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review novel infinitely yours

Book Title: Infinitely Yours Author: Orizuka Publisher: Gagas Media Year of Publication: 2012 Number of Pages: 294 pages Orange is a girl who love to death against the
Republic of Korea, especially its men. He never once been to South Korea, and even he memorized and can converse in Korean. In his second visit to negari ginseng
this time, Orange has its own purpose to meet her dream prince. And the goal is colliding with the aim Rayan, a young architect who is believed to face Orange is quite
similar to one of the Korean artists. Rayan still do not believe it, what he did wrong so that events have always been easy to deal with orange, very mengangggu girl and
always wanted to know that. Rayan to Korea instead for a vacation, he knew it. He also did not bother to comply with the travel agent schedule follow him, because he
has only one goal: to meet with someone in her past, and asked for an explanation of what happened between them. Rayan wants to reach the goal as soon as
possible, and alone. Until one day Rayan feel different to the orange and orange felt the same but unfortunately the 'Prince of the White Horse' which Yun Jae Korean
citizen man declared love for orange and orange too confused to choose between the Rayan and Yun Jae. Novel drama adventure will take us around the beautiful
country South Korea with Orange and Rayan adventure, we will be invited down her beautiful Cheonggyecheon river, charming his N-Seoul Tower with thousands of
padlocks his love, or snow that lay on Mount Seorak. Not to forget some conversation in Korean also allows us to learn a little Korean. Love story about two people with
different characters are always interesting to observe

review about the winter tokyo novel

Book title: Winter in Tokyo Type: Romance Author: Ilana Tan Publisher: Scholastic Length: 320 pages Edition: September 2008 It all started when Keiko Ishida who lived
in a small two-story apartment on the outskirts of Tokyo sudden arrival of a new neighbor. Kazuto Nishimura, the name of the new neighbor. He returned to Tokyo after
10 years living in the United States and never returned to Japan. Return one reason, to forget Yuri. Friends, neighbors, and the woman he loves and will marry his best
friend. Slowly, Keiko getting familiar with Kazuto. Although the first impression after seeing Kazuto Nishimura Keiko is a man who is quite messy, but kindness Kazuto
able to touch the hearts of Keiko in the short term, because it turned out to be a man Kazuto considerate, kind, fun and reliable. Their apartment opposite, further
strengthen their relationship. Both were unconscious when love slowly infiltrates in the liver. On the other hand, Keiko who since childhood still haunted by his first love,
a young man who helped him find a blue hat necklace on a snowy day, it seems less able to open your heart to another man Kazuto even close to him. Keiko would still
haunt her first love, Akira Kitano, trying to deny his feelings. As if forgetting Kazuto, Keiko himself swept up in her mind. Kazuto on the other, more expressive, given his
job as a street photographer, he is quick to realize her feelings for Keiko. The focus of the camera is always aiming Keiko figure. Keiko chase figure, and frustrated
because Keiko was never able to see it. All went so wrong. Until one day an unexpected encounter with his first love came suddenly. Apparently his first love Keiko as a
child was a friend of Kazuto since childhood named Kitano Akira. Keiko is still rosy due to meet his first love had to face another harsh reality when, something precious
that has been long in the side seemed to disappear without a trace, because of an unexpected accident occurs that causes memory loss Kazuto Nishimura. Then,
Kazuto memory loss due to an accident.Left a big hole in his chest. He can still remember until the day before his return to Tokyo when he was still in America.
Unfortunately he forgot the best part of a month-long memories in Tokyo. Including one who has become a part of life, or current events Christmas Eve, ucapanna at the
station, its promise valentine day. While he could not remember anything, Yuri part of the past that too come. Make him more distant from the people who should have
loved her. But fate still playing here. Unobstructed, the heart never lies. He was, he lost his memory, which should not remember anything always pounding every time I
see him. Those who can not remember him. That's when Keiko realized how she felt about Kazuto. She felt so lost. And very hurt when Yuri came to Japan. But feelings
can not lie. Despite forget the memories with Keiko, Kazuto keep falling into the same trap of love. She once again falls in love with Keiko. However, Kazuto can do little
when the relationship with Keiko Kitano Akira getting intimate. It all felt so wrong. Until finally Keiko Ishida truly realized her love for Kazuto Nishimura, and the same
goes with Kazuto Nishimura who has recovered his memory still love Keiko Ishida before, during and after amnesia. And finally they were together. In this third novel,
Ilana Tan getting good at shaping the character of the main characters. So that this novel can leave a good impression in the hearts of readers, especially the young.
Since most of the characters of this novel adapted to the character of today's youth. The teens who read this novel surely as if he had come to feel what is felt by the
main character in the novel, especially the teens who like romance novels.

