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A. Vanquis Bank Limited whose registered office is at Colonnade,

Sunbridge Road, Bradford, Yorkshire BDl ZLe (we, us, our); and
B. The person signing this agreement and whose name and
address is stated on your application (you, yourself, your).


We will set your Credit Limit when lrve open your Account this is the maximum
arnount that you can borrow and/or spend on your Account ('Credit Limit'). lf we
reasonably consider it appropriate (e.9. depending on how your Account is run
and/or whether your financial circumstan@s have changed), we may increase or
decrease your Credit Limit from time to time and will notify you of any such
change. lf pu do not agree to any increase of your Credit Lirnit, please notify us


by writing to:



Vanquis Card, Customer Service, P.O Box 399, CHATHAM ME4 4We.
You can withdraw cash or cheques on your Account up to )acur Credit Limit.
There will also be a lirnit on the amount of cash that )lou can withdraw each day,
which will be 20o/o of your Credit Limit ('Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit'). These
limits are set by us to minimise losses due to any fraudutent use of your
Account. We will tell you what your limils are and rnay change thern from time to


You must make a minimum monthly repayment to your Account each rnonth of:
for Gold 3.5% of your outstanding balance or tl0, whichever is the greater; for
Classic 4.5% of your outstanding balance or [5, whichever is the greater
('Minirnum Repayment').
Your Minimum Repaymeni musi ire receiveci by us by ihe date shown on your
monthly statement ('Repayment Due Date'). Your first Minimurn Repayment will
be due by the date specified in your first monthly statement. Please ensure that
you allow enough time for your payment to clear through the banking system.

The annual lnterest rates (compounded) and the Total Charge for Credit in relation
to your Account at the time of the agreement is frorn one of the tiers A, B, C, D
or E below. The Total Charge for Credit is based on a fl,500 Credit Limit being
borrowed at the start of the agreement for one year at the relevant interest rate
and repaid in full by equal instalments beginning one month after the start of the



lf you breach this agreement and we incur additional administrative costs

as a result, we may charge you for the following:
if we have not received your Minimurn Repayment by the
Repayment Due Date, a charge of 812 ('Late Payment Charge');
if the balance of your Account is over your Credit Limit, a charge


The (variable) APR in relation to your Account at the time of the agreement is one
of the following:
Tier A) 19.9% APR (variable), Tier B) 29.9% APR (variable), Tier C) 39.9% APR
(variable), Tier D) 49,9% APR (variable), Tier E) 5g.g% ApR (variable).


account the information you gave us in your application,

information we have on how you are using your Account andi or
information we get from credit reference agencies;
economic reasons affecting our business as a whole;
changes in the cost of providing this service to you; and/ or
changes or potential changes in the law or a code of practice.
lf you require details of how we use your credit score for changes in
your Margln Rate, please contact us at Vanquis Card, Department DF,
P.O. Box 408, GHATHAM, ME4 4GG;
We will give you at least 30 days prior written notice of any such change
if the change is to your disadvantage.
Your lnterest Rate may also change in accordance with changes in the
Base Rate. Any such changes will be reflected in the Account
Statement sent to you in the month following any sueh Base Rate
Where you are not repaying the whole of the outstanding balance on your
Account, your repayments to us will be credited to your Account in the
following order: a) Balance Transfers and Prornotional Rate Transactions;
b) interasUminirnum finance charge, fees and/or Default Charges; c)
Purchase Transactions; d) Cheque Transactions; e) Cash Transactions.

of t12 ('Over Limit Charge'). You would also be charged this Over
Limit Charge in each subsequent month that you are Over Limit
and hgve used your Card;
if you d"y
by cheque or Direct Debit and your bank does not
honour the payment, a charge of 812 ('Retum Payrnent Charge');
and/ or
any other reasonable expenses we incur as a direct result of your
breach of this agraement.
We may change any of the above Default Charges by giving you at least
30 days notice, unless the changes are to your advantage.
Fees not set out earlier in this section and not included in the OTHER
FINANCIAL INFORMATION section are set out in the OTHER TERI,IS
section under the headings 'Other Fees' and 'Repayment Option Plan'.






TierA) Purchase/Balance Transfer annual rate 19.94%, Cheque annual


rate 29.95%, Cash annual rate 33.97%, Cash Transaction fee 3o/olf.3,Total Charge

Missing payments could have severe consequences and make obtaining

credit more difficult.

for Credit f153.03 or

Tier B) Purchase/Balance Transfer annual rate 29.95o/o, Cheque annual
rate 39.94%, Cash annual rale 44,27%, Cash Transaction fee 3o/olf.3, Total Charge
for Credit E223.78 ar
Tier C) Purchase/Balance Transfer annual rate 39.94o/o, Cheque annual
rate 49.947o, Cash annual rate 54.57%, Cash Transaction fee 3ololil}, Total Charge
for Credit t291.13 or
Tier D) PurchaselBalance Transfer annual rate 49.947o, Cheque annual
rate 59.94%, Cash annual rate 64.880/o, Cash Transaction fee 3%1f3, Total Charge
for Credit t355.37 or
Tler E) PurchasetBalance Transfer annual rate 59.947o, Cheque annual
rate 69.51%, Cash annual rate74.75%, Cash Transaction fee 3o/olt3, Total Charge
for Credit t416.94


There is no annual fee.

ln calculating the APRs, no account has been taken of any variation which may
occur to the interest rate (Base Rate and/or Margin Rates) or fees under this



The annual interest rates are made up of: a) the Base Rate and b) an annual
Margin Rate in respect of Purchase and Balance Transfer Transactions and an
annual Margin Rate in resBect of Cash and Gheque Transactions.
lnterest is charged on transactions at the interest rates (detailed before) from the
date of any Purchase, Cash, Cheque and/or Balance Transfer Transaction(s) or
any other amount charged to your Account, until repayment in full. lnterest is
calculated on the daily outstanding balance on your Account and, except in
respect of Purchase Transactions where you have paid off two or more
consecutive current statement balances in full each month, is debited to your
Account at the end of each statement period. At statement date, we will add the
interest we charge to the outstanding balance on your Account. This means that
you wil! generally pay interest on interest.
lf in any statement period you incur interest (excluding Plan lnterest) and that
interest is less than [1, a minimurn finance charge of f 1 wil] be added to your
Account in place of that interest which will be waived.
You can get up to 56 days interest free credit on Purchase Transactions
provided that you pay off two or more consecutive current statement balances in
full by the Repayment Due Dates. Please see the exarnple set out in the OTHER
TERMS section under the heading 'lnterest'.
ln respect of Purchase Transactions on your first slatenrent, you will be charged
interest from the transaction date until the end of the first statement period but, if
you pay off your first statement balance in full, you could get up to 28 days
interest free credit.
We may change your Margin Rate for any valid raason including, but not limited


your credit score e.g. when revising your Margin Rate we may take into


Once you have signed, you will have for a short tirne a right to cancel this
agreement. You can do this by sending or taking a WRITTEN notice of

cancellation to: Vanquis Card, Customer $ervice, P.O Box 399, Chatharn
ME4 4WQ.
lf you cancel this agreement, any money you have paid must be returned to
you. You will still have to repay any money lent to you. But if you repay all of
it within one monlh after cancellation, you will not have to pay interest or
other charges.


