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Bio 110 D04 Parnell 09/25/2014

This lab report will be talking about mealworms and their response to both liquid and dry
substances. Mealworms are not worms they are the larva or grub of the Darkling beetle (Col,
2003). Darkling beetles eat grain and decaying debris and have intricate uniquely individual
patterns on their wings (Chadwick, 1998). The darkling beetle goes through four stages of life
egg, larva, pupa and finally the adult beetle (Col, 2003) . Darkling beetle species number in the
1,400 in the United States mostly found in the Southwest (2005 Compton's By Encyclopedia
Britannica, 2005). Mealworm larva when hatched spends most of its time eating and molting its
exoskeleton several times. Mealworms get all the water they need from consuming food and
decomposing debris (Col, 2003). Mealworms are food for rodents, birds, reptiles, some spiders
and predatory beetles (The University of Arizona, 1997); as well as consumed by humans in
what is called Entomophagy.
In the experiment below three dry and three liquid substances were chosen to apply to
three meal worms. The hypothesis tested is that the mealworms will gravitate towards the flour
and milk while being unaffected by the control substances sand and water. The substances high
in starch and sugar will attract this larva because of the mealworms need to grow.

Three living mealworms were chosen for this experiment, placed in a clean empty dish,
and observed for movement. Two control substances were chosen sand and water. Two other
substances in both categories dry and liquid were chosen flour and soil, and lemon juice and
Susan N Mayer-Young
Bio 110 d4 Fall 2014

Using dry substances first, sand was placed in the dish near the mealworms. The
mealworms were observed and the response record. The mealworms were then removed, the dish
cleaned and the mealworms replaced. Soil was placed in the dish near the mealworms. The
mealworms were observed and the response record. The mealworms were then removed, the dish
cleaned and the mealworms replaced. Flour was placed in the dish near the mealworms. The
mealworms were observed and the response record. The mealworms were then removed, the dish
cleaned and the mealworms replaced. Next the liquid substances were tested.
Using water, a few drops were placed in the dish near the mealworms. The mealworms
were observed and the response record. The mealworms were then removed, the dish cleaned
and dried then the mealworms were replaced. A few drops of lemon juice were placed in the dish
near the mealworms. The mealworms were observed and the response record. The mealworms
were then removed, the dish cleaned and dried then the mealworms were replaced. A few drops
of milk were placed in the dish near the mealworms. The mealworms were observed and the
response record. The mealworms were then removed, the dish cleaned and dried. All living
mealworms were placed back in their original container.

Mealworms dont move at a quick pace, moving from side to side as well as in a straight
line towards an object. While testing the mealworms when sand was introduced two of the
worms moved across the sand rather than burrow as they did with the soil. The flour did cause
movement in all three they appeared to try and eat it. When the water was introduced the
mealworms moved closer and investigated but were uninterested. The lemon juice caused two to
become erratic in their movement until the dish was cleaned and dried. The milk did attract all
Susan N Mayer-Young
Bio 110 d4 Fall 2014

three and they appeared to try and consume it. However two died in the process of the
Table 1.0 reflect the experiment findings for both dry and liquid substances. Recorded
response is formatted with a number of responding mealworms and a + being a positive
response, a being a negative response.

Table 1.0 Mealworms response to dry and liquid substances


+ Response


Hypothesis Supported

Sand (control)












Water (control)




Lemon Juice








The hypothesis that the mealworms will gravitate towards the flour and milk while being
unaffected by the control substances sand and water were not supported. The larva did eat the
flour and they looked like they were attempting to consume the milk. The larvas curiosity of the
liquids opposed my hypothesis. Also the death of two of them may have been a result of the larva
deriving all of its water from what it consumes the increased moisture of the milk and the acidity
Susan N Mayer-Young
Bio 110 d4 Fall 2014

of the lemon juice was not tolerable circumstances. Mealworms like moist decaying matter and
can usually be found under fallen leaves and logs. The dry nature of the dishes and the
introduction of moist material made the larva gravitate to it. The consumption of the debris is
what gives the larva the energy to progress in its life cycle into the pupa stage.

Susan N Mayer-Young
Bio 110 d4 Fall 2014

Literature Cited
2005 Compton's By Encyclopedia Britannica. (2005). Volume 3 B. printed in the
U.S.A: Encyclopedia Britannica.
Chadwick, D. H. (1998, March). Retrieved
september 09, 2014, from National Geographic :
Col, J. (2003). Retrieved from Enchanted
The University of Arizona, T. C. (1997). Darkling Beetle/Mealworm Information.
Retrieved September 9, 2014

Susan N Mayer-Young
Bio 110 d4 Fall 2014

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