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Project Charter

Project Name: Microfinancing & Banking System Fleet Management System Module

Date: 10/10/2016
Version: 1.0

Author: Gerarcas, Jomar C.

Perciana , Jenny P.

1. Project Background
1.1 Problems and Opportunity Description
Problems of Existing System

Time Delay - In the existing system, information related to all transactions is

stored in different registers. Since all the transactions are stored in different

registers it takes lot of time to prepare different reports.

Redundancy - As the information passes through different registers, each
register is consolidated and sent to next register. So the same information is
being tabulated at each register, which involves lot of complication and

duplication in work, thus it causes redundancy.

Accuracy - Since the same data is compiled at different sections, the
Possibility of tabulating data wrongly increases. Also if the data is more,

validations become difficult. This may result in loss of accuracy of data.

Information Retrieval - As the information is stored in the particular Format,
it can only be retrieved in the same format. But if it is to be retrieve in

different format, it is not possible.

Storage Media - In the existing system, data transaction being stored on

too long registers it is very difficult to refer after some time.

Reports - At the various reports are tabulated manually. They are not such
Attractive and require more time. They do not provide adequate help in
maintaining the accounts.

Enquiry - Enquiry for different level of information is much more difficult. On

line enquiry of data is not possible.

1.2 Benefits
Proposed system is a software application which avoids more manual hours that
need to spend in record keeping and generating reports. This application keeps
the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It

is very easy to manage historical data in database. No specific training is

required for the employees to use this application. They can easily use the tool
that decreases manual hours spending for normal things and hence increases
the performance.
The following are the advantages of proposed system
1. Easy to process requests
2. Can generate required reports easily
3. Easy to manage historical data in a secure manner
4. Centralized database helps in avoiding conflicts
1.3 Goals
The goals of Fleet Management System, How to:

Improve safety

Improve asset management

Exonerate and/or reward good staff

Prove to staff that a fleet management system benefits everyone

Implement without needing more budget

1.4 Stakeholders and Client

2. Project Scope
2.1 0bjectives
The scope of the product to manage the front End & Back Office functions
consists of the following key modules. . It is to be noted that all the modules may
not be applicable to all transporters.

Front Office Management

Vehicle Maintenance Management

Administration Module

MIS Reports

2.2 Deliverables
A deliverable is any tangible, measurable outcome of a project, they classified
into different modules.


Work Products/Description

It comes in a plug and play environment supporting two modules
Operations and Maintenance. The Operations module automates the
Front Office

front-office activities customer bookings, allocation / Duty Slip of

vehicles and customer billing. The system captures all-important
details related to these activities for further MIS analysis.

It allows you to capture the maintenance costs incurred on a vehicle

on account of spares & labor. The maintenance can be classified
against a trip or service or breakdown. It gives you analytical

information on the average maintenance cost, mean time & mean-


mileage between failures. You can also get a detailed report on each
maintenance activity, and it can also tell you when the next service is
due and when a particular document is supposed to be renewed.

It handles the entire Master forms such as Company information,

Employee information. User allocation, change password, Vehicle

type, vehicle tariff, This module also helps to configure such as

Financial year configuration etc.

It is used for the management purpose, which easies the use of the
application. For Management the total information will be available on
finger tips. Reporting module consists of reporting by Vehicle

availability, vehicle allocation, Vehicle Maintenance, Customer details,

Customer bookings. Management reports (MIS) will be developed in
crystal reports which can be displayed as reports given an option to
convert that reports to Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel,
PDF formats.

3. Project Plan
3.1 Approach and Methodology
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) - Fleet management systems
have been developed, which is based on conventional database. However,
previous systems cannot efficiently retrieve location data of vehicles, because
conventional databases did not take into consideration about property of moving
object data such as continuously changing location overtime. In this paper, we
design the vehicle information management system that is able to manage and
retrieve vehicle locations efficiently in mobile environment. Our proposed system
consists of vehicle information collector, vehicle information management server,
and mobile clients. The system is able to not only process spatiotemporal queries

related to locations of moving vehicles but also provide moving vehicles

locations which are not stored in the system. The system is also able to manage
vehicle location data effectively using a moving object index.

3.3 Success criteria:

3.4 Issues and Policy Implication

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