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Hunter Whips

Ahhhh A loud cry of pain echoed inside the dungeon. The man pauses his next blow but Rami
Reddy orders Dont stop and dont go mellow on her. She has always advocated for the right of
equality for women. So dont abandon her from this right and let her suffer the same like him
And another blow; hunter ripping off a strip off clothes of their body and another loud cry of
their soul filled the torture chamber.
Arsh and Kratika were tied to adjacent wall posts and rained with hunter whips. They didnt try
to crave for his benevolence once also; because of deep inside, they knew that they arent gonna
get any. Instead, they both were mad at each other for double-crossing each other. Finally, their
melancholy came to an end after two more blows and was untied.
Soon their hands turned on to their wounds and sent jitters throughout their body. They couldnt
bear the pain and were trying all that they could to ease the pain while their eyes were filled with
tears,agony,hatred, and vengeance. The person who was doing the honors brought two ice pack
bags and gave them.
I never intend to hurt you but the offense must be punished; no matter how small it is. You both
planned to cut me out of the plan but turned against each other. Rami Reddy smirked.
Just a few hours ago they both called Rami Reddy at an interval of a minute or so and
enunciated exact word She/he is planning to pull a con on you.
We are just a few days away from our target so dont divert your attention anywhere else. Just
focus and be satisfied with your share. You cant finish up your complete share in your entire
life. Rami Reddy propounded.
But we dont know anything about Raman Reddys security. All we know is that there is a party
next Saturday and we have to hit his locker. Tell us more. Arsh quizzed.
Next Saturday marks his sons birthday and he will be celebrating it grand but with limited
guests. Thanks to Kratika, you both are invited. Now listen carefully, you are going to hit at his
most prized possessions and if anything goes wrong then he will make sure that you spend your
whole life in a small, stinky prison much worse than this

Rami Reddys words were enough to scare the hell out of them; they began imagining visuals
from Sarabjit trailer and were like a cat on hot bricks. Rami Reddy hired them to pull a con on
his elder brother, which he has been planning for a year or so. He got them placed in Reddys
Constructions; a company owned by his elder brother. Having Reddys son friendship and
recommendation of Vice Chairman earned them a prestigious post in the company.
Inside his bedroom, there is a small chamber facing north side protected by an electronic lock;
whose password is best known to him. Its walls have the identical color as the wall and are
almost invisible to naked eyes. He got the locker built under a special order by Braxnet
Securities six months ago and has kept it inside that chamber. Raman has put all his efforts in it
to secure himself from any kind of dicey situation. It can only be unlocked by OTP sent to his
mobile which can only be requested by him through his own phone by speed dialing 9. Rami
gave the low-down of his elder brother security.
How are we gonna know this OTP? Kratika queried grimacing, leaning forward and took a
glass of water.
We cant, it cannot be hacked. OTPs are generated through algorithms using pseudorandomness
or randomness and hash functions. Hash functions are used to derive a value but are impossible
to reverse making it extremely difficult for any hacker to crack it. Under this system, a seed s
(number or vector) is chosen and a hash function is applied to this seed repeatedly (for example
100 times) giving it a value of f (f (f (.... f(s) ....))) and is stored on the target system.
When you login for the first time, then the value of the last iteration of the function becomes
your password. And when you login for the second time, then the value of penultimate iteration
is your password and like this, the cycle goes on. The target system can authenticate that this is
the correct password because f (p) is f100(s), which is the value stored. The value stored is then
replaced by p and the user is allowed to log in. Arsh elucidated working of OTP on a paper and
as he was done, Rami applauded clapping
Thats my boy. I always knew you had it in you to be a great con artist. Art and bond forging
have always been your expertise but it seems now you are a complete package. But you have
mistaken my boy; we can get the OTP using man-in-the-middle attacks often referred to as
MITM. Before he could explain further, his wife called and he disbanded their meeting
Asshole, because of you I am stuck in this shit Kratika howled as they came out of the
dungeon. Kratika was damn right; it was Arsh who brought her into this dirty game but it was
her voracity that got her into it. Siva, son of Raman Reddy, had a huge crush on Kratika since
college days and when Rami hired Arsh to pull a con on his brother, Arsh mentioned her name to