The Consumer Credit Act 1974 lays down certain requirements for your
protection which should have been complied with when this agreement was
made. lf they were not, we cannot enforce this agreernent without getting a
court order.
The Act also gives you a number of rights:
You can settle this agreernent at any time by giving notice in writing and
paying off the amount you owe under the agreement.
lf you received unsalisfactory goods or services paid for under this
sgreernent, you may have a right to sue the supplier, us or both.
lf he contract is not fulfilled, perhaps because the supplier has gone out of
business, lou rnay still be able to sue us:


lf you would tike to know rnore about rights under ih" A"t, contact either your
local Trading Standards Department or your nearest Citizens'Advice Bureau.


lf your card is lost, misused or stolen, please call Custorner Services
immediately on 0800 783 9003 to report it. lf your credit card is lost, stolen or
misused by someone without your permission, you rnay have to pay up to f0
of any loss to us. lf it is misused with your permission you will probably be
liable for ALL losses. You will not be liable to us for losses which take place
after you have told us about the theft etc. as long as you confirrn this in
writing within seven days. Please send this confirmation to: Vanquis Card,
Customer Service, P.O. Eox 399, CHATHAM ME4 4WQ.

Other Fees
In respect of each Cash Transaction, we will charge a fee of 3Yo of the
Cash Transaction amount or f3, whichever is the greater
('Cash Transaction fee')

We will charge a fee of 2.75% of the amount of any non-sterling transaction

made abroad ('Foreign Transaction fee'). The exchange rate on which this fee
will be calculated will be the exchange rate on the date the transaction is
processed and may be different frorn the date of the actual transaction.
lf you write a credit card cheque and it is returned to us unpaid, we will charge a
fee of 12 ('Returned Credit Card Cheque')
We will charge a fee of f5 to your Account for each copy statement issued to
you upgn your request.
lf you 6lect to enrol in Repayment Option Plan, the fees are set out in this
section under the heading 'Repayment Option Plan'.
We may change any of the 'Other Fees' by giving you at least 30 days notice.


The APRs set are calculated by assuming that:
the whole of your Credit Limit, including any annual fee, is withdrawn by you
when you open your Account;
the credit is provided for a period of one year from when your Account is
\ /e charge the'interest rate for Purchase Transactions on llour Account; and
you repay us each rnonth by twelve equal instalments.


details of transactions, payments, refunds, interesUminimum finance charge,

fees and any Default Charges applicable to your Account since your last
lf you do not agree with any item on your statement, you rnust notify us of
the reason for your dispute within 30 days. lf the transaction you are
disputing is a valid transaction, you will incur a E5 fee for each transaction
you are asking us to investigate. We may change this fee by giving you at
least 30 days notice.

Looking After Your Card and PIN

You and any Additional Cardholder must:
sign the issued Card(s) immediately after it has been received;
keep the Card(s) secure;
memorise your PlN, keep it secret, and destroy the paper slip upon which
the PIN has been Printed:
comply with our reasonable instructions regarding use or change of the
PIN (e.9. for security reasons);
inform us imrnediately by telephoning 0800 783 9003 if you suspect that




The following is an exarnple of how you could get up to 50 days interest free
credit on Purchase Transactions: if your staterient period end's on the 20h of
each month, you make a purchase with your Card on 1" January and you pay ofi
your statement balances in full in January and February, you will get 50 days
interest free credit on your l"t January purchase,
We may frorn time to tirne offer you a lower promotional interest rate on certain
transactions, or Balance fransfers, for a specified period ('Promotional Rate
r ralrsclrrlrurrD

Your Liability
You will not be liable for any unauthorised use of your Accounl by anyone
other than you or an Additional Cardholder unless: you or an Additional
Cardholder has allowed someone else to use your Card(s), PIN and/or
Cheques for specific transactions or where you or an Additional Cardholder
has been fraudulent; in which oase you will be liable fcr al! our lcsses,



Your Repayments


You will be personally liable for the amount of all transactions, interesU rninimum
finance charges, fees and any applicable Default Charges payable under this
Any amount which takes you over your Credit Lirnit and/or any arrears shown on
your monthly statement must be repaid to us in full immediatelyA repayrnent by you to us will be credited to your Account. However, we reserve
the right to withhold authorisation for a transaction on your Account until your
repayrnent has cleared through the banking system.
All repayments frorn you musl be made in pounds sterling from a UK bank.
Any cheque repayrnsnts made to your Account must have your Account number
clearly marked on the back of the cheque.


We will not be liable to you if we cannot catry out our responsibilities under
this agreement due to reasons outside our reasonable control e.g. due to
fire, flood, strike action or electronic failure.
We will not be liable to you for any refusal or delay by any person to
accept your Card, PIN or Cheque.
We will not be liable to you for any loss of profit or reputation.

Closing Your Account

You may close your Account at any time by writing to us at: Vanquis Card,
Customer Seruice, P.O. Box 399, CHATHAM, ME4 4WQ or by telephoning
0870 850 7755.
We rnay close your Account for any reason by giving you at least 30 days


Additional Cardholders

anyone else knows your PIN; and/or

inform us immediately by telephoning 0800 783 9003 (or +44 870 850
7755 if catling from outside the UK) if you lose your Card or Chegues, or
you suspect that they have been stolen. You rnust confirm this notification
to us in writing within 7 days to: Vanquis Card, Customer Service, P.O.

lf you request, we may issue a Card and Personal ldentification Number (PlN) to
the person you norninate ('Additional Cardholder').You rnust make sure that the
Additional Cardholder has consented to you giving us their details and is at least
18 years old.
Alltransactions carried out by the Additional Cardholder will appear on your
statement, will be included in your outstanding balance and you are responsible
for repayment of all transactions. You rnust make sure that the Additional
Cardholder uses their Card in accordance with these terms and conditions.

written notice.
fis long as we give you the notice required by law, we can close your
Acmunt if you are in breach of this agreement.
This agreement will only formally end when:
you have paid all arnounts you owe to us under this agreernent,
including the amount of any rscent transactions; and
you and any Additional Cardholder have returned to us all Cards
and Cheques cut in two to the address above.
tf your Account is in credit at the time of closure, we reserve the right not to
repay to you any amount less than [5 due to administrative costs.


Using Your Account



lf you are in breach of this agreement or we have valid reasons for doing so {e.gwe suspect fraud) or the Repayrnent Option Plan has been activated by you, we
ma),: refuse to authorise a transaction; cancel or suspend use of your Card;
refuse to replace your Card or; return an Account Cheque unpaid.

We will normally send you a


As tong as we give you (or your representative) the notice required by law, we
can ask you (or your representative) to repay all amounts you owe under this
agreernent if you:
make any false or misleading statement in your application;
breach the terms of this agreement;
have a bankruptcy or receiving order made against you; and/or


staternent. Your statement will contain


You or the Additional Cardholder must let us know imrnediately if:
lour or their Card or Cheques become lost or stolen;
lour or their PIN is likely to be misused or has been disclosed;
your statement includes any information that seems wrong;
you change your name or address; and/or
you want to end this agreement.
lt is also important to tell us of any changes to your financial circumstances.
You can notify us by writing to: Vanquis Card, Custorner Service,
P.O Box 399, CHATHAM ME4 4WO or by telephoning 0870 850 7755.



You must not use your Card or our Cheques in a way that would take your
Account balance over your Credit Limit. lf you use your Card or our Cheques for
Cash Transactions, you must not rnake withdrawals that are over your Cash
Limit or Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit.
You cannot use our Cheques in places where a cheque guarantee card is
required. Your Card is not a cheque guarantee card.
Cards and Vanquis Cheques belong to us. lf we ask you to return them to us,
you must do so immediately. We can also ask a rnerchant (e.g. a shop or petrol
station) to keep your Card and return it to us.
When deciding whether to allow a transaction to be processed, we may take into
account any transactions that have already been made or authorised on your
Account and any other fees or Default Charges payable under this agreement,
You should not rnake payments that put your Account into credit, lf you do so,
we will not pay any interest.

