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Algorithms have a huge role if not the primary role in our financial markets nowadays.

In my
research I will assess the relationship that automated trading is playing in our financial markets.
Financial markets are the core of the economic systems and they are linked to all economic
factors. This study will show if automated trading does really make the market efficient and how
it helps in daily market decisions. The research will assess this relationship on a quantitative
method approach and I will be addressing the issue starting from the financial markets how it is
dissected reaching my questions and finding answers to them. In my research, I found significant
information about the role of automated trading and was able to find a connection that simplifies
with the financial markets. One of the most important findings was the lack of relationship
between algorithm using and the volatility of the market. The data can be rendered significant
because it measures several years of findings and is consistent with previous findings in the field.


Task needed complement


Choose research topic


Gather all relevant information and needed articles


Formulate introduction and methodology


Literature review


Hypotheses and the tests


Abstract. Keywords and conclusion


Final revision and powerpoint formulation

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