Observation Task 1234

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Observation Task 1: Differentiating Centers

Focus: Differentiating centers based activities in the early childhood classroom

Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify how classroom centers can be differentiated to
meet all student levels (Mastery, Developing and Emerging)
Procedure: Photograph and document the centers based activities implemented in the setting during
the course of the day and identify the learning outcomes the activities met

Table 1: Differentiating Centers (Example)

Observed learning Centers
(include photo):



(list only what you
consider to be the
primary goals)



Differentiated Ability Levels:


This class names

a (Free Flow)
and during this
class the children
are learn the
number in
different ways
by use Frobel
gift, and other


color of rubber
that has a
human shape

- Sand
- A3 paper that
has a different


-Froebel gift

- Recognize

The MST shows the children

addition equation and the
children write the answer in the

- Identify how Developing

write the
numbers on the The children take the rubber that
has a human shape and put it in
one line then count all of them.
- Recognize
ways counting.


The children take the cubs cube

and put it on the numbers, refer
the number that on paper.

Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Identifying types of learning support needed for SEN students

Objective: To encourage student teachers to support and included the learning needs of identified SEN
students in the classroom

Procedure: Identify two children who have SEN and complete table 2 to highlight their needs and
identify support that is offered which facilitates their learning. If your class has no SEN students you
will need to go to a class that has SEN students in order to complete this task.

Table2: SEN Support for Students




4 years


Area of Focus

Autism: target try to let

them solve an addition
equation, and sit on the
carpet for 5 minutes.

Type, range and frequency of support

provided / needed.
Daily Teacher Support with advice from
Learning Enhancement Teacher:

Using a sticker to encourage the

Use the words of praise.
Let him be a leader.

Reflections on Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational

Needs (SEN)
Read the questions below and write your answers
1. What is the school policy for inclusion for SEN students in the school?
Avalon school policy, is gives each student private time for listening, speaking, reading and
writing to enhance diction, pronunciation, and clarity of speech and comprehension. A varied cocurricular platter: This includes Sports, Performing arts, Visual arts and Short modules for life
skills enhancement.

2. What accommodations were made for the identified SEN students in the
They dont use accommodations, but I thing in my opinion If the student have a math class the
teacher should give the SEN student simple number while give the regular student more numbers
than a SEN student.

3. Was there any assistive technology, other equipment or materials used with the
identified SEN students? If yes, please describe the equipment that was used and
what it was used for.
No, they dont have because its still a now school.

4. What teaching strategies did your MST use with the identified SEN students?
Firstly, she observes their behavior and sees if he repeats the bad behavior many times, then she write
what he did on paper. If he repeats daily that they identify he has a problem, then she talks to the
principle to bring a therapist to Child Case Study.

5. Where there any other school staff that worked with the identified SEN students?
If yes, please explain their role and what they did with the identified SEN student.
To be honest they not have staff for SEN.

6. Do you think that SEN students should be included in the classroom or taught in
class specifically for SEN students? Why / Why not?
I think the SEN student should be included in the classroom with the regular student because
this with help them to feel more acceptor of the community. Also, the regular student will.

Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing Arts: Music

and Movement
Focus: Understand the importance of using performing arts in the classroom to link with academic
Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify different ways that performing arts can be used in
academic subjects
Procedure: Identify two music and movement activities students performed in the classroom and
complete the table

Table 3: Music and Movement (Example)

Observed learning Centers
(include photo):


(Music & Movement)

Learning Outcome:

learning Centers

In the beginning of the

lesson, teacher
illustrate them a song
and ask them to stand
up. After that, she told
them to listen at 2
times then she let them
to sing it. Furthermore
she gave them a
musical instrument,
for instance,
timberline, Marrakesh
and bass drum and
told them to sing the
song and beat, shaker
the musical
instrument. After that,
she let them to create
their own beat.

Appreciation: the children appreciating the sound of

the song (high or low).
Pitch: the children singing at the same pitch

Rhythm: the children follow the song with creating a

unique rhythm by using tambourine, Marrakech, and
Notation: the children not write any notes make their
own music

sound of
the types of

Create a

a different

Conservation: the children listening to the music in

many times, then when they sing they remember the
melody of a song.
The children round around themselves in same times
with the music. Also, they acting like a star in the
sky and move fast and jump and skip, then they do a
slow motion.
Relationship: the children start moving with their

Reflections on Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing

Arts: Music and Movement
Read the questions below and choose one to answer
1. The creative arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution

and that questions can have more than one answer. One of the large lessons kids
can learn from practicing creative arts is that there are many ways to see and
interpret the world. In your opinion, why is this important and what impact does
this have on education?
Help the child For example, when the children feel angry, they will be drawing strongly and fast.
While, if they feel happy they will be drawing slowly.