It was you who attracted Sivas balls attention, Arsh said it without thinking for a second and
when he actually heard what he has said, he spun his neck to notice her reaction. She was
glaring at him and before she could speak a word he clarified I meant eyeballs, seriously.
Dont waste time in vindicating yourself, I know you guys very well. And right now I dont
care a damn about you or your nave pith; all I care now is to get rid of the pain. If you can do
something about it,then please do it. She chided while making her honeycomb hairstyle. She
was feeling annoyed whenever her hair smears over her fresh wound.
For now, lets go to the apartment and apply some cream. We will visit a doctor tomorrow.
Arsh consoled and ignited his bike fuel and both left. Since the moment, they have come out she
was green-eyed and when she couldnt control she asked: Arent you angry with me for turning
you in?
No; in fact, I did it on purpose. I wanted you to learn that he doesnt trust anybody. I knew you
would act like his stool pigeon; when I would propose an idea to pull a con on Rami and hence I
also did the same. So I suppose we are even now.
No, we are not. You could have told me this by yourself. I would have believed you.
Sometimes people dont tend to believe words, but they hold on to experiences. Arsh minced
and then they both kept mum for rest of the journey.
After some 15-20 minutes, they landed up in their apartment. And as they probed inside, they
loosened up in their respective rooms. Kratika took off the top given by Rami and ran into the
mirror to have a look at her wounds. Some 2-3 long cut marks were distinctly visible and they all
were dried up. Though the bleeding was stopped but accidentally her fingernails rubbed against
blood clots and triggered blood flow. She put her hand to cease blood flow and called out Arsh
for help.
It isnt gonna help you, let me bring dettol and cotton. Arsh enunciated and rushed to bring
those. He requisitioned her to recumbent on bed upside down and started sanitizing her cut
marks. Whenever cotton soaked in dettol pawed her wounds it sent jitters throughout her body,
but she controlled and to divert her focus she questioned Arsh about a man in the middle attack.
Its just like eavesdropping; someone would be hearing your conversation without your
apprehension and would get all the info they need. In the digital world, an MITM encrypts their
code along with your message being sent and way back in its return they decipher it using their
key and gets the info they need without your dogma Arsh construed her problem and she was
staring at him with her eyes bug out.

I never imagined you so clinquant, are you so since you wearing your birthday suit or just
psyched-up for this job? She smirked and to this Arsh wittingly replied Leave me, take care of
your birthday suit or else you wont be able to flaunt it in your limpid blouse next Saturday
Yeah, and all thanks to that bloody dumbfuck Rami Reddy, I swear he would get some real
payback for this She foamed at the mouth and ensconced on bed crossing her legs posing a dead
angry look. But all she looked as an innocent girl, covered under a blanket, red cheeks, eyebrows
furrowed up and hairs falling over her face; that has been deprived of her favorite stuff and has a
yen for it.
Our whole universe was in a ... The Big Bang theory song was Kratikaa ringtone, and it was
Rami Reddy who was calling her. As she flashed the screen to Arsh, he requested her to answer
on speaker mode
Hello Sir Kratika answered her phone.
Hello Kratika, Is Arsh with you? Rami queried and before she could answer; Arsh
communicated No through sign language. She didnt know his intentions but did as she was
told to No Sir; is there anything exigent?
Yeah, wanted to discuss the whole concoct as we didnt wrap it up. Rami evinced the cause of
his late night call.
Kratika enacted as she had set out to look for Arsh and mockingly called out Arsh. Arsh
backed her in the play and played his part to perfection. And when he was told the reason for the
call, he took everyone by surprise with his reply.
I aint gonna discuss my move with a cheater, let everyone paddle up their own canoe and see
what else she knows except backstabbing. He replied and moved out of the room and this
alacrity got him in Kratikas hair. She disconnected the call within a second; followed him and
yanked him back by his shoulder howling Why the hell are you behaving like a mongrel here?
Just a moment away; you were all sweet and cute with me and within a second you turned into a
dog. Denounced me of backstabbing, treasury, cheating! Even you double crossed me, but I
turned a blind eye to it so why cant you?
You are an amateur in this game and will come to know everything when the right time comes.
By the way, whats your angle to get hold of Raman Reddys mobile?
You will come to know that when the right time comes. You handle your end and trust me to
handle mine Kratika taunted and left him alone in the hall without listening.