Restricting Use of Your Account

Early Termination and RePaYment

When we have opened your Account, we will send you and any Additional
Cardholder a Card and PlN, The Card may only be used by the person whose
narne is on the Card. You may not use the Card until you have activated it by
contacting us. The Caid rnay be replaced from tirne to time with either the same
type of Card or a different Card, which will be covered by lhe terms of this
The Card may be used for: a) Purchase Transactions and/or b) Cash
We may send you our Cheques, which can only be used by you. You may only
make Cheque Transactions in sterling and must not use one of our Cheques to
make a payment to us. lf you do nol want to receive Cheques, please notify us
by writing to: Vanquis Card, Customer Service, P.O Box 399, CHATHAM ME4
4WQ, or by calling 0870 850 7755.
You must only use your Card withih the 'valid from' and 'expires end' date on the


We may change these terms and conditions, or introduce any other related
term to this agreement:
if the change is in your favour;
to amend an error;
aii. to make them easier for you to understand;
if your product changes, or we introduce new services or features
to your Account;
to reflect changes in market conditions such as systern


capabilities, technological, fraud prevention requirements andl or

payment methods;
due to good banking practice(s);
if the law or a code of practice changes or is likely to change; and/


any other valid reason.

We will provide you with at least 30 days written notice before any change
takes effect (unless the change is in your favour).


You may clos6 your account without havirElo pay anyextE cftarges or interest
at any tim6 up to 60 da)6 from lhe date of our noti6 ifthe change is io your
disadvantage, A change may bcoorne immediately efec,tive if it is to yaur

iv) your main home is signilicanlly damaged by a natural disasler e.9.

f,oodlng; or
v)your partner (who you hav6 lived with for rnore lhan 6 months) or an
immediate iamily member (sibling, parent, spouse or child) dies.

You cannot transfer this agreement or },our rights or obligations under this
agrBement. We may lransfer this agrement or any of our rights or
rssponsibililies to any company or person who is licensod under the Consumer
Cedit Act 1974 e.g. if our business was sold b a third pany.
We may instruc-t any other peBon to our rights or carry out our
rBsponsibiliiies under lhis agreement e.g. wE could instruct a debt collection
agency t0 assist in recovering any amounts otled to us.
We may waive any of our rights under this agreement without losing them e.g. if
we accept a parl payment from !/ou, we will still be able to claim the full arnount
owsd by you.
W6 may at our discrelion waiv any fe6s or llefault Charges.
Telephone calls may be monitored and all catls will be rcorded for the purpose
of quality mntrol, training and/or ftaud prevenlim.
Our consumsr credit licanco number is 532364. We arc authoriEed by the
Financial Srvbes Authority to accept deposiis under regislration number
221 156. The Financial Services Authority is responsiue for the rEgulation of the
financial soMces industry, Our services are of a banking and credil nature,
This agreement B govemod by English law and all contractJal lerms and

Patmont Holiday
. As long as ],our Account has been open for at last 6 monlhs and is in
order; and you giv6 us at last 7 days notice, l,ou can miss your monlhly
payment up to onoa 6l/ery six months. Hou6vsr, please note ihat lnterelt will
still accrue on rcurAccount.
. You can take a payment hollday for one monlh without any additional @st at
any time, providing a) t,our Vanquis Account hes been open for at least 6
months, b) ),our Account is in order, and c) ),ou harc not taken a payment
holiday within the last 6 months.
. lf you need to freeze )rour Account, or want to take a pay,ment holiday,
need to call the Plan helpline on 0870 389 9460 bctwen gam and 5:30pm
Monday to Friday.

Cancelllng / Changing the Plan

. You must notify us by calling 0870 389 9460 if
]/our financial circumstances
change after taking up th6 Plan (e.9. you become retir6d), so that we can
make sure lhal you are on the righl Plan.
. You can cancel the Plan up to 14 days after receMng the informatlon on lhe
Plan, and reeive a full refund of any Plan Interest prorided tiral the Plan has
not been aclivaled. Afrer this, !,ou can cancl the Plan at any time by calling
0870 389 94@ or writing to CustoEier Service, PO Box 3gg,Chatham ME4
. We may cancel the Plan by giving you 30 days writtn notie or immsdialely
if lve have proof of fraud in relation to the Plan.
. The Plan wtll conthu until a) your Vanquis card is cancellsd by
1ou or us;
b)ths Plan is cancelled by lou or us; c) l/ou die; or d) the event whi{rl
adi\raGd the Plan no lrnger applies e.g. ),ou are no longer unemploysd
(wtiicltc\rer happens fi rs!).
. The Plan is povided by Vanquis Bank Limited. Vanquis Bank may be
contacted at its registErd offce, rvtrioh is at Colonnade, Sunbri@6 Road,
Bmdford BDI 2LQ. Registerd number 2559509 England. Vanquis Bank
Limibd is authorised and rogulated by the Financial Services Authority (Ref:
221156) and CCA Licenc numbor 532364.

conditlons and information supplied in this agreement are supplied in English.

We willcommunicat with l|ou in English.
lf you havs a complaint about the seMce you rec6iv, pleas wdte to Vanquis
Card, Customer SMco, P.O Box-399, CHATHAM ME4 4WQ and your
complaint will b d6alt with in accordance with our Complaints procedure. lf we
cannol rBsolve a complaint to your gatisfac{ion }ou may refer your complaint to
lhe Financial Seilicos Ombudsman at Soulh Quay Plau, 183 Marsh Wall,
London E14 gSR or at

Repayment Option Plan

Alrout Repayment Option Plan

. Repaymenl Option Plan (the 'Plan') allows
)/cu to a) freere your Account balance
for up to 24 months in lhe event of a difficult ftnancial circumstance; and/or b) take
a pgyment holiday up lo once every six months.
. You will be eligible to enrol in lhe Plan affer your Account has been opned.
. You can nrol in.lhe Plan by eithor requesting the PIan fmm one of our Account
representatives or by calling the Repayment Option Plan helpline on 0870 389
. The Plan is not insurance and will not pay off
)/our outstanding balance.
. You will not.eceive advice or a recommendation ftom us on lho plan. We may
ask sorne questions to nanou, down the slction ofthe products that we provide
details on. You will then need !o make )rour o,vn choice of how you prcceed.


Coct of enrolmont
i) Full Plan: lf ),ou ar6 employed (includirE full time employment, parl timo
employment, temporary mployment and sf mployfiient), fie cG3t of the plan will
be charged atlhe rate of 79 pence per 100 (0.79% per month) of l,our monthly
outstanding balance ('Plan lnteresl'I
ii) Standard Plan: lf )rou are unemployBd or retirgd, the cost of the ptan will be
charged at the rate of 69 pence per e100 (0.69% per month) of ),our monthly
outstanding balance ('Plan lnterest').
. The Plan lnterest will be billsd dlreclly to
l,our Account each month.

Astivatlng Ropayment Optlon Plan

Freza WurAecount
. lf you experience a difftcu[ nnancial circumstance (detailed in thE seclion), the


Plan enables lrou lo treeze ],our Account for up to 24 months.

