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City College Brighton and Hove

Typography Principles Print

Purpose of this tutorial

Demonstrating type principles outlined in the typography lecture

Using type editing techniques in Photoshop

Creating experimental type in Photoshop

This tutorial will enable you begin to look in more detail at the principles of
typography covered in this weeks lecture by creating and experimenting
with type on Photoshop.
1. Using font, leading and tracking/kerning techniques learned in the lecture
you are to design at least 3 different options for type-based title for a brochure
layout which should be clean, sophisticated business site called:
Brighton Business Solutions
(Strapline) Creative business solutions for publishing
2. This time, using the same techniques design at least 3 different header
options for a youthful, creative, edgy t-shirt company called:
South Coast Tees
(Strapline) Creative beachware for the south coast
1. In InDesign create a new layout A4
2. Create a text box by choosing the type tool and drawing a rectangular
3. Type into this box.

You must create at least 3 options for each

The work MUST be type based and not include any imagery
You May warp and use type as a background texture
Dont forget YOU MUST think about composition as well!


Each week we will be collecting examples for our workbooks

This week collect examples of typography you see:
1) Around Brighton in the form of flyers, leaflets, posters.
2) Also from magazines and newspapers
3) From websites screenshot or print out.
Make sure you annotate your examples in your workbook saying why you like
the typography you have collected and stuck in.

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