Next Day, in office

Arsh, come to my office and bring Anukampas building layout, last months expenditure sheet
and this months purchase order sheet Rami Reddy ordered as he went past through Arshs
Sir, I audited the file and everything is going according to our design; and I knew that you
would be late so I forged your sign and released the purchase order as per requirements. Arsh
enunciated sitting on the chair before him and handed him the all the sheets. Rami Reddy
perlustrated all the sheets blow-by-blow; satisfied with the reports he took a heavy sigh of relief.
He had complete trust on Arsh regarding these issues, but this contract was sealed by him and he
didnt want to blow this under his nose. Thus, he had kept a close look over this project since
beginning like building layout and design, materials quality, labor management etc. He checks
every months expenditure and after being satisfied he confirms next months order, and as this
project is coming to its end so he is being extra au courant to every step no matter how meager it
Its awesome, completely identical to mine; even I cant distinguish it. Rami praised gawking
at his forged sign. Arsh took out a blank paper and asked him to sign on it and he did as was told
to; then Arsh signed below it, But, its not identical he told before Arsh could finish the sign
Whenever you forge a sign, there will be traces of your style no matter how hard you try. So all
you need to do is invert the sign upside down; then it becomes just a piece of drawing; therefore
just follow the pattern and your forging is done. Arsh explained the perfect trick to forge a sign
while Rami immersed in learning this art.
Following this conversation, Arsh catechized about how are they gonna get access of OTP that
would be landing on Raman Reddys mobile when they would request one to unlock his locker.
Rami elucidated that he has already hacked his elder brothers phone using femtocell, a
consumer unit illegal in India, worth of some Rs 20,000 that could gain access to anyones voice
calls, data, and SMS without their proficiency.
Further, he revealed that he got the identical security for himself a month ago and staunched
everything to decrypt the logic behind this OTP but fell flat miserably. Hence, he exploited
femtocell to hack his elder brothers phone and advanced man in the middle attack to encrypt his
brothers message to have an edge of 10 seconds before Raman could peer into it.

They summed up their meeting with going over the plan once again; Ramis responsibility was
to chaperon all the tools condign to break into a mechanical locker then Arsh would break into it
and on his SOS, Kratika would corral Ramans mobile and request OTP. If Kratika could clench
Ramans mobile for long then she would annul the OTP and Raman would never get to know
about this heinous crime unless he opens the locker by himself. This was their best case scenario
or else Arsh would have only 10 seconds to sweep off the locker and get away or else he would
be on his own after 10 seconds.
Saturday Evening, Around 7:00 pm
Wow, you look ravishing in this saree Arsh complimented gazing continuously at Kratika. He
couldnt take his eyes off her; she was standing draped in red chiffon saree with golden border
and a half sleeve black blouse with almost an inch high heels. Her Kohl- black hair plunged over
her shoulders while her rapture black eyes and crescent-shaped eyebrows saw him staring at
her. He yelped at being caught. She had a decanter shaped waist and her complexion had an
impeccable, ochrous hue. Her soft round ears had diamond stud earrings and light pink lipstick
just sparked her saccharine sweet lips.
Dont try these flattering tricks on me, it aint gonna work. I wont be sharing my plans with
you Kratika smirked though she knew he is complimenting assuredly.
You are pretty much convinced that I dont have an honest bone; but I was actually
complimenting you; dulcinea. Arsh continued with a blissful smile on his face.
Thanks, and even you have dressed up to the nines and cutting a dash Kratika complimented
while fondling her hair back. When her hands flung through her hair, Arsh noticed her round
silver dial black leather Fossil watch on her left hand and silver bracelet on the right hand. They
have been living together for 2-3 months and Arsh hasnt even flattered her once, but today he
couldnt stop himself from ennobling every inch of her body.
Soon they received a call from their Uber driver and left for the party. It was almost an hour ride
from their home to Shivas house where she finally told her strategies to get her hands on Raman
Reddys mobile. Arsh was pretty damn impressed with her thought process as it didnt involve
any fancy tricks or technology. It capitalized on humans response to specific situations with
minimum collateral damage.
Take this Arsh handed her an envelope before they could gain entre. She responded in a flash
Whats this? To which he calmly replied, You will come to know thyself when to disclose it,
but just dont open it now.

