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Film review

Depending on the genre of the film on what shot type it is.

Usually medium long shot of character unless CGI is happening
throughout the film then It will be a long shot.
Action shot.
Has to hint about the film but not give it away.
Entertain, flatters readers intelligence. Nothing to do with the
film. References other media texts. Comedy
Star rating bigger and at the beginning.
Yellow background to show and making it easier to identify
35-50 words Establish location and actor- using brackets after
character name in the brackets just their real last name. Little
info on the person. Tells you just the beginning.
Opening paragraph
References to other films. Knowledge of film history. Knowledge
of culture not just films. Full name of actors in brackets after
the character name.
The writer wants to connect with the reader does this by talking
directly. Variety between long and short sentences but mostly
short. Revealing aspects of the character but not the plot. Use
paragraphs. Makes audience feel smug when the know a film
reference. Different, metaphor, humorous. Assumes the reader
can use media terminology.
Quote from the film.
About how it is different
Rule of three
Fancy sentences
First half focuses on characters. Next is screen writer and
director. Talks about the technical- photographer- genrelocation
Paragraph on evolution of the actor

Last paragraph
Linking back to beginning and the first reference. Talking about
awards, good adjectives
15-20 words refers to genre of film.
Write about technical aspect focusing on character more than
plot. Layout is right. Sophisticated and technical language

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