. During this lirne, you will not be obliged to makE any repayments or pay any
charges, and you will not be ablE to use your Vanquis card or Account.
. You can freeze your ,Bpayment obligations for as long as any of the evenb
(d6tailed in this section) apply. up to a maximum period of 24 months per event (or
series of connecGd events),
. Once your Accounl is frozen, no interest or fees will accrue and there is no need
to make monthly repayrnents over the period the Account is ftozen,
. After any of the events lisled below cease to apply or after 24 months (which\rer
is sooner), inlorost will accrue again and you wilt be obligd to continue ],our
nepayments and pay any applicable tees and charges.
. You can lreeze
lour Account withoui incuring additional lnterest or noeding lo
make monthly repaymenb wer the period in the event that a) )rou exprience on
or more of the events stated below: b) you contact Customer Servico; and c) you
prodde us with reasonabl evidence of the releyant event.
ThG Gventr

undor whlch you can freeze your Account are:

Full Phn:
i) you bemme unomplolred involuntarily (other than as e result of l,our own
ii) you bcome Bick, disabled or have an accident which afrects your ability to make
),our repaymenls;
iii) you hke leave fmm wo* to care for a partner (who you have lived with for more
than 6 months) or a member of your immediate family (sibling, parent, spouse or
child) and suffsr loss of income;
iv) you have to Btay in hepital because of a medical condition;
v) you have b attend iury servico;
vi) lrour main homB is significantly damaged by a natural disaster e.g. flooding; or
vil) your partnor (who you have lived witfi fior more than 6 months) or an immedlate
family membr (sibling, parenl, spouse or ciild) dies.
Standard Plan:
i) you bscome sick, disabled or have an accident which afrects )rour abitity to make
l,our rePaymenh;
ii) ,,ou have to stay in hospital because of a mdical condilion;
iii) you have to attend jury service;


Your Personal lnformation

We will process, by computer or otherwise, petsonal information about lrou
shilsl we are assessing your application and/or managing }!ur Account
('Yorr lnfcrmation'). We may have obtained Your lnbrmation from: ),ou;
credit reference agencies; fraud prevention agend6; othsr Provident
FiEncial group companies; or marketing listE provided to us by other third
pariies|Ue may search your credit record at credit refer6nce agencies in relation
to your application or for managing ),our Account, ard they will supply us
with crdil and/or identification information. Details of our search will be
sdded to their records whether or not ),our application is successful. Crdit
and identification informalion about )rou and those wilh whom )ou are
financially linked, which is providod to us and crBdit refercnoe agencios,
may be used by us and olher companies to make oredit decisions about
yEu and other members of your household. Any of this information may
elso be used for ldentification purposes, debt tracing and prevention of
mory laundering, as well as the management of )reur Account.
When assessing llour application, we may use credit scoring or other

aubmatsd dcision making faciliti6s.

We will, on a rEgular monthly basis, ptoyide details of the perfonnance of
your Account to credit referenc agenci$. This informalion may be used
by o&er companies lo make dechions about credit and credil-releted
sewbes for you and other members of your household.
lf false or inaccurate infomation is provided and fraud is identified, details
will be passed to fraud prevenlion agencies.
Law enforcement agencies may access and use lhis information.
We and other organisalions may also access and use this informafion lo
prevent ftaud and money laundering, for example, ! ,hen:
i) Checking details on applications for credit and credit relatod or othor


ii) Managing credit and credit related accounts or facilities

iii) Recovering debl



iv) Checking details on proposals and claims for all typs of insurance
v) Ched(ing dgtails of job applicanls and emplo)reeB
PleasecontactusatVanquis Card, Department DF, P,O. Box408,
Chatham, ME4 4GG if ),ou want to receive dotails of the relevant fraud
prEVention agencies.
We and other organisations may access and usg from olher countries the
information recorded by fraud prevenlion agencigs,
For the purposes of managing your Account, credit assessment and
analyBis, Your lnformation may be shared within the Provident Financial
group and outside the group to:
i) our agents, processors and Eub conttactoE;
ii) any of our approved supplier8;
iii) lhe police, if reguired by law; and/or
iv) any relevant regulatory authority, if rquired by law.
lf you require deiails of the Providenl Financial group companies or the
crcdit reference agencios we use, plase contact us at Vanquis Card,
Deparlmenl DF, P.O. Box 408, Chalham, ME4 4GG. You have a legal

ilght to thcsc


We may contacl you by post, telephone, automated dialling, email or

mobile lext and/or voice messaging service (SMS) about products or
services relaling to your Accounl or appllcation.
Where you consent we may send you marketing inbrmation or contact
you for marketing purposes by post, telophone, automabd dialling, email,
mobile text and/or voico messaging sewice (SMS), or other forms of


Where you consent, we may disclose Your lnforrnation within [he proviOent
Financial group or to other carefully selected companies for marketing purposes.
Any of these companies may then contact you about their products oi services.
lf you do not want Your lnformation to be used for marketing purposes, please
write to our Customer Service department Vanquis Card, Customer Seryice,
P.O. Box 399, CHATHAM, ME4 4WQ. You have a legal right to prevent Your

lnformation being used for direct marketing purposes.


We may process Your lnformation in countries outside the United Kingdom and
European Economic Area (EEA). lf so, we will make sure that Your lnformation
receives no less protection than is required in the EEA.
We may disclose Your lnformation to any person or company to whom we
propose to transfer our rights and/or responsibilities under this agreement.
You have a right to receive a copy of the lnformation we hotd about you if
you apply to us In writing to: vanquis Card, customer Service, p.o. Box
399, GHATHAi, ItlE4 4ylrQ and pay us a f,10 fee. You are also entitled to
rPq;us31that any inaccurate information be amended or deleted.

Other Deflnltlons
'Account'- the credit card account that we open and maintain in
your name;
'Base Rate'- meens the base lending rate which is set by the Bank
of England as quoted in the Financial Tirnes/ Financial Mail from time to time;
'Balance Transfer'- means the transfer of all or part of an account balance
from another financial institution to your Account;
'Card' - means any visa credit card we issue to you or any additional
cardholders under the tenns of this agreernent and is not a cheque
guarantee card;
'Cash Transaction' - means (i) the withdrawal of cash from a cash machine, or
financial institution, displaying the Visa sign, (ii) purchases of curency and cash
related transactions, such as purchases of travelers cheques, money orders and
money transfers and (iii) Gambling Transactions;
'cheque Transaction'- means a transaclion paid for with a cheque(s)
that we may provide to you from time to time on your Accounl or a transfer of
money on your instructions which is charged to your Account, as the case may be;
'Default Charges' Late Payrnent, Over Limit and/or Return Payment Charges;
'Gambling Transaction' - means (i) the use of your Card or your Card number to
take part in any form of gambling such as gaming, betting or participating in a
lottery and (ii) a transaction where payment is made to an establishment
reasonably identified as carrying on a gambling business (where gambling has the
meaning set out in (i)) and is charged to your Account, whether or not the
transaction itself finances participation in gambling;
'Margin Rate'- means the difference between the annual interest rate(s) and
the Base Rate;
'Over Limit' - where you exceed your Credit Limit;
'Purchase Transaction'- means a transaction with a merchant
displaying the Visa sign, for goods and/or services paid for with
your Card;
'Application'- the application form requesting us to open an Account for you on
these terrns and conditions, which you complete, sign and submit to us.
CCA version code: NP-TA-09


to amend an error;
to make the agreement easier for you to understand;
if we introduce new services or features to the Plan;
to reflect changes in market conditions such as system capabilities, methods
of operation, changes in technology, fraud prevention requirements and/or
payment methods;
29.6. due to good banking or financial services practice(s);
29.7. due to changes in the cost of providing the service to you;
29.8. if the law or a code of practice changes or is like$ to change or a requirement is
made by a regulatory or trade bo$ or we decide to implement a code of
practice; and/or
29.9. any other valid reason.
V\le will provide you with at least 30 days'written notice before any change takes
effect (unless the change is in your favour, in which case we will make the
change immediately and tell you about it within 30 days of adopting the change).