review - novel spring in london

Title: Spring In London Author: Ilana Tan Publisher: PT Scholastic Press Year of issue: February 2010 Number of pages: 240 pages Types of books: Fiction Romance
Spring In London, a story about a Japanese model Naomi Ishida who settled in London for a career model. The days of Naomi in London is filled with a variety of
activities so crazy, all the job come to him to receive, just to make himself not recall what he wanted to forget. Until one day Naomi received a job offer from a director's
Video Clips from Korea to star in the Video Clip for the famous Korean singer Jung Tae Woo, this time in perkejaannya Naomi will be paired with a Korean celebrity
model Danny Jo, to star in a video clip. Naomi had never thought before, that he would meet someone who deals with all the things he wanted to forget, all the things
that make it run away as far and as long as this. Danny Jo never predictable Naomi appeared to back the terrible memory reminded him during the time he left. All of the
facts that makes Naomi always avoid Danny during their collaboration, he refused almost all her goodness Danny, though Danny Naomi knows fully sincere to do it, but
there was something about him that says he can not receive all the attention and kindness to him Danny. On the other hand Danny Jo felt strangely in this work partner,
Naomi has always been cool to him every time they met, when he was sure he had never met with Naomi before, so he felt there could be no mistake in the past that
made her hate him. All he asked was to make Danny was so interested in finding out what is causing Naomi to be like him. Curiosity Danny slowly turned into interest,
without realizing it, he began to like all the things that held Naomi, she began to feel always wanted to protect her every time she showed expression of fear without
reason that so many Naomi demonstrated while in a foreign environment, even when was with him. Until the incident reveals all the stories in the past, stories of the past
that explains Naomi coldness and fear him. All things inthe past may hinder the feeling began to grow in the hearts of both. Naomi was never able to accept the feeling
Danny, not because he does not want to, but because when he was with Danny the story he wanted to forget will remember, and re-abused. So even with Danny, after
knowing the past Naomi, she felt too guilty, feel so guilty, that he did not dare to charge Naomi with her feelings

review-habibie & ainun novel

Book Title: Habibie & Ainun Publisher: THC PT Mandiri Author: Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Category: Biography Thickness: xii + 323 Pages Habibie & Ainun is the latest
work from the former president of the Republic of Indonesia-3, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie. This book contains stories and deepest expression of love for the professor to
his late wife that Hj. Hasri Ainun Habibie bint R. Mohamad Bestari who died on May 23, 2010. In his introduction, Habibie admitted if writing this book to be therapeutic
for him to cure homesickness, feeling the sudden loss of someone who has been to accompany and be in his life for 48 years and 10 days, in both pain and happy to
share. Even though he was sincere but he can not fool himself that he still left devastated after his beloved wife. Even thought between him and Ainun are two bodies
but one soul. The book itself recently launched on the 30th of November 2010 in Jakarta. Telling the stories of love and attraction between Mr. Ibu Ainun Habibie.
Starting from the initial encounter them everything, everyday household in the ship sailed to the heartbreaking scene when the Divine order to separate the two. In
addition, the reader will also find a few strands of prayer and love poems ever written both. Habibie's not an exaggeration to say when he wrote this book every page
filled with tears. According presence Ainun had accompanied him so far, has been the fire that always burns energy spirit and soul in life. Simultaneously like water is
always flush and relieve turmoil to calm down his soul. Since the empress died at the hospital Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich, Germany, still feel if Ainun
Habibie remained by her side. Every time he came out of his office, he suddenly felt like they were on a time and space to another. A dimension where Ainun not split
into nature Barzah. His wife's face as embedded in every corner of his eye, is present wherever Habibie. Therefore, according to the presence of this book has covered
the emptiness of his soul from day to day, month to month following the time of the trip. This book consists of 37 chapters. Each chapter contains lessons about life from
the professor. The simple style of the story, making the reader want to continue to see each other what behavior patterns Ainun Habibie and behind the scenes the
national stage. So that the reader will find a different reading. Just like a novel, Habibie able to present a unique and captivating storyline that so closely in the eyes of
his readers. As people struggle Habibie when expressing his love for Ainun, the story behind the establishment of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals
(ICMI), behind the scenes, sightings and made aircraft first flew N250 Gatotkoco the nation, until the departure of the grief of his beloved wife and the loss of various
other stories if missed. Hopefully the presence of this book may be a reflection or a lesson and an inspiration to us all. And able to meet the thirst for Indonesian citizens
who want to know the historical facts of the life of the professor, to be able to be recorded in the history of this nation.

review- novel sunshine becomes you

Title: Sunshine Becomes You

Author: Ilana Tan
Publisher: PT Scholastic Press
Year of Publication: January 2012
Length: 432 pages

