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Worksheet 11: Audience Appeal Affecting Attitudes and Values\

Attitude towards:


Individual drive/determination/ the

desire to win

High intelligence (or excellence in a

particular field)

Sporting behaviour

General behaviour including working

as a team

What is considered normal (and

Depending on the circumstance,
gambling is okay to do because it
could be for a good cause for
example celebrity game shows, they
can gamble for a high amount for
charity, however gambling is also
considered as a bad thing because it
can be taken to far and become a bad
habit that can either harm yourself or
Risk taking is good for certain things
because it means you can develop
current skills however it can also end
really badly and end up in a worst
When going on a game show, you
need to have a determined mind-set
and be competitive because it makes
people more enthusiastic to then
have a higher chance of winning.
Having higher intelligence is usually a
good thing because it means you
have a wider range of knowledge
meaning you will do better within the
Having sporting behaviour is a good
thing because if you do end up losing
it means that you can take it well, also
it means that you are your competitive
and will take it seriously and do the
best you can.
Being able to work as a team is a
good quality to have because it
means that you will be able to put all
the minds together to then be able to
reach the full potential.
It is normal for competitors to be


competitive and when losing to be a

little disappointed however it is
abnormal for a losing team to be
happy and show no emotion because
when something bad and upsetting
happens the brain automatically
shows the emotions.

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