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Unit Plan

Reflection on Teaching and Learning

1. If you were to teach this unit again what would you do differently?
If I were to teach this unit again, I would consider stretching the lessons to be
a little longer and let the students change which story they are writing if they
felt they needed to. For example, I believe the students would have
benefited from getting more practice in certain lessons such as setting. I
tried to have the students focus on one narrative at a time and they often
would get unmotivated and wanted to start over. If I provided them with a
deeper lesson and they free wrote as many stories as they wanted, I feel it
would have provided a little more motivation for their writing. Also, I would
make sure to start off the unit with a read aloud of an adventure story I
created to get them thinking what they could create on their own. Overall, I
would change the way that I engaged the students in their writing.
2. As you reflect on your overall instruction and ability to support
student learning in this unit, what have you identified as areas for
your own professional growth? Identify 2 (two) areas of growth.
Overall, I would say that I have grown in certain areas from teaching this
unit. Due to multiple IEPs that are in place for students in our classroom, this
unit made me apply more practice into incorporating their plans for
instruction. Differentiation and accommodations were affected based off of
what their IEPs were. For example, a student who is very low in reading and
has an IEP needed a scribe for her writing. This allowed her to worry only
about the creation of her story, she would tell me or my cooperating teacher
what she wanted her story to be word for word and one of us would scribe.
This assisted her greatly, she would then copy it down on another piece of
paper to get in the proper practice. Prior to this, writing was very frustrating
for this student, spelling was very difficult and she would lose her train of
thought for what she wanted to write because of the difficulties she would
face. This accommodation supported her greatly and provided her with an
opportunity to show her capabilities. By focusing on her IEP and working
closely with her, it helped me grow as an educator when it comes to
supporting all students individual needs. Another area of professional
growth that I have noticed within myself is my class management skills. In
writing, it is imperative that the environment in the classroom is calm, quiet,
and of course productive. With a hold on the management of the class, it
provided the opportunity to set the mood and environment for writing. The
students were quiet and productive during their independent writing time
and I feel this is due to my management skills I have developed throughout
the semester of student teaching and it was reflected well in this unit. The
students after a while became aware of how efficient they could be in the
right work environment that was set from the beginning and strived to
maintain it throughout the unit so they could get their best work done.
August 2015

August 2015

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