Hugh Sorensen Poetry 10/29/15 Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar allan poe

Edgar Allan Poe is well known as the master in the dark arts of writing, hes written many
poems along with a novel and a book of stories. his words are powerful and his rhymes are
genius and it's no surprise given his twisted background. though his story might not have been
the most tragic ever it definitely explains his interests in death and things of the sort. Poe was
born in boston massachusetts on the 19th of january year 1809 when death was three times as
accuring as it is now. his childhood was dim for his father left when he was borne and his mother
died when he at the age of about 3. after his mother's death him and his siblings were separated
and put into foster homes. later Poe was adopted my tobacco merchants John and Frances allan
but failed to fit in having a love for poetry over proffit. in an attempt to leave, Poe went to
college at the university of virginia but his father refused to pay tuition and he later dropped out
do to debt. later he tried a military school called west point but was kicked out, when he returns
home he resents his parents and gets gobs as a critic and poet. when his life kicks off he marries
his distant cousin virginia who is 13 at the time who died about 10 years before poe, after her
death poe lived out his life writing poetry until his mysterious death, there are theories on how he
died but all anyone truly knows is that it happened on october in the year 1849.

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