Death DWinter

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Newton Lyferston(commented on Dan Winter's) THE GEOMETRY OF SUCCESSFUL DEATH: link www.goldenmean.

"The amount of coherence in your aura's charge field or plasma- is called your KA. The portion of
that coherence which IS projectable and makes it to faster than light speed- is called the BA- like a
seed pushed out of a husk or shell.
The process of pushing the aura central charge seed (KA BA)- during death or coherent lucid dream
involves a highly specific and known sequence of geometric phase transformations- documented as
the 'Kluver Form Constants' (images below).
What is profoundly instructive is that these transformations specifically known to be the geometric
sequences generally seen at death- are precisely the recursive braid mechanics also present in
DNA- AND follow the physics of phase conjugation. In other words- the so called pure intention /
phase coherence of entering the world of the collective unconscious - or communion of saints
requires specifically charge distribution optimized geometry - the so called ' phase conjugate
This then suggests a very specific electrical environment for successful death/birth -the prefect
squeeze - enabling plasma distribution- the bed- the place- the magnetic map. As the Hopi and the
Cherokee knew- the graveyard must be a plasma map- library card to survival critical ancestral
memory as sustainable field effect. Korotkov pioneered how to measure the fractal charge distributed
AIR- where phone calls to ancestors are enabled. Hints from the 'altar' or shem at Machu Pichu.
(Generally opposite of the obscene electrosmog of a modern hospital).
This further explains as Ray Moody has so nicely documented from professional medical reportsthat the Near Death Experience (like the Kundalini) is an elecrically contagious plasma or charge
field-with critical mass- and a propagation geometry. This Bio-PLASMA PROJECTION process
explains in part the precise alignment of the tubes pointing from the Great Pyramid to Sirius - and the
'fractal' star mapping of dolmen structures.
In fact the ancient SHEM unto the Lord- Biblically mistranslated as ALTAR in church- is a phase
conjugate dielectric bioactive field plasma projector stone or crystal- not only door to electrically
successful death/birth. It is no coincidence that the so called Sacred Ark - could non-destructively
contain radioactive material- which we now know is an electrical quality of perfected conjugate
compression EXACTLY like the same measureable quality of focused human attention. ALL of which
is part of understanding the fractal / conjugate / implosive and negentropic ORIGIN in general of all
centripetal forces... (the gravity, life force, perception).. which include the wave mechanics of
successful death." -Dan Winter...Brilliant ofcourse

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