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This chart is of considerable importance since this is where the analysis of a horoscope starts. All other
divisional charts have to show effects subject to the overall promise of the birth chart. In short all
divisional charts are supplementary to the birth chart. Even analysis of the birth chart is enough for giving
predictions. However, it is always advisable to consult other divisional charts to verify the replication of a
Generally seen for ascertaining the quantum of wealth and the way the person is going to make his
earning. Male planets in the Sun's Hora are seen as beneficial while female planets are effective in the
Moon's Hora. If maximum planets are in the Sun's Hora it is said that the native earns money as a result of
hard work but the quantum of wealth may be very good. If Moons Hora predominates, the earning will be
relatively easy. However, this is subject to the Dhan yoga formed in the horoscope.
Generally seen for knowing the happiness and promise from siblings of the native. However, it becomes
very important for longevity analysis. As it is normally said that the lord of the 22nd Dreshkona is not
good for the general health and longevity of the native. Apart from this, the planets falling in Sarpa
Dreshkona and Phasha Dreshkona is not considered good for the native.
Generally seen for ascertaining the overall happiness of the native, mainly with regard to the possibility of
having immovable assets, particularly property. This chart can also be seen for the possibility of foreign
immigration or change of residence. Marriage of a girl child (as it normally makes the girl change her
house) can also be read from this horoscope.
This is to be seen for confirming conception of children and the pleasures derived from having children.
The Karaka and the avashtha of the fifth lord of the birth chart and the placement and influences on the
fifth house and the fifth lord of the said divisional chart have to be observed.
This is the most important horoscope. This is used to see the actual strength of a planet. An exalted
planet in the birth chart (if it debilitates in the Navamsha) may not give very good results or its effects can
get diluted. However, a planet getting empowered in Navamsha by getting vargottama or by getting
exalted will give good results. Apart from this, Navamsha is a horoscope that is used to find out about the
spouse of the native. Some secrets of predictive astrology are hidden in the use of this divisional chart.
Normally, no prediction should be made without confirming it from the Navamsha. The lord of 64th
Navamsha from the Moon becomes highly important for the calculation of Longevity and the Maraka dasa.
This chart is seen generally to get a clear picture of the profession of the native. The placement and
avashtha of the tenth lord of the birth chart is important here. Apart from that the rashi rising in the 10th
house of this divisional chart and the influence on the 10th house has also to be considered, to judge the
profession and any professional growth or fall of the native. Like any other divisional chart this one has to
be collaborated with the basic chart.
This chart is generally seen for understanding the benefits arising out of parents. Respective longevity of
both the parents can be understood from this chart. This chart is also said to reveal the Purva Janma
Punya of the native. Here, (as in all divisional charts) the Avashtha of the natural Karaka has to be seen.
Here, the Sun represents the father and the Moon represents the mother. Here, the influence on the ninth
and the tenth house has to be understood. The Lord of the 88th Dwadashamsha is important in longevity
analysis. This chart also is said to reveal whether a person inherits a disease from his parents.
This is to see the promise of conveyances for the native and also accidents through conveyances. For this
the Karaka for conveyance, Venus, has to be seen. Affliction to the 4th Lord and the 4th house has to be
seen along with the affliction of Venus. This can lead to violent accidents if otherwise also promised in the
Birth Chart.

