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Women's Health

Inammation of the Cervix (Cervicitis)

Written by Jacquelyn Cafasso
Medically Reviewed by

What Is Cervicitis?
Thecervixis the lowermost part of the uterus. It extends slightly into the vagina. This
is where menstrual blood exits the uterus. During labor, the cervix dilates to allow a
baby to pass through the endocervical, or birth, canal. Like any tissue in the body, the cervix can become
inamed for a variety of reasons. Inammation of the cervix is known ascervicitis.

What Are the Symptoms of Cervicitis?

Some women have no symptoms. When symptoms are present, they can include:
abnormal vaginal bleeding
persistent gray or white vaginal discharge that may have an odor
vaginal pain
pain during intercourse
a feeling of pelvic pressure
The cervix can become very inamed if cervicitis progresses. In some cases, it can develop an open sore. Puslike vaginal discharge is a symptom of severe cervicitis.

What Causes Cervicitis?

The most common cause of this inammation is an infection. Infections that lead to cervicitis may be spread
during sexual activity, but this isnt always the case. Cervicitis is either acute or chronic.Acute cervicitisinvolves
a sudden onset of symptoms.Chronic cervicitislasts for several months.
Acute cervicitis is typically due to a sexually transmitted infection (STI), such as:
herpes simplex type 2, or genital herpes
human papillomavirus (HPV)
It can also be the result of an infection due to other factors, such as an allergy to spermicide or condom latex,
a cervical cap or diaphragm, or sensitivity to the chemicals found in tampons. Regular vaginal bacteria can also
cause cervicitis.
Chronic cervicitis is common after childbirth. It may also occur during pregnancy because increased hormone
levels cause increased blood ow to the cervix.
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How Is Cervicitis Diagnosed?

If you have symptoms of cervicitis, see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. The symptoms of cervicitis can
also be signs of other vaginal conditions. Sometimes, a routine exam will discover cervicitis if you arent having
any symptoms.
There are multiple ways your doctor can diagnose cervicitis.

Bimanual Pelvic Exam

For this test, your doctor will insert a gloved nger into your vagina while also applying pressure to your
abdomen. This allows your doctor to detect abnormalities of the pelvic organs, including the cervix.

Pap Smear Test

For this test, also known as a Pap smear, your doctor will take a swab of cells from your vagina and cervix.
Theyll then have these cells tested for abnormalities.

Cervical Biopsy
Your doctor would perform this test only if your Pap smear detected abnormalities. For this test, also called
acolposcopy, your doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina. Theyll then take a cotton swab and gently
clean the vagina and cervix of mucus residue. Your doctor will look at your cervix using acolposcope, which is
a type of microscope, and examine the area. Theyll then take tissue samples from any areas that look

Cervical Discharge Culture

Your doctor may also decide to take a sample of the discharge from your cervix. Theyll look at the sample
under a microscope to look for signs of a yeast infection, which is called candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, or
trichomoniasis, among other conditions.
You may also need tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Youll need treatment for any STIs that are
contributing to your cervicitis. This should heal the cervical inammation.

What Are the Treatment Options for Cervicitis?

Theres no standard treatment for cervicitis. Your doctor will determine the best course for you based on
several factors, including:
your overall health
your medical history
the severity of your symptoms
the extent of the inammation
Common treatments include antibiotics to kill any infections and watchful waiting, especially after childbirth.
Your doctor may perform cryosurgery or apply silver nitrate in severe cases when theres damage to cervical
cells. Cryosurgery involves using freezing temperatures to freeze abnormal cells in the cervix, which then
destroys them. Silver nitrate can also destroy abnormal cells.
Your doctor can treat your cervicitis after they know the cause of your cervicitis. Without treatment, however,
cervicitis can last for years, causing painful intercourse and worsening symptoms.

What Are the Complications Associated with Cervicitis?

Cervicitis caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia can move to the uterine lining and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic
inammatory disease (PID). PID causes additional pelvic pain, discharge, and a fever. Untreated PID can cause
fertility problems.

How Do I Prevent Cervicitis?

There are ways to reduce your risk of developing cervicitis. Abstaining from sexual intercourse will protect you
from cervicitis caused by an STI. Reduce your risk of contracting an STI by using a condom every time you have
sexual intercourse.
Avoiding chemical solutions, such as douches and scented tampons, can reduce your risk of an allergic
reaction. If you insert anything into your vagina, such as a tampon or diaphragm, follow the directions for
when to remove it and how to clean it.
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Chlamydial urethritis and cervicitis. (2011, October 31). Retrieved from
Cryosurgery of the cervix. (2014, July 18). Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic Sta. (2014, October 24). Cervicitis. Retrieved from

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