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UA Teacher Candidate Midterm/Final Evaluation: “Teacher Candid ‘Supervising Procitoner: rogram Supenisor: Miss Roby Althaus Miss Apail Cuccarre Site Grade Level(s): | Final Date Manzanita Elementary First Grade u72016 Rating = Assomplisied 3=Profiient Emergent T= Not Evident Seale: _ | (consent exemplary evidence) |_ (consistent proficient evidence) | (imited cmergen evidence) oo evidence) I. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Midterm) Final ‘Students Represented Sides re wlsoed and reseed nestling a ar ht bra wa and 3 7 Presence ne envionment (eg. sdensre resed when ete dent contbtons re ald; det wrk layed when posse) Set-Up: Opinzes posi throm snd dn wrktaln sepa cnr ical ny clasroom managemen,ad prope 3 3 Inracons aren oot and eter Procedures: Essblean follows noms eee and rome 3 3 Behavior Expectations Commune ler expectation of talent bobvior wn pos Raden ellen 3 3 ‘Manages Behaviors Quickly: Mites adrespontsappopitly i sina bavi inatiney mame 3 3 Poritive & Respectful Use and promot vl sours and on-yeral acne hat postive, spp, ad espe 4 4 Respects Background Demons: and procs respect and ens forall sudo eckrounds 4 4 ‘Comments on Learning Environment ‘Midterm Final ‘Summary: Roty scar oe ers ny lnguags and ueion Ahr nnds Seeley Shes quel! sats ‘cod and as boos cosine oy ate Het ‘bough andar personae sunt inber imorvions whore ‘Summary: Roby’s final weeks of student teaching reflect her ability to create a warm environment for the students entering. She is mindful that her calm demeanor, dimmed lights, prepared moming work, and soft music all contribute to how the students begin their day. She continues to check in with students and question why some small behaviors “pop” up, She continues to ask questions and seek strategies for how to consistently reinforce desired behaviors and leaming outcomes. Plan of Action: Continue thoughtful interactions with students, Continue set-up Continue mindful and deliberate strategies that positively and procedure plans. impact a productive learning environment. ‘To date, have maintained data records for student. I'd like to Paes 2. \Work with Roby to have her take over this roe. Plan and execute kindress lesson during class meeting. Reflect on how class meetings and clear expectations contributetudents’ comfort and increased ownership in their learning community. Rating 4 Accomplished = Pra ent 2 Eimergeat T= Nai Evident Seal consistent, exemplary evidence) | (consistent profcientevidence) | limited, emergent evidence) (a0 evidence) IL PLANNING AND PREPARATION Midterm| Final ‘Complete Submitted Pla ‘Creates capt, propia fod eon pla and seal for review fa may mane “Timing: Weis son pins ane advo appropriate forthe amount of ve alloued/csigated Data & Needs-Driv ‘Uses asesient dt, professional judement and learner nee to guide planning ‘Standards-based: Wha wing objectives ores Arizona standard, dssct cadens tandardsperformanceobjves, and/or aay addon standards ae equired bythe discipline to develop procedural and conceptual knowledge ‘Connects Content: Connects lesson content: student’ experiences, previous lesson within dhe content asa, ter sail asa, and reali stations Aetive Partie jon Plans muliple sescdonal satya nurs athe parsipaton| “Materials/Teehnology? Chooses varied and appropiate materials and technologies and has iem ready to each te learning objectives) “Higher-Level Thinking’ Plans opportunites for higher lve thinking trough questioning and dent civics ‘Accommodations: Incorporates modifications o accomadations based on lamer needs ‘Sequencing: Develops meaningful sequencing of ering experiences Collabora Tans eolaboratively wih mentor teacher andlor ether profesional who have specialized experi ja|sfesfesfus| a)» ‘Comments on Planning and Preparation Midterm Final ‘Summa ry toy spol wl eens of dni Sh win ner manner ring ter af ny at Se sty Ie ie onan ‘Summary: Roby has been mindfal of developing ber higher level (questions, This purposeful planning has inereased the quality of her instruction and student engagement. The planned integration of such questions has allowed her o naturally use questions such as, “What do you notice,” or “How else might you solve ths.” She has also begun to use these question stems as responses to unplanned moments. Students have taking a more active role in listening to one another ideas and risk ‘ake during whole group lessons. Plan of Acti Plan of Actio Roby and I are focused on higher level questioning. Harnessing Roby and [ have noticed that students’ respect and esponsibility to this area wil strengthen her instructional delivery and give her engage in their work is best observed during whole group lessons. We confidence to refocus students who may be off task or need are diseussing strategies and to address increase ownership during assistance adhering back tothe topic. (Roby has already shown independent work opportuites. Roby and I recognize the need for growth inher ability to validate all students responses, even students to make this observation and discuss explicit strategies for ‘those