As they walked into the hall, they were stunned by the grandiloquent lighting and avant-garde art
& paintings. They had never attended grandeur celebrations like this; almost all the renowned
cynosures and gray flannel suits made it a point to mark their presence. Rami Reddy spotted
them and gave the ultimate briefing
Here are the Bluetooth devices, He said while dishing out devices to them and continued We
all will be in contact throughout the party, and will be briefing every one of our steps. Kratika,
before you request OTP you would intimate our fourth player.
What! There is one more accomplice to this con and you chose to reveal this to us now Kratika
howled screwing up her face.
She is our man-in-the-middle, how could you even think to pull this off without one?
Did you have information about this new girl? And dont you dare to lie this time Kratika
howled glaring at Arsh. He refused brazenly; this cooled down her nerves.
She will be the one who will hack my elder brothers message and will dictate the OTP to Arsh
once he has cracked that lock successfully. Rami Reddy elaborated and then the three bid each
Without wasting much of his time, Arsh moved to stairs without being noticed and walked to the
2nd floor. Meanwhile, Rami Reddy got himself occupied with some other business tycoons and
Kratika enthralled Shivas attention.
Happy Birthday my archduke Kratika greeted Shiva with open arm and hugged him.
You are looking no less than an angel yourself; you have just added a golden feather to this
party. He complimented her back and continued I didnt know you are so amorous of Sarees,
never saw you wearing one.
Yeah, I dont wear much. But once a boy told me; you boys find girls most beautiful in ethnic
dresses. Western might attract or seduce you but Indian dresses win over your heart if carried
well. So, I thought to myself what better day it can be than a birthday to steal someones heart?
Kratika flirted with Shiva; she wasnt leaving any stones unturned to make him love her more.
Yeah; indeed. But you didnt have to win something which is already yours. He smirked; even
he was enjoying casual trifling with her; unknown to her cruel intentions and this continued for a
After almost half an hour or so Arent you done yet? Kratika asked over the connected line.

No, and please stop asking this question. When Im done, I will tell you myself. Arsh howled
back wretchedly.
Why is it taking so much time with your tools? We are running out of time. The cake has been
cut and people have begun to troop out. Kratika explained the scenario.
Its 7X2000 reinforced titanium safe installed with four cylinders and two false gates. Its just
like safe cracking booby traps; you hit one you have to start all over again. I wasnt prepared for
this; courtesy of our master as he told me that it is just a mechanical safe. From next time, we
must research our opponents thoroughly. Arsh taunted.
Post 10-15 minutes, Arsh confirmed their first victory and now it was Kratikas turn to cast her
spell over rest of the family. She strolled towards Shiva and suggested him for a family group
photo as they might not find a better opportunity than this. Shiva couldnt say no to her ladylove
and got everyone grouped up at one place for a picture.
Kratika chose to be the cameraman and as she took out her phone to click images, her phone
notified some technical errors. She knew that in such scenarios the head of the family or group
usually offers their phone quickest as their natural instinct. And it happened according to her
plan; Mr. Raman Reddy offered her his own phone and unlocked the keypad for her. Kratika
clicked some images and after clicking two-three images she flipped over because of heels and
fell down to ground or as she made it look like.
Everyone hurriedly mobbed before her and circled her. In the meantime, she speed-dialed 9 and
gave her nod to proceed further with the rest of the plan.
Whats the OTP? Arsh asked curiously and after some 10 seconds, he got a reply.
6 and before she could continue Arsh intervened startlingly Are you, Miss..? Before he
could complete she tossed another number 3. Even he didnt go along with her terms and cut
her in middle and posed a threat Until you dont answer me, I am not gonna press any keypad.
Rami Reddy and Kratika were engrossed in her vexatious drama that they werent able to say a
word and Kratika had no clue about whats actually going on. She thought that all her turmoil,
falling down to the ground , hurting her soft ankles everything has gone to waste and they are
gonna go empty handed from here.
633917, She told in one breath and said Sir, my job is done. Now it's your lookout to get the
safe unlocked, all I know is I should get my payment by my date. She said and disconnected her

Arsh; do as I say and I will explain you everything once we get out of here. Rami Reddy
ordered managing somehow to get out of that family drama over Kratikas swollen ankles.
Kratika didnt let Ramans mobile get locked as she kept tapping its screen continuously while
they took her to the nearest bed to lie down. And somehow she managed to delete the OTP
message from Ramans mobile and pretended to be completely forgotten to return his phone to
him in all this messed up situation.
Interim Arsh pressed the code as per told and shouted: Its wrong, the screen just flashed The
OTP entered is incorrect.
Wrap up your dirt and run Rami Reddy ordered while Kratika turned black-blue. She
understood that it is the time Arsh was talking about to unwrap the envelope.

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