1. Telephonic Interview.
2. Computer mediated communication (CMC).
Preparation for conducting an interview:

Understanding the problem.

Making an interview guide.
Selection of cases.
Use of panel if needed.
Framing of questions.
Information about interviewee.
Prior appointment.
Choice of a setting with least distraction.
Appropriate dress and language.
Deciding a method for recording data.

The traits of a good interviewer are confidence, straight-forwardness and listening skills.
These may be inherent or may need to be acquired with training. After making the above
listedpreparations, the actual Interview technique needs to be practiced. It consists of the
following important points:
1. Establishing contact (prior time of interview).
2. Explaining the purpose of interview.
3. Explaining terms of confidentiality.
4. Starting the interview with general talk.
5. Securing rapport
6. Follow the sequence of questions.
7. Recall.
8. Encouragement.
9. Guiding the interview.
10. Recording.
11. Concluding the interview.
The conclusion should include thanking the respondent for his time. More importantly, it
should be re-enforced that his information will be kept confidential.The interviewer may
then check the information, verify the tape-recorder, take notes and write down
observations especially of non-verbal communication made during interview.
Upon evaluation, the interview method has been found to suffer from possible subjectivity
leading to biased results. This can be avoided by keeping distance from the respondent.

Though 100% objectivity cannot be achieved yet this method is one of the best methods of
primary data collection.

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