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In this question you will implement a system that receives as input 2 variables A, B, each
variable consisting of k bits, and a flag variable F consisting of 2 bits; and outputs a k bit variable
Y based on the following rule. Let nA be the number of 1s in A. In what follows let A[2:0] and
B[2:0] be the 3 least significant bits of A and B respectively. Namely, if Ak = Ak1Ak2 . . .
A2A1A0 then A[2:0] = A2A1A0.
(a) If F = 00 then the output Y will be equal to nA.
(b) If F = 01 then the output Y will be equal to A[2:0] multiplied by B[2:0]. Here, we consider
A[2:0] and B[2:0] to represent numbers in standard binary form.
(c) If F = 10 then the output Y will be equal to the absolute value of A + B, where A and B are
considered to be in 2s complement form (with k bits).
(d) If F = 11 then the output Y will be equal to the rotation of A, nA locations to the right.
Construct a circuit that performs the above functionality. In your solution follow the steps below.
Draw the circuits in an organized and readable manner (points will be reduced for solutions that
are difficult to understand). Construct circuits that are as small as possible. You may use MUXs
in you solutions.
(a) Implement a circuit COUNT that receives A as input and computes nA.
(b) Implement a circuit MUL that receives two 3 bit inputs A[2:0] and B[2:0] and outputs their
product. Here, we consider A[2:0] and B[2:0] to represent numbers in standard binary form.
(c) Implement a circuit ABS that receives a k bit input A and computes the absolute value of A.
Here A is considered to be in 2s complement form with k bits. (d) Implement a circuit ROT that
receives A and nA as input and outputs the rotation of A, nA locations to the right.
(e) Use the circuits COUNT, MUL, ABS, and ROT to implement the required complete system
that takes as input A, B and F and computes output Y . You may represent the circuits COUNT,
MUL, ABS, and ROT by their names (no need to draw the detailed implementation again in this
(f) Analyze the size and computation time of your final circuit (rough estimates as a function of k
are sufficient). Show all details of your calculation.

Need help with an design. Need to get an ideas on how to use an zener diode and led
and opamp.

help with this question

Please solve All the parts with steps and keep it clear.

signals, systems and transformations 5th edition pearson book by philips

chapter 4 question 6 part a,c,e

Design a position DAS (data Acquisition) using a LVDT transducer, analog electronics and a
6812. Let x be the position to be measure. The input range is -1mm to +1mm and the signal of
interest is 0 to 1 Hz. A linear Variable Differential transformer (LVDT) will be used to convert
position, x, into voltage, y. When the input position is 1mm, the LVDT output y is 100mV.
When the input position is zero, the LVDT output y is zero. When the input position is + 1mm,
the LVDT output y is +100 mV. In between, the voltage output is linearly related to the position.
A REF02 precision reference will provide the constant + 5.00 V for your analog circuit and the
6812 A/D (8 bits).

Use a State Machine to make a Non-Sequential counter in Verilog: Non-Sequential counter to

count in 4 bits an 8 digit Sequence. "2 3 9 A 1 F 0 5"

By using a ROM with only 3 flip-flops, you can set the Flip-Flop up as a register and let the
synthesizer generate the Flip-Flop for you. You only need 3 Flip Flop because there are only 8
states and the ROM holds the 4 bit values of the Sequence. Verilog language.

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