who are off topic). students to “enter their independent learning bubbles.” With support, Roby recognized this during a writing lesson and incorporated the use of privacy folders ina subsequent lesson. It proved very effective. Rating FT Accomplished 3 Proficient 72 —Emergent Scale:__| (consistent, exemplary evidence) | (consistent, proficient evidencs) | (limited, emergent evidence) T= Not Evident no evidence) IIL INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT term | Final fates Expectations:_Communeses expectations fo ering at he bgioning ofthe lesson and hrovghout Essential Information: Provides clary and csurscy of coment whish ncads esentalifmation ‘Academie Language: Uses academic language ofthe disiplinesccrately and creates opportune for aden use He acdc Tangunge ‘Glear Instructions: Provides clear iarstons verbally in writing and ough modeling Flexibility: Demonstrates flexibility and-auficint content knowledge tallow for exploration of eames curation ‘Varied Materials: Uses varied mates as, modes, and repeseattions (inching eehnology) as apropeite ‘Varied Delivery: Varies insruconal delve snd wacker role (stall group work, nvMual woe, sude-el leaing, operative leaning, direct nswuctin, investigation fx, guide onthe side, et) ‘Multiple Strategies: Uses varied techniques to adress student’ diverse learning ad nee, including shail Eglish nstuconal suacegies “Multiple Opportunities: Provides maple metiods, opportunites, and choles for learners to demonstate Wel nowiedge, meling retvefriginal ways and authentic applications ‘Student Engagement: Maximizes active parson and paces the eso to epimize insratonal tine ‘Questioning: Eifeaivly sks questions oven dillerent purposes (e.probins for lerner understanding, promote Haden dacoure hoping learnors articulate thor ides and thinking processes, stimulating curios and hoping lamest question). ‘Formative Assessments: Chocks for understanding twoughout ls to monitor stdent ering Modifies Teaching: Adjusts lesion or cntent delivery based on sent neds ‘Summative Assessments: Designs summative assssinents that match wstution in content igor and ormat ‘Promotes Self-Assessment: Effetvely promoter stuent selfassesent and seltinprovement Feedback: Provides timely, weil, specif, and respect esponses to ares while insrstng and wating “Comments on Instruction and Assessment ‘Midterm Final ‘Summary ty ponies carne snd cnn ee ee ben i insti fying see mis (chy am. pc recy Fors aa Scercerinte enemy nope em ‘Summary: Roby has used district standards, my files and support curriculum to contribute to our team planning. She carefully questions the delivery of instruction, ensuring that students have previously mastered perquisite skills to be able to move forward in their thinking. Plan of Action: Roby uilizes our team plans and participates in team meetings, From here, Tike to provide space and time for Roby to create summative asesments Plan of Action: Continue utilizing summarizer handbook for new ways to close lessons and keep record of student progress. Roby works hard to find a balance between the multiple demands, leaving herself room to strengthen (i.e. record keeping, report card comments, feedback, small groups, and planning) one area at atime. 3" Proficient (consistent, proficient evidence) 3 Emergent *F—Accomplished imited, emergent evidence) (consistent, exemplary evidence) T= Not Evident (no evidence) IV. PROFESSIONALISM AND GROWTH Midterm Final ‘On Time & Professional: Asends fed experiences on line, prepare, and witha profesional appearance ‘Responds Timey: Responds w communications in atinely manne ard meets deadlines ‘Communication: Communicates proesonaly with and aboot members ofthe lars common Personal Issues: Separates personal an professional nes Professional Conduct: Conducts oneself professionally and ahialy a an eewor Families: Commanistes with familie about instruction and individual progress TLegal Responsibilities: Describes an abides by laws eluted o lara” ight and teacher esponibilils (2 equi, appropiate education fo lees with dsbilties,conienaiy, privacy reporting in stutionsrolted to posible child bse) Collaborates: olaorates regularly with colleagues and members of he shoo! community Receptive to Feedback: Acces ad acts upon constuctivefedback from mentors supervisors, nd almintator ‘Growth: Parisntes in profesional easing opportaniies, a appropriate ‘Self Reflect: Denonseees ability to afeflet ina meaning manner to iprove washing practice o|a|a fos) cofeofeolanfnlale| a|ela|a| ufuolaleafelele Comments on Professionalism and Growth ‘Midterm Final ‘Summary: Roby is very professional, She always grees Our students| and families witha smile, She inquiees and gets beck to families with accurate informaton, She is punctual and ean balance many tasks. ‘Summary: One of Roby’s strength is her ability to accept and reflect on feedback. Roby is very committed to demonstrating her personal best. As part of this, she recognizes that all lessons have room for growth. Jointly, we look for the area of growth that will most effectively impact our students’ learning. Her commitment to feedback is