Sltts Seruice
31. As partof the Plan we offeryou an SMS text message service, at no additional


cost ("the SMS Text Service').

Under the SMS Text Service you will be eligible for a text message each month,
at no additional cost, which will contain information on yourAccount.
The SMS Text Service terms and conditions will apply to this facility.
lf you elect to take the SMS Text Service, further information will be sent to you
at that time.




Call Charges
Calls to 0871 numbers will be charged at 7p per minute from a BT landline. Calls from
rnobiles and other networks may vary.


1. Parties


"\A/e", nus", 'our" means \fanquis Bank Limited whose address is Colonnade,

Sunbridge Road, Bradford, Wbst Yorkshire BD1 2LQ; and

'You', "yourself, "yout' means the person signing this agreement and whose
name and address is stated on the Reply Card or your application.



lAle will set your Credit Limitwhen we open yourAccount; this is the maximum

amount that you can bonow and/or spend on yourAccount ('Credit Limit'). lf
we reasonably consider it appropriate (e.9., depending on how yourAccount
is run and/or whether your financial circunrstances have changed), we may
increase or decrease your Credit Limit from time to time and will notifr you
of any such change. You can tell us if you do not wish to have your credit limit
increased or you want it reduced - see paragraphs 2.1Aand 2.18.
2.1A You may request an increase in your Credit Lirnit at any time but we are not
obliged to grant it in full or in part. tAre will give you not less than 30 days'
notice if we propose to increase your Credil Limit without your having
requested it. You can reject this increase. $rle wil! tell you how you can do
this when we give you notice.
2.18 You can tell us at any time that you do not wish to receive Credit Limit
increases and you can ask us to reduce your Credit Limit. lAE reserve the
right not make any reduction to your Credit Limit that you may request or defer
its making where we have a reasonable belief that such reduction would
cause you to commit a breach of this agreement e.g., you would exceed the
requested Credit Limit.
There will be a limit on the amount of cash that you can withdraw each day,
which will be 20% of your Credit Limit ('Daily Cash Wthdrawal Limit'). l/Ue
may change the Daily Cash Wthdrawal Limit from time to time and will notiff
you ofany such change.
You must make a minimum monthly repayment ('Minimum Repayment') to
your Account each rnonth. Vtde will tell you which Minimum Repayment is
applicabb when we open yourAccount. Your Minimum Repayment is one of
the following:
2.3.1 3,5% of your outstanding balance or f 10, whichever is the greater; or
2.3.2 4.5o/o of your outstanding balance or 85, whichever is the greater; or
2.3.3 5% of your outstanding balance or f5, whicfrever is the greater.
ln every case you must pay off the outstandang balance shown on your
statement if it is less than 85.
lAIe may vary your Minirnum Repayment. lf we vary your Minimum Repayment
we will write to you to tell you.
Your Minimum Repayrnent must be received by us by the date shown on
your monthly statement ('Repayment Due Date').




3.1 For details of the interest rates applicable on your account, please refer to
your monthly statement.
3.2 lf you make a Promotional Rate Transaction, the promotional rate will



apply until the end of the promotional period unless you breach the terms
of your agreement with us at whictr point your standard interest rales as
notified to you from time to time will apply. Please note that the
preferential terms will not be restored to your Account, even if you rectiff
any breach by bringing yourAccount in order.
There will be an annual fee of f25 which will be charged to yourAccount on
your first statement and annually thereafter.
ln calculating the APRs, no account has been taken of any variation which
may oc,cur to the interest rates (Base Rate and/or Margin Rates) or fees
under this agreement.
The annual interest rates are made up of:
3.5.1 the Base Rate, and
3.5.2 an annual Margin Rate in respect of Purchase'and Balance Transfer
Transactions and an annual Margin Rate in respect of Cash
Transactions and Cheque Transactions.
lnterest is charged on transactions at the interest rates detailed above ffom
the date of any Purchase, Cash, Cheque and/or Balance Transfer
Transaction(s) or any other amount charged to yourAccount, until repayment

in full. lnterest is calculated on the daily outstanding balance on yourAccount

and, ex@pt in respect of Purchase Transactions where you have paid ofi two

or more consecutive current statement balances in full each month, is



debited to your Account at the end of each statement period. At statement

date, we will add the interest we charge to the outstanding balance on your
Account. This means that you will generalty pay interest on interest.
lf in any statement period you incur interest (excluding ROP Gharges) and
that interest is less than f1, a minimum finance charge of
will be added to
your Account in place of that interest which will be waived.
You can get up to 56 days' interest free credil on Purchase Transactions
provided that you pay ofi two or more consecutive current statement balances
in full by the Repayrnent Due Dates. ln respect of Purchase Transactions on
your first statement, you will be charged interest ftorn the transaction date
until the end of the first slatement period but, if you pay ofi your first statement
balance in full, you could get up to 28 days'interest free credit.
IAfe may change your Margin Rate for any valid reason inctuding, but not
limited to:
3.9.1 your credit score e.9., when revising your Margin Rate we rnay take


into account the inforrnation you gave us in your



informalion we have on how you are using your Accoun! andlor

informalion we get from credit reference agencies;
3.9.2 economic reasons affecting our busine$s as a whole;
3,9.3 changes in the cost of providing a service to you. and/or
3.9.4 changes or potential changes in the law or a code of practice.
lf you require details of how we use your crcdit score fur changes in your
Margin Rate, please contact us at Vanquis Card, Department DF, P.O. Box
Your interest rates may also change in accordance with changes in &e Base
Rate. Paragraphs 9.12A and 3.128 will not apply to any increase resulting
from changes in the Base Rate.

3.12A Other than in exceptional circumstances (such as those contemplated

in paragraphs 3.9.2 - 3.9.4) which significantly increase our costs or reduce
our income, we will not change your interest rates for any rason more
frequently than once every six months. ln addition, we will not change
your interest rates for a reason under paragraph 3.9.1 during the twelve
months following the opening of your Account Nothing in this paragraph
will prevent us from increasing your interest rates in accordance with
paragraph 3.2.
3.128 We will give you at least 30 days' prior written notice of any increase in your
interest rates. lf we give you such notice you will have 60 days starting
with receipt of that notice to tell us that you reject the rate increase. lf you
do so you must repay the outstanding balance on your Account at the
existing interest rates within a reasonable period and your Account will be
closed (i.e., you will no longer be able to use it).
3.13 ffiere your repayment is not sufficient to pay ofithe whole of the balance
outstanding on your Account, your repayment will be allocated initially to
paying ofi fees, charges and interesUminimum finance charge on your
staternent and hen to debt bearing the highest interest rate.


There are no Default Charges.