This chart is seen for understanding the spiritual progress of the native. This chart is also said to give a
clue with regard to the upasana of the native and the preferred deity of the native. The planet placed in
the 5th and the 9th houses are important here. The overall exaltation or debilitation of planets holds a
clue to understanding the overall growth of the native spiritually.
This chart is said to give a finer picture with regard to the education of the individual. The house to be
considered is the 5th house. Further, influences on the fifth house have to be seen along with the
avashtha of the 5th Lord of the birth chart. The connection of 5th lord with the 6th, 8th and the 12th lord
is supposed to bring disturbances and educational change for the native. If however, such planets are
under benefic influence the change in education will be for the betterment of the native. Example of this
can be that a person does Engineering and then does Management. This constitutes a change technically
in astrological term but benefic association makes the change good for the general prosperity of the
This chart is seen to understand the general strengths and weaknesses of the native. It can sometimes be
used to find the stamina, endurance and physical strength of an individual.
This chart is generally seen to ascertain the miseries, difficulties and diseases for a particular native. This
chart in women horoscopy is also said to show the character of the native. It is said that in case of women
if Trimshamsha of Mars is rising she is of questionable character. However, this chart can also be read to
verify the character in case of a male native.
This is generally seen for studying the auspicious and inauspicious effects of horoscope on the native. But,
it has to be noted that in prediction this chart cannot be used much as even few seconds of time
difference can change the lagna. This should be used only on thoroughly rectified horoscopes.
This is seen for ascertaining the character of the native and for general auspicious and inauspicious effect.
Here, as in above case this chart becomes too time-sensitive, making it difficult to take it into account
while giving prediction.
Maharishi Parashara has given lots of importance to this chart. This should be seen for every prediction.
This chart makes the reading interesting and makes the analysis accurate. However, again the limitation
of this is that it can be used on an astrologically rectified chart.
Sahama Meaning Formula
1 Punya Fortune/good deeds Moon Sun + Lagna
Vidya Education Sun Moon + Lagna
3 Yasas Fame Jupiter PunyaSaham + Lagna
4 Mitra Friend Jupiter PunyaSaham + Venus
5 Mahatmya Greatness PunyaSaham Mars + Lagna
6 Asha Desires Saturn Mars + Lagna
7 Samartha Enterprise/ability Mars Lagna Lord + Lagna(Jupiter Mars + Lagna, if Mars owns lagna)
8 Bhratri Brothers Jupiter Saturn + Lagna (same for day &night)
9 Gaurava Respect/regard Jupiter Moon + Sun
10 Pitri Father Saturn Sun + Lagna
11 Rajya Kingdom Saturn Sun + Lagna
12 Matri Mother Moon Venus + Lagna
13 Putra Children Jupiter Moon + Lagna
14 Jeeva Life Saturn Jupiter + Lagna

15 Karma Action (work) Mars Mercury + Lagna

16 Roga Disease Lagna Moon + Lagna (same for day &night)
17 Kali Great misfortune Jupiter Mars + Lagna
18 Sastra Sciences Jupiter Saturn + Mercury
19 Bandhu Relatives Mercury Moon + Lagna
20 Mrityu Death 8th house Moon + Lagna (same for day &night)
21 Paradesa Foreign countries 9th house 9th lord + Lagna (same for day& night)
22 Artha Money 2nd house 2nd lord + Lagna (same for day& night)
23 Paradara Adultery Venus Sun + Lagna
24 Vanik Commerce Moon Mercury + Lagna
25 Karyasiddhi Success in endeavours Saturn Sun + Lord of sunsign(Night: Saturn Moon + Lord of
26 Vivaha Marriage Venus Saturn + Lagna
27 Santapa Sadness Saturn Moon + 6th house
28 Sraddha Devotion/sincerity Venus Mars + Lagna
29 Preeti Love/attachment SastraSaham PunyaSaham + Lagna
30 Jadya Chronic disease Mars Saturn + Mercury
31 Vyapara Business Mars Saturn + Lagna (same for day &night)
32 Satru Enemy Mars Saturn + Lagna
33 Jalapatana Crossing an ocean Cancer 15 Saturn + Lagna
34 Bandhana Imprisonment PunyaSaham Saturn + Lagna
35 Apamrityu Bad death 8th house Mars + Lagna
36 Labha Material gains 11th house 11th lord + Lagna (same forday & night)
For example, suppose we want to time the good and bad periods of a natives father. Father should be seen
from Sun and the 9th house. We can take Suns BAV and find the number of rekhas in the 9th house from Sun.
Suppose Sun is in Aq. Suppose Suns BAV contains 5 rekhas in Li (the 9th from Aq). Suppose Suns sodhya
pinda is 86. Multiplying 86 with 5, we get 430. If we divide 430 by 27, the quotient is 15 and the remainder is
25. The 25th constellation is Poorvabhadrapada. So Saturns transit in Poorvabhadrapada is bad for father and
Jupiters transit in the same nakshatra is good. Now let us find the rasi. By dividing 430 by 12, we get a
quotient of 35 and a remainder of 10. So Saturns transit in Cp (the 10th rasi of the zodiac) is bad for father and
Jupiters transit in Cp is good.

