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Organizational Commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1990)

[Likert Scale]
1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
I am very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organization.
I enjoy discussing my organization with people outside it.
I feel as if this organization's problems are my own.
I wont easily become as attached to another organization as I am to this one.
I feel like 'part of the family' at my organization.
I feel 'emotionally attached' to this organization.
This organization has a great deal of personal meaning for me.
I feel a strong sense of belonging to my organization.

I am afraid of what might happen if I quit my job without having another one lined up.
It is very hard for me to leave my organization even if I wanted to.
Too much in my life will be disrupted if I leave my organization now.
It will be too costly for me to leave my organization now.
Staying with my organization is a matter of necessity as much as desire.
I have too few options to consider if ever I choose to leave this organization.
One of the few serious consequences of leaving this organization will be the scarcity
of available alternatives.
One of the major reasons I continue to work for this organization is that leaving will
require considerable personal sacrifice that another organization may not match the
overall benefits I have here.


I think that people these days move from company to company too often.
I believe that a person must always be loyal to his or her organization.
Jumping from organization to organization seem unethical to me.
One of the major reasons I continue to work for this organization is that I believe that
loyalty is important and therefore I feel a sense of moral obligation to remain.
If I got another offer for a better job elsewhere, I would feel that it wont be right to
leave my organization.
I believe in the value of remaining loyal to one's organization.
I believe that things were better in the days when people stayed with one
organization for most of their careers.
I think that wanting to be a 'company man' or 'company woman' is still sensible.

If majority of your answers are (1) Strongly Disagree/ (2) Disagree, what are the factors that
cause you to have a low commitment level towards the organization? How can these be

If majority of your answers are (4) Strongly Agree/ (3) Agree, what are the factors that cause you
to have a high commitment level towards the organization? How can these be further improved
and maintained?
Job Satisfaction (Weiss et al., 1967)
The following survey questions are answered by job satisfactions measures: pay, work,
promotion, supervision, co-workers, working condition, and fairness.
[Likert Scale]
1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree

I am satisfied with my pay and the amount of work I do.

I am satisfied with the feeling of accomplishment I get from the job.
I am satisfied with the chances for advancement on this job.
I am satisfied with the way my boss handles his/her workers.
I am satisfied with the way my co-workers get along with each other.
I am satisfied with the working conditions of my company.
I am satisfied with the chance to try my own methods of doing the job.

If majority of your answers are (1) Strongly Disagree/ (2) Disagree, what are the factors that
cause you to have a low satisfaction level towards the organization? How can these be
If majority of your answers are (4) Strongly Agree/ (3) Agree, what are the factors that cause you
to have a high satisfaction level towards the organization? How can these be further improved
and maintained?
JOB DESIGN (Adjei, 2012)
[Likert Scale]
1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
Job Rotation
o Job rotation is effective in our organization.


Job rotation gives me a breadth of exposure to the entire operation inside our
Job rotation can lead to stress while shifting to a new job
Job rotation can lead to interruption in my work life
Job rotation can reduce my boredom in the workplace

Job Enlargement
o Job enlargement allows me to increase my tasks and responsibilities in the
o Job enlargement makes my position in the workplace more challenging.
o Job enlargement allows me to enhance my skills specifically for my job position.
o Job enlargement allows me to master the specific tasks and responsibilities that
are included in my job position.
If majority of your answers are (1) Strongly Disagree/ (2) Disagree, what factors do not make job
design effective for the organization? How can these factors be addressed and help your
organizations job design improve?
If majority of your answers are (4) Strongly Agree/ (3) Agree, what factors make job design
effective for the organization? How can these factors be maintained and further improved?

Absenteeism (Author, Year) *Formulated survey questions were based from the definition
of absenteeism (voluntary, involuntary, and unpaid) in the RRL.
(by universal definition; also by how it is explained in the RRL)
I will always be present at work.
I will only skip work when I get ill.
I will only skip work within the allowable number of absences.
I will not consume all of my sick leaves and vacation leaves.
It will very rare for me to consume my sick leaves and vacation leaves.
(allowed absences + without medical certificate)
I will not use all of my allowed absences even without medical certification.

I will only skip work within the allowable number of absences even without
medical certification.

(allowed absences + with medical certificate)
I will not use all of my allowed absences with medical certification.
I will only skip work within the allowable number of absences and with medical
(exceeded allowable absences + with or without medical certification)
I will not exceed the allowable absences even when I know that I will still get
I will not be absent even if I exceed allowable absences, considering that I
present a medical certificate.
I will not be absent even if I exceed allowable absences and I cant present a
medical certification.
If majority of your answers are (1) Unlikely/ (2) Least Likely, what are the factors that cause you to
have a high likelihood level of absenteeism? How can these factors be addressed and help your
absenteeism rate improve?
If majority of your answers are (4) Most Likely/ (3) Likely, what are the factors that cause you to
have a low likelihood level of absenteeism? How can these factors be maintained and further
Turnover (Author, Year) Formulated survey questions were based from the definition of
turnover (voluntary and involuntary) in the RRL.
Voluntary (termination initiated by employees)
I will not look for a new job next year.
I will not be absent next year to look for another job.
I will not abuse absences as a way to be removed from the company next
I will not start looking for another job next year if ever my job will become
I will not leave my job next year even when a long-term family matter arises.
I will not leave my job next year because of long-term serious illness.
I will not leave my job next year because of a death of a loved one.

Involuntary (employer-initiated termination)

Do you think there will be no reason for you to be removed from the company
in the next year?
If ever the company will down-size next year, do you think that you wont be
Do you think that your job performance will not cause you termination from
the company next year?
Do you think that your attitude in the workplace will not cause you termination
from the company next year?

If majority of your answers are (1) Unlikely/ (2) Least Likely, what are the factors that cause you to
have a high likelihood level of turnover? How can these factors be addressed and help your
absenteeism rate improve?

If majority of your answers are (4) Most Likely/ (3) Likely, what are the factors that cause you to
have a low likelihood level of turnover? How can these factors be maintained and further

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