Internship Do The Math

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Do the Math!

Grade Level: 6th grade

Length: 1 full session
Length of Sessions: 40 minutes, 3 times
Number of Members: Classroom size
Gender of Members: Mixed
Goals: Students will be able to develop an increased understanding of the importance behind goal
setting and steps to achieve goals.

ASCA Model Mindsets:

2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed
5. Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes
ASCA Model Behaviors:
Learning Strategies:
4. Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning.
7. Identify long- and short-term academic, career and social/emotional goals.
Social Skills:
2. Use effective oral and written communication skills and listening skills.
9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment.
Target Population: Sixth grade students who would benefit from learning how to set goals and plans
to take in getting what they want.
Pre-Screening: Every student in sixth grade classrooms will participate in this group.
Leadership Style As this group is taught, the school counselor will use a modified democratic style.
This leadership style will encourage the group to stay on task, and will be fair with every student in
the classroom. As the leader, it is important to encourage participation from everyone and to use
basic counseling skills when communicating, such as encouragers, open-ended questions, and

Evaluation: The group will be evaluated with a pre and a post test (Appendix A). The pretest will be
given right before the lesson begins. The posttest will be given right after the lesson. Effectiveness of
the group will first be measured by attendance; hopefully 100% of sixth-grade students will be in
school for this lesson. Group effectiveness can also be seen by 90% of the students recognizing the
importance of creating plans in order to reach their goals; this can be seen by taking a look at the
difference between the pre and posttest answers. Lastly, the school counselor will follow-up with the
sixth grade students by using their Goal Setting Reproducible (Appendix B), and by seeing who
successfully accomplished a goal (or goals) from the form.
Pearson, A. (2009). Guidance with good measure. Chapin, SC: YouthLight, Inc.



Students will be able to identify three goals

Assessment = Classroom lesson and

they currently have.

completing Goal Setting Reproducible

Evaluation = 100% of students will identify two
goals they currently have.

Students will be able to identify two steps

Assessment = Completing Goal Setting

they have to achieve each goal.

Evaluation = 90% of students will identify two
steps they have to achieve each goal.

Planning and Goal Setting Pre/Posttest (Appendix A)
Goal Setting Reproducible (Appendix B)
Writing utensils
Strategy/Activities Procedure:
1. Introduce myself to the class. Tell the class that they are going to be learning about
setting goals and creating plans. Pass out the pretest and allow a few minutes for
students to complete it.
2. Ask the students to describe several things they want, which can be anything.
3. Tell the students that most of the time when we want something, we dont just get
it when we ask.
a. For example, If you wanted good grades, would your teacher just give them
to you? If you wanted to be the best at a sport, would that happen by doing
4. By setting a plan, people are more likely to achieve their goals. Ask the students to
give you an example of a goal they currently have. Ask what some steps they
would take to reach that goal.
5. Explain to the students that setting goals is like math.
a. When you are making plans, it is important to think of what you can do to
help you get what you want.
b. Write on the smartboard: Part 1 + Part 2 = Goal
i. Write this with the example goal.
6. Have the students share a few more examples and write them in this formula.

7. Explain some things that may not add up to a goal:

a. Finish homework = go to a game + stay up too late
8. Hand out the Goal Setting Reproducible. Let the students know that sometimes
someone needs to approve of the plan, and that there might be more than two
9. Allow a few minutes for students to complete. Ask for a few people to share their
three goals and discuss whether their plans are realistic or not.
1. Tell the students that planning for goals is the best way to try and get what you
2. Hand out the posttest (Appendix A) and allow students a few minutes to complete
a. Answers for the Planning and Goal Setting Assessment:

C, E

Pearson, A. (2009). Guidance with good measure. Chapin, SC: YouthLight, Inc.

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