MESHA: Govt. job, Police, Military Service, Fire Service, Sports, Engineering industry, Iron factory,
boiler plant, brick chamber, pottery work, mining, surgeon, arm manufacturing, cooking,
agriculture, trade union leader
VRISHABA: Jewelry business, cattle shed, money lending, commission agent, financial
institutions, handicrafts, fancy articles, scented materials, five star hotels, flower merchants, fruit
juice shop, drama, cinema, music, poet, story writer, singer, treasury.
MITHUNA: Information and broad casting, space dept., education dept. P & T, Telephone, book
publishing , mathematics dept, accountants, auditors, law and order councilor, ambassador,
KATAKA: Export and Import, shipping, transport dept., agriculture, grocery shop, medical shop,
milk booth, vegetable shop, pearl merchant, hotel business, distillery, mineral water selling,
SIMHA: Govt.Job, Politics, Administrator, Social Services, Charitable institutions, Engineering
KANYA: Auditing, Accounting, Business, Teacher, writer, retail shops

TULA: Jewelry shop, fancy shop, handicrafts, perfume shop, cloth merchant, money lending,
commission agents, bank, Life insurance , law dept., hotel business, bar and Restaurant, Dancing
Hall, Beauty parlor, Music, Dance , Cinema
VRISCHIKA: Iron Industries, Engineering Industry, Mining, Agriculture, Electricity Dept, Metal
industry, Instrument Manufacturing, precision development organization, raw materials, priest,
astrology, mantra and tantra, occult practices
DHANUS: Forest dept, saw mills, wood merchant, bank, law dept, temple, financial institutions,
education dept, ordnance depot, military training dept, social service, charitable institutions.
MAKARA: Hotels, food products, manure and pesticide selling, oil merchant, mining, dealing with
spare parts and old articles, hardware shop, leather business, building work, Granite stone and
sand business, porters, coolies, drivers, shoe polishing, shoe makers.
KUMBHA: Psychology, Astrology, Philosophy, Religion, Teaching, Research and Development,
Consultancy, Administration, Oil and Natural Gas Companies, Air Service, Space Dept., Defence
service, Fire Service, Jail Dept., Bomb manufacturing, tourist guide, central excise dept, butcher
shop, CBI Dept.
MEENA: Education Dept, Religious Institutions, Medicine, Financial institution, Law Dept, External
Affairs, Bank, Navy, shipping, temple worker, priest
Disease scanning by birth chart
In the birth chart 6th house is the house of diseases,in birth chart if under written Rashi
presented and or the lord sixth rashi making relations with the lord of birth sign it means disease
perfectly making sense.
Simha Eye disease, Headache, Fever, loss of appetite, diarrhea, heart disease, Bile, Thirst, Sun
stroke.(Lord is Sun)
Karka: Veneral disease, Skin disease, Cold cough, Phlegm, smallpox or Measles, Laziness, Spleen
and liver disorders, Mental disorder, Epilepsy, Typhoid, Synus, Eye diseases, dropsy, impurities of
blood, swellings, stomach ache, lunacy, influenza (Lord is Moon)
Mesh and Vrischik Accidents, cuts, wounds, loss of semen, dog bite, blood defect, loss of blood,
piles, blood pressure, heart disease, constipation, anemia, bile, thirst (Lord is Mars)
Mithun and Kannya Stomach disorder, Leprosy, Childlessness, intestinal complaints, skin
diseases, mental disorder, eczema, itches, scabies, sore throat, tonsils, dumb, bald, ring worm ,
leucodrama (Lord is Mercury)
Dhanu and Meen Hernia, Bronchitis, liver complaints, jaundice (Lord is Jupiter)
Tula and Vrash Veneral diseases, uterine disorders, eye diseases, phlegm and wind , diabetes,
anemia, skin disease , diseases of ovaries, Abortion (Lord is Venus)
Kumbh and Makar Lethargy, gas troubles, rheumatism, arthritis, defective speech, tooth
ailments, indigestion, ulcer, asthma (Lord is Saturn)
Rashi Sandhi Evening Cataract, Tooth ailments, pox, leprosy, suicide, body pains, stammering,
ailments of lever and spleen, rheumatism, sudden death, murder, accidents, sexual perversity,
homosexuality, lesbianism, cohabitation with animals, snake bite, insanity.(Lord is Rahu)
Rashi Sandhi Morning Cuts, wounds, leprosy, itches and sores, suicide, stomach ache, small pox,
piles, cancer, sudden death, murder, hunger, skin eruptions, snakebite, viral fever, tumour.(Lord
is Ketu)
Other types of searching diseases
If by the Year predictions 3rd House has low strength,or empty,it means diseases attack from 8th
house's bad effect.
If 8th house has low strength of empty,if means diseases attack from 5th house.

If 5th house empty or low strength it means disease attack from 11th house.
If 11th house empty or low strength it means attack from 3rd house.
If all empty it means 4th house make sense of diseases.
Disease always enter in life from 8th house.
House number 2nd and 4th are the ways of diseases.
House number 10th increase values of that disease.
House number 5th start expanses in diseases.
House number 3rd put order of death.

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