Otherfees that may be charged are set out in paragraph 5.1



The Consumer CreditAct 1974 lays down certain requirements for your protection
which should have been complied with when this agreement uras made. lf they
were not, we cannot enforce this agreement without getting a court order.
TheAct also gives you a nurnber of rights:
You can settle this agreement at any time by giving notice in writing and
paying off the amount you owe under the agreemenl
lf you received unsatisfactory goods or services paid for under this
agreement, apart from any bought with a cash loan, you may have a right to


lf the contrac{ is not fulfilled, perhaps because the supplier has gone out of

business, you may still be able to eue us.

lf you would like to know more about your rights under the Act, contact either your local
Trading Standards Department or your nearest Citizens'Advice Bureau.
lf you received unsatisfactory goods or services paid for under this agreement costing
more than t100 and not more than 30,000, you may have a right to sue the supplier,
us or both.

lf your credit card is lost, stolen or misused by someone without your permission, you
may have to pay up to t50 of any loss to us. lf it is misused with your permission you
will probabty be liable for ALL losses. You will not be liable to us for losses which take
place after you have told us about the thefi, etc. as long as you confirm this in writing
within seven days.
Please send this confirmation to Vanquis Card, Customer Service, P.O. Box 399,
ll your card is lost, misused or stolen, please call Customer Service immediately
on 0800 783 9003 to rcport it.

5.1 fther Fees


There are no Cash Transaction fees.

5.1-2 t ie ririll charge a fee of 2.99% of the amount of any non-sterling




irlls$lNG PAYi,IENTS
Missing payments could have severe conseguenoes and make obtaining credit
more difficult and we may ta[<e legal proceedings against you. lf we do take legal
proceedings against you, we may apply for a bankruptcy order against you or a
charging order against your home. This could lead to your home being repossessed
and sold.

sue the supplier, us or both.



transaction made abroad ('Foreign Transaction fee'). The exchange rate

on which this fee will be calculated is set by VISA and will be the
exchange rate on the date the transaction is processed and may be
difierent from the date of the actual transaction. Please note that you will
be charged both a Cash Transaction fee and a Foreign Transaction fee
if you withdraw money abroad.
!1le will charge a fee of t5 to your Account for each copy statement
issued to you upon your request.
\AE may change any of the'Other Fees'by giving you at least 30 days'
notice for a valid reason set out in paragraph 15.

Your Repayments
You will be liable for the amount of all transactions, interesUminimum finance

charges and any applicable fees payable under this agreement.

Any amount which takes you over your Credit Lirnit and/or any arrears shown
on your monthly statement must be repaid to us in full immediately.
A repayment hy you to us will be credited to your Account. However, we
reserye the right to withhold authorisation for a transaction on your Account
until your repayment has cleared through the banking system. WE will only
accept that you have paid any money you owe us when we receiye your
payrTlent as cleared funds. Please ensure that you allow enough tirne for your
paynent to clear through the banking system.
All repayments from you must be made in pounds sterling from a UK bank.
Any cheque repayments made to yourAccount must have yourAccount nurnber
clearly marked on the back of the cheque.
You cannot use a claim against a supplier or reliailer as a reason for not
raking payments to us. You must continue to meet your Minimum Repayment
even if you have a dispute or clairn against a supplier or retailer or us. Failure to
pay your Minimurn Repayment may result in your Account going into anears
and will result in default informatbn being recorded against you with credit
reference agencies.
You can repay all or part of your outstianding balance early in full or in part at any
time. Repayments will increase the credit available on yourAccount within your
Credit Lirnit.

Additional Cardholders
lf you request, we may issue a Card and Personal ldentification Number (PlN)
to the person you nominate ('Additional Cardholder'). t/Ve may charge you for
this service and we will notify you of any charge before providing you with the
You must make sure that the Additional Cardholder has consented to you giving
us their details and is at least 18 years old.

All transactions carried out by the Additional Cardholder will appear on your
statement, will be included in your outstanding balance and you are responsible

for repayrnent of all transactions. You must make sure that the Additional

8.14.2 insert your Card and provide your PIN and make a request for a

Cardholder uses their Card in accordance with these terms and conditions
and follows any instructions we give you about Card security and giving
information to us, You understand that we cannot control how Additional







Cardholders use theAccount. You will be responsible for all use of their Card
(and Cheques if applicable), including any use whhh resuJts in a breach of this
You can ask us to cancel an Additional Cardholder's Card at any time but you
will remain responsible for its use until it is returned to us.
Using YourAccount

\Mren we have opened yourAccount, we will send you and any Additional
Cardholder a Card and PlN. The Card may only be used by the person
whose narne is on the Card. You may not use the Card until you have
activated it by contacting us. The Card may be replaced from time to time with
either the same type of Card or a different Card, which will be covered by the
terms of this agreement.
The Card rnay be used for:
E.2.1 Purchase Transactions; and
8.2.2 CashTransactions.
You must only use your Card within the 'valid from'and 'expires end'date on
the Card.
lf you ask us to, we may send you our Cheques, which can only be used by
you. You may only make Cheque Transactions in sterling and must not use
one of our Cheques to make a payment to us. lf you want to receive Cheques,
please notiff us by writing to Vanquis Card, Customer Service, P.O. Box 399,
CHATHAI,] ME4 4WQ, or by calling 0871 770 5555.
You must not use your Card or our Cheques in a way that would take your
Account balance over your Credit Limit. lf you use your Card or our Cheques
for Cash Transactions, you must not make withdrawals that are over your
Daily Cash Wthdrawal Limit.
You cannot use our Cheques in places where a cheque guarantee card is
required. Your Card is not a cheque guarantee card.
Cards and Cheques belong to us. lf we ask you to return them to us, you must
do so imrnediate[. t h can also ask a merchant (e.9., a shop or petrol station)
to keep your Card and return it to us.
When deciding whether to allow a transaction to be processed, we may take
into account any transactions that have already been rnade or auhorised on
yourAccount and any interest and fees payable under this agreement.
You or an Additional Cardholder must not use a Card fur any illegal purpose. lf
you or an Additional Cardholder do so, you will be responsible for such use
and may be required to reimburse us and/or VISA (or another payment
scheme provider) for all amounts which we or they incur as a result of such
You should not make payrnents that put yourAccount into credit. lf you do so,
we will not pay any interest.
lf you ask us to send a Cash Transaction to your bank account, the payment

will arrive no later than the nert working day and in any eyent by the third
working day. lf your request is afier Spm and before midnight or on a Saturday
or Sunday or bank holiday, we will treat the request as received on the
following working day and timescales for receipt of the Cash Transaction into
your bank account will be adiusted accordingty.
812 You cannot cancel a Transaction once you have authorised the rnerchant to
use your Card for a purchase or asked us to make a Balance Transfer
E.13 Wtere you give your Card details for a Transaction to be made on a future
date (for example, where you set up a regular bill payment from your Card)
and you want to cancel that Transaction you must tell the third party you
agreed to make the Transaction with and provide us with a copy of your
cancellation of that Transaction.
&14 The authorisation of a Transaction can include authorising any single
Transaction, a series of recurring Transactions (including Transactions for an
indefinite period) or pre-authorising a future Transaction of a certain or
uncertain amount. A Transaction will be regarded as authorised by you or an
Additional Cardholder where you or an Additional Gardholder:
6.14.1 authorise the Transaction at the point of sale by following whatever
inslructions are provided by the merchant to authorise the Transaction,
which may include: entering a PIN or providing any o0rcr security
code; or signing a sales voucher;

Cash Transaction at an ATM;

8.14.3 orally or in writing provide your Card details to us and request a

Cash Transaction to your bank account or Balance Transfer
Transaction from yourAccount;

8.14.4 present (including sending) a completed Cheque to any person; or

8.14.5 provide us with your security details and instruct us to carry out the


Restricting Ure of YourAccount

We can suspend your use of your Card on your Account for the folloring


if you are in breach of this agreement;

the Repayment Option Plan has been aslivated by you;
we consider it necessary to protect the security of your Account;
9.1.4 you have exceeded your Credit Limit;
we are required to do so by law, a court, regulatory authority or by
another du$ that applies to us;
a Transaction appears to be unusual when compared with the way
you usually operate yourAccount;
9.1.7 you have reported your Card as lost or stolen or have informed us
that someone else knows yout' PIN or you inform us that unauthorised
Transactions have taken place on your Account;
9.1.E we suspect fraud or some illegality;
9.1.9 in respect of a Cash Transaction or Balance TransEr Transaction,
the instructions you have given us are unclear or incorrect;
9.1.10 we feel it necessary as a rnatter of responsible lending; or
9.1.11 for any other valid reason.
lf we suspend use of your Account, we will write to tell you before or
immediately after such suspension, except where we do not have to do so
by law (e.9., if doing so would prejudice the prevention of a crime).