2. Creative thinking and reasoning have been identified and highlighted as an

essential twenty-first-century skill by many business, education, community and
government leaders. In your opinion, do you think that this is an important skill
for children to learn? Why or why not.
Creative thinking helps to develop the child's self-confidence and helps him to experience new
ideas and methods, without fear of thinking is wrong or make mistakes.

3. Some people view creative arts education as a luxury and do not help with the
building blocks of child development. In your opinion, what are the benefits for
children who are engaged in creative arts in school?
The benefits for children, who are engaged in creative arts in school, make the child able to think
outside the specific frameworks that restrict thinking. Child urged the innovation and creativity and
raises the self-confidence.

Observation Task 4
Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain practical aspects of their

Reflect on how routines can impact classroom environment (pacing, preventive CRM,
student engagement)
Choose and justify the selection of appropriate routines (entering/leaving the class,
transitions, submitting work, resource distribution) in a range of contexts (ages, gender,
class size, school context, class dynamics, parental support)
Explain practical aspects of implementation (clear instructions consistency)

The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures
You are to complete BOTH Activity 1 AND Activity 2.

Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures

Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as returning from assembly or
walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his classroom. Make a note
of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below
to describe EACH routine; when and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the student
behavior that it hopes to achieve.

cription of

Give the instructions that

the routine uses

When and
where the
routine is

Aim of the routine

(what student
behavior it hopes to

(e.g. at the end of

the school day
etc.; or to guide
after group work)

Enter to the When the student enters to the

class the teacher say good
morning, then she tell them to
put their bag in the locker by
say put your big in the
locker. Also, the locker has a
name of each child to help
them know their locker.

In the begging
of the day,
when the child
come from bus.

The teacher say (make a line

its time to wash hand). And
when they walk she say
hands on shoulder

After the
second class in
the snack break.
In the corridor

(If possible, take a photo of
the routine as it is

(e.g. mentoring; classroom signs;

reminders by the teacher; use of peer
interaction by the teacher to promote
such behavior etc.)

happening, or of any display

related to the routine)

Teach the student to The teacher mentoring the children

to put their bags in a locker.
be organizing.

Take the
children to

How did/do the students learn

about this routine?
How is the routine reinforced?

Teach them
hygiene, and

The teacher stands in front of the

door and tell the student to make


The teacher ring the bell, and

say its assemble time let's


Teacher say its time

to go to the playground

At the
beginning of the
school day. In
the assemble

Teach the children

to be organizing
and respect the

The teacher mentoring the children

to go to assemble.

Teach the children

to be management
their time.

Teacher mentoring the children to

go to the playground and hold their


After the snack

time, in the

Teacher say Time to leave"

In the end of the Teach the student to
day school, in
finish what they
Interaction by the teacher to
the class.
have and listen to
promote such behavior.
teacher. Also, teach
them to respect the

Class room

In the begging of the lesson,


the teacher say are you

listing, are you watching
then the children say yes we

At the begging
of the lesson, in
the class.

These teach the

student to manage
their behavior and
respect the teacher.

The teacher reminds them and let

them to repeat.

After the Task - Reflection

Reflect on the routine of the classroom and how it is was effective with the students? Explain how this routine will affect student learning in
a KG class.
- The children respond to instructions for the teacher, and the routine helps the student to know the system of the school and rules. Also,
teach the student to respect time. Also help the teacher to manage the classroom.

Activity Two: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures

Plan the routines for one of your classes. The activity expects that you will teach the class. It may
be a class that you teach for an observation by your MST/MCT or just a practice class that you
teach with the permission of your MST. The lesson can be incorporated as one of your formal
observations if your MST/MCT decides. In order to complete the activity you are required
(whether the lesson is one of your formal observations or not) to fill in and submit the planning
sheet below.
Before you begin to complete the table talk a little bit about the class/lesson in which this plan
for routines is to be used. Include:

Lesson objectives
Main activities in the lesson
Grouping of students during each main activity
Behavior expected during each activity (e.g. sharing resources; changing stations;
Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from plenary to
group work between main activity one and main activity two)

KG1B, 2016.



When/ how this

routine worked in
the class?

Learning Objective
of the
(what it hopes to

In the beginning of
the lesson I
demonstrate for the
children poster
rules and tell them
to classroom rules,
then ask them what
other rules.

I say all we are

friend and we play
together in the class
and share the
material, and
respect each other,
and we say please if
we want

This routine start

after in the
beginning of the
lesson and very
successful and the
children learn how
to be manage their

Anecdotal Evidence
(e.g. pictures of
your class during
the routine; posters
of rules etc.)
Place in todays
class (when will
you perform the
Importance to the
smooth functioning
of todays class
How well did this
routine work in
todays class
If you had to teach
this class over, how
would you adjust
this routine and

In the begging of
the class.

Organize the class.

By bring poster and

show the children
in every morning.
By using in every
morning; to let the
student remember
the rules easily.

Importance to the smooth

function of todays class

Teach the student to be

Teach the student the
Teach the children
Teach the children to be
friendly with their peers.

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