Ilana Tan is proud to present his work entitled Sunshine Becomes You. Ilana Tan invites readers to explore the
daily routine Mia Clark, the adoption of a girl who lives in New York. In our lives, often encountered millions
golden opportunity to expand and grow more powerful. In fact, many opportunities were wasted just because
of the little things that we never imagined. This was trying to tell Ilana Tan in his novel. A Mia Clark - sweetfaced girl, talented, and has a pretty good family background-it can not fulfill his dream. Being one of the best
graduate of Juilliard, the best art institutes in America, not allowed him to do whatever they please. He just
wanted to dance like a great contemporary dancer anesthetize the eye of thousands of spectators on the
stage. His desire was not much, just that simple. But fate would.
Clark was forced to meet the wishes of the amount of dance by teaching in Small Steps Big Steps Dance
Studio. A small studio where he could teach a few techniques of contemporary dance to young kids there. He
was pretty happy, until he reunited with first dance community after graduation degree from Juilliard. Dee
came back to life and offers many golden opportunities that could membumbungkan hopes into the clouds.
Dee accommodate a famous dance group named Dee Black Dance Company. Clark was joined in it and
become one of the dancers mainstay with Aaron. And suddenly Dee back in front of him and offered a
tempting opportunity. Last show for Clark.
Clark further confused by the presence of an infiltrate Alex Hirano unexpectedly in the piece his life story. Alex
Hirano, one of the reasons that made him alive. When his death is considered close, Alex came indirectly
saved. Clark did not lose his life, but he must be responsible for the carelessness that resulted in the wrist hurt
a famous pianist. Clark with a smile came to Alex to apologize and take responsibility. His request was turned
down. Clark was about to despair and give up, but unexpectedly it at the time Alex tried to open his heart. He
allowed Clark to take charge of his apartment over his hand still bandaged. Days passed, they do not realize
that they had known each other fall in love with each other.
Novel Ilana this one was really fresh. Good cover and preview interesting. I really hope more in this novel.
Many of the reviews I read from the blog / Goodreads says this remarkable novel. Honestly, I was a little
disappointed after reading it. This novel is not as sad as Autumn In Paris and not as rich as encountered
conflict in Winter in Tokyo. Ilana Tan still has the same charm in his novel that is, the background figures
unusual and unique character description. This novel also presents a variety of unique romantic life and often
we do not realize. As the opening sentence I wrote at the beginning of death. Clark is described as someone
who has a million golden opportunity in front of him but could not reach. Clark only knows why he rejected
these opportunities. Clark takes the reader aware of the state of her life meaning. Not a few things we hide as
long as we get along with others. As Clark, we sometimes wore a mask that may not be recognized by others.
Romanticism is also presented in a sweet romance novel. How to contain his jealousy when Alex Clark at the

party dancing with Aaron Dee, how Alex difficulty expressing great concern at the condition of the body or
attempt Clark Clark came to the apartment with a hobbled Alex to make him dinner despite his ailing
condition. I personally love that gives Clark the three blue blank paper to Alex for Alex christmas gift. In the
paper, Alex is allowed to write anything on Clark's request. I also like the way Alex calling Mia Clark in the
novel. Everyone called Mia, but Alex called him by his last name, Clark.

review- novel manusia setengah salmon

Title: Manusia setengah Salmon Author: Raditya Dika Publisher: Gagas Media Length: 264 pages Year of Publication: 2011 Born into the world on December 24, 2011,
Man Half Salmon are present while accompanying the turn of the year. The moment when people partied to celebrate the transition from the old year into the new year.
Man Half Salmon successfully take the point of 'displacement' is a very elegant and touching. As in previous books, Raditya Dika retaining material plus viscous humor
style that is typical in Salmon's book Half Human. Funny, eccentric, and certainly entertaining. Also a source of inspiration remains the same, the literary life of the
author's own. Therefore, this book belong to the category of personal literature or commonly called stingy. However, there is one thing that makes this book look different
from the previous books. Man Half Salmon is not just a mere comedy novel. Not just a collection of jokes that are not meaningful sentences. This book includes
elements of social life in her humor. Tells about a wide range of real sad thing there is a gap and the lessons we can take from these things. One of the parts that are
excellent when Raditya Dika was trying to tell about his anxiety as he had just been abandoned by her lover. Just like most people, the first thing you feel when a
breakup is sadness, unhappiness, and disappointment. But Man Half Salmon convinced that not all things have to end up with a painful sadness. As in the story entitled
Piece Chocolate Heart in the cardboard. Tells the story of two events are the same but different contexts, breakups and moving house. Contextually, there is no similarity
between the two. But this book clearly explains that the two events are the same. Yes, displacement. Dika Raditya likens breakup as well as moving house. A time when
a person should be able to clean up this mess and put it in a cardboard box tied untu later and never know when the box is opened. Just like a breakup is not it? So
smart, anxiety is directly routed through a dialogue between characters by slipping some mild jokes totally mellow fade effect of the story. Until the end, the story of
'displacement' concludes with a brief paragraph. One point which again makes this book is highly recommended to read the story of the placement order. The author
manages to make the reader feeling up and down. Not only sad, and not merely guffaw. There are times where a story is included in the category of heartwarming
stories placed adjacent to pure comedy. Can be called a game flavor.

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