10.1 t Ie will normally send you a monthly statement unless no paymenl is due
frorn you on you r Accou nt. Your statement will contain details of transactions,


payments, refunds, interesUminimum finance charge and any fees

applicable to yourAccount since your last statement. Your statement will be
sent to the last postal address you have given us.
!f you do not agree with any item on your statement, you must notify us of
the reason for your dispute without delay and in any event within 30 days of
the date of the statement in which the transaction appears.


Looking AfterYourAccount, Cald and PIN


You and any Additional Cardholder must:

11.1.1 sign the issued Card(s) immediatety on its receipt;

1',,1.2 keep the Card(s) and Cheque(s) secure;
11.1.3 memorise your PlN, lteep it secret, and destroy the paper slip upon
which the PIN has been printed;
11.1.4 comply with our reasonable instructions regarding use or change of
the PIN (e.9., fur security reasons);
11.1.5 inform us immediately by telephoning 0800 783 9003 if you suspect
that anyone else knows your PIN; and/or
11.1.6 inform us immediately by telephoning 0800 783 9003 (or +44 161
444 4495 if calling trom outside the UK) it you lose your Card or
Cheques, or you suspect that they have been stolen. You must
confirm this notification to us in writing within 7 days to Vanquis Card,
Customer Service, P.O. Box 399, CHATHAM ME4 4WQ;
11.1 .7 not allow anyone else to use the Card(s) or Cheques;
11.1.8 inform us immediately by telephoning 0800 783 9003 if you become
aware of an unauthorised transaction and co-operate with us and
the police to recover losses, and to investigate any unauthorised
11.2 We may ask for proof of your identity when we @nsider it necessary for
security reasons.
.3 We will suspend and invesligate any Transaction you challenge as
unauthorised, and, if the Transaction was not authorised by you, we will
refund it and return your Account to the position it would have been in (for
example, by refunding any interest or charges that you have paid as a



Limits to our Liability



We will not be liable to you if we cannot carry out our responsibilities under
this agreement due to reasons outside our reasonable controle.g., due to
fire, flood, strike action or for electronic failure such as rnachine, data
processing system or data transmission links.
We will not be liable to you for any refusal or delay by any person to accept
your Card, PIN or Cheque.
\A/e will not be liable to you for any loss of profit or damage to your




Closing Jour Account


You can notiff us at any time frrat you wish to close your Account by writing
to us at Vanquis Card, Custorner Service, P.O. Box 399, CHATHAM ME4
4WQ or by lelephoning 0871 770 5555.
\AIe may close your Account for any lawful reason by giving you at least
two montrs' written notice.



\fvb may close yourAccount irnmediately:

13.3,1 if you die; or

13.3.2 if you have a bankruptcy, debt relief order or receiving order made
against you; or
13.3.3 in exceptional circumstances, such as where your Account has
been used for an unlawful PurPose.
lf we do so, we will write to tell you before or immediately after such
ctosure, except where we do not have to do so by law (e.9., if doing so
would preiudice the prevention of a crime). You (or your representative)
will be required to repay us any amounts you owe to us.
13.4 \Mrere we have given you notice or you have given us notice, this
agreement will only formally end when:
13.4.1 you have paid all amounts you owe to us under this agreement,
including the amount of any transactions appearing on your
Account after the notice has been given; and
13.4,2 you and any Additional Cardholder have retumed to us all Cards
and Cheques cut in two to the address above.
13.5 lf your Account is in credit at the time of closure, we reserve the right not
to repay to you any amount less than f 5 due to administrative costs.




You or theAdditional Cardholder must let us know immediately if:

14,1,1 your or their Card or Cheques become lost or stolen;
14.1.2 your or their PIN is likely to be misused or has been disclosed;




14.1.3 your statement includes any information that seems wrong;

14.1.4 you change your name or address. You should also keep us
informed of any changes to your telephone or mobib number and
or your email address. We may request copies of documentation
certified by a solicitor or notary public as proof of any change to
your name; and/or
14.1.5 you want to end this agreement.
lt is also important to tell us of any changes to your financial circumstan@s.
You can notify us by writing to Vanquis Card, Customer Service, P.O. Box
ggg, CHATHAM ME4 4WQ or by telephoning 0871 770 5555. \rr/e may ask
you to confirm in writing any notice you give us by telephone.
Varying this agreement
of this agreement, or introduce any other related
term to this agreement, including any charge or any fee provided under
this agreement:
15.1.1 ilthe change is in yourfavour;
15.1.2 to amend an error;
15.1.3 to make them easier for you to understand;
15.1.4 if your product changes, or we introduce new seruices or features
to yourAccount:
15.1.5 due to changes in your financial position based on changes in
your credit rating or risk (we may take into account any failure by
you to make payments on time or at all to us or olher banks or

15.1 We may vary the terms


15.1.6 to reflect changes in market conditions such as system capabilities,

rnethocts of operation, changes in technology, fraud prevention
requirements and /or payment methods;
15.1.7 due to good banking or financial services practice(s);
15.1.8 due to changes in the cost of providing the serviee to you;



1S.1.9 if the law or a code of practice changes or is likely to change
or a requirernent is made by a regulatory or trade body or we
decide to implement a code of practice.
Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, wewill give you at least
g0 days' written notice before any change takes efiect (unless
the chinge is in your favour, in which aase we may make the change
immediatbfi and tell you about it within 30 days of adopting the
\A/e may from time to time offer you a lor,ver promotional interest
rate on certain transactions including Balance Transfer Transactions,
for a specified period ('Promotional Rate Transactions').
You may close your account without having to pay any extra charges
or interest at any time up to 60 days from the date ol our notice if
the change is to your disadvantage. A change may become
irnmediately effective if it is to your advantage.
tfiIe may from time to time change the payment scheme provider we
use for yourAccount and if we do so we will issue you with a difierent
card wlrich may have a difierent account number, difierent branding
or be part of a different card acceptance scheme. lftE will tell you
about iny changes to the terms in accordance with this paragraph 1 5.
We rnay transfer your Account to a differenl credit card product. li&
will alwiys give you notice in accordance with this pamgEtph 15: l re
will only iransfeiyourAccount to a difierent credit card producf if it is
lawful to do so.


16.1 You cannot transfer this agreement or your rights or obligations

under this agreement. \llle may transfer this agreement or any of our
rights or responsibilities to any company or person wlro is licensed
under the Consumer CreditAct 1974 e.9., if our business was sold to

a third party. ltrle will give you such notice of any transfer or


assignment as is required bY law.

l/Ve may instruct any other person to exercise our rights-or carry out
our responsibilities under this agreement e.9., lYe could instruct a
debt coitection agency to assist in recovering any amounts owed to

16.9 Wb rnay waive any of our rights under this agreement without losing

them eg., if we accept a part payment from you, we will still be able
to claim the full amount owed by you.
16.4 We may at our discretion waive any fees.
16.5 Telephone calls may be monitored and all calls will be recorded for
the furposes of quaiity conbol, confirmation of the accurate execution
of transactions, resolution of disputes, training and/or fraud
16.6 Our consumer credil ticence number, issued by the Office of Fair
Trading, is 532364. The Ofiice of Fair Trading regulates consumer
credit lending. ln addition, we are authorised and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority to accept deposits and carry out
insurance mediation under registration number ?21156. The Financial
Services Authority is responsible for the regulation of the financial
services industry.
16.7 This agreernent is governed by English law (unless the address from
which you made your application was in Scotland when Scots law
shall apply) and atl contractual terms and conditions and information
supplied in this agreement are supplied in English. Wb will
communicate with you in English.
16.8 lf you have a complaint about the service you receive, please write
to Vanquis Card, Customer Service, P.O. Box 399, CHATHAM ME4
4WQ and your complaint will be dealt with in accordance with our
Complaints procedure. lf we cannot resolve a complaint to your
satisfaction you may refer your complaint to the Financial Services
Ombudsman at Souih Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh l hll, London E14
or at wwuFinancial-O uk.
16.9 lf any term or part of a term in this agreement is ruled by a court
to be invalid, iltegat or unenforceable, then this invalidity, illegality or
unenforceability will not afiect any other term in this agreement

business and statistical analysis. This rnay include specific information


17.1 We will process, by computer or otherwise, personal information

about you whilst we are assessing your application and/or managing

your Account ('Your lnformation'). I re may have obtained


lnformation from: you; credit reference agencies; fraud prevention

agencies; other Provident Financial group companies; third parties
specialising in data verification; or marketing tists provided to us by
other third parties.
17.2 \A/e may search your credit record at credit reference agencies in
relation to your application or for managing your Account, and they
will supply us with credit and/or identification information. Details of
our search will be added to their records whether or not your
application is successful. Credit and identification information about
you and those with whom you are financially linked, which is provided
to us and credit reference agencie$, may be used by us and other
companies to make credit decisions about you and other members
of your household. tAltrere we use a third party to verify any
information we have about you, any of this information may also
be used for identification purposes, debt tracing and prevention of
money laundering, as well as the management of your Account. lAh
will update Your lnfonnation wilh any data we receive from a third
party where they have provided us with a data verification search.
17.3 lMlen assessing your application, we may use credit scoring or other
automated decision making facilities.
17 .4 We will, on a regular monthly basis, provide details of the performance
of yourAccount to credit reference agencies, This information may be
used by other cornpanies to make decisions about credit and credit
related services for you and other members of your household.
17.5 We may use Your lnformation for behavioural scoring and market and
product analysis and generally to leam from the way you use and
manage your Account, including from your hansactions and forn the
payments made to your Account. What we leam about how you
use your Account and from infonnation we receive from credit
reference agencies may be used to determine the Margin Rate we
apply to yourAccount from time to time. Also we may assess whether
you would be eligible for an altemative credit product, such as a
personal loan. lf such a product is available to you, we will contact
you about that product.
17.6 lf false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified,
details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies.
17.7 Law enforcement agencies may access and use this infonnalion.
17.A \AIe and other organisations rruy also access and use this information
to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example, when:
17.8.1 Checking details on applications for credit and credit related
or other facilities;
17.5.2 Managing credit and credit related accounts or ftacilities;
1 7.8.3 Recovering debt;
17.8.4 Checking details on proposals and claims for all types of
insurance; or
17.8.5 Checking details of job applicants and employees.
17.9 Please contact us at Vanquis Card, Department DF, P.O. Box 408,
Chatham, ME4 AV{Z if you want to receive details of the relevant
fraud prevention agencies.
17.10 \AIe and other organisations may access and use from other countries
the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies.
17.11 For the purposes of managing your Account, credit assessrnent and
analysis, and to provide other products and services to you, Your
lnformation may be shared within the Provident Financial group and
outside the group to:
17.11.1 our agents, procssors and sub contractors;
17.11.2 any of our approved suppliers;
17.11.3 the police, if required by law;
17 .11.4 any relevant regulatory authority, if required by law; and/or
17,11.5 anyone to whom we transfer or may transfer our rights and
duties under this agreement.
17.12|f you \,vere introduced to us by a third party, we may give them your
contact details and sufficient information about you for their own

about whether we declined or approved your application and how you use
and manage your Account.
17.13 lf you reguire details of Provident Financial group companies or the credit
reference agencies we use, pleaSe contact us at Vanquis Card,
Department DF, P.O. Box 408, Chatham, ME4 4V{Z.You have a legal right

to these details.

\ile may contact you by post, telephone, automated dialling, ernail or

mobile text and/or voice messaging service about products or services

relating to yourAccount or application.
17 .'15 Where you consent we may send you marketing information or contiact
you for marketing purposes about other products and services that may be
of interest to you. We will do this by post, telephone, automated
dialling, email, mobile text and/or voice messaging service, or other forms
of communication.
17 .16lr1Jtrere you consent, we may disclose Your lnformation within the Provident
Financial group or to other carefutly selected companies for marketing
purposes. Any of these companie$ may then contact you about their
products or services.
17.17 lf you do not want Your lnformation to be used for marketing purposes,
please write to our Customer Service department Vanquis Card, Customer
Service, P.O. Box 399, CHATHAIvI ME4 4\ n or telephone us on 0E71 770
5555. You have a legal rlghtto preventYourlnformation belng used for

direct marketlng purposes.

tVe may process Your lnformation in countries outside the United
Kingdom and European Economic Area (EEA). lf so, we will make sure
hat Your lnforrnation receives no less protection than is required in the

17.19 You have a rlght

to recelve a copy olthe informatlon we hold about

you if fou apply to us in writing to Vanquis Card, Customer Service,
P.O. Box 399, CHATHAH ltE4 4WQ. We will requlrc you to pey us a
E{B fee. You are also entitled to requect that any lnaccurate
information be amended or deleted.


We have given a particular meanlng to the words which begin with a capital
letter. These meanings are explained where they occur in this agreement or in
this paragraph 18.

18.1 Account'- the credit card

account that we open and maintain in your


18.2 'Base Rate'


means the base lending rate which is set by the Bank of

England as quoted in the FinancialTimes/ Financial Mail from time to tirne,

'Balance Transfer Transaction'
rneans the transEr of all or part of an
account balance from another frnancial institution to your Account.

18.4 'Card'- rneans any Visa credit card we issue to you or any additional
cerdholders under the terms of this agreerTlent and is not a cheque
guarantee card.


'Cash Transaction'- rneans:

1E,5.1 the withdrawal of cash from a cash machine, or financial institution,

displaying the Msa sign;

18.5.2 purchases of currency and cash related transactions, such as
purchases of travellers cheques, money orders and money
transfers including direcfly to your personal bank account; and
1 8.5.3 Gambling Transactions.
'l 8.6 'Chegue' rneans a cheque that we may provide to you from time to time on
18.7 'Gheque Transaction'- means a transaction paid for with a Cheque or a
transfer of money on your instructions which is charged to your Account,
as the case may be.
18.8 'Gambling Transaction' - means:
18.8.1 the use of your Card or your Card number to take part in any form
of gambling such as gaming, betting or participating in a lottery;




a transaction where payment is made to an establishment

reasonably identified as carrying on a gambling business (where
gambling has the meaning set out in paragraph 18.8.1) and
is charged to your Account, whether or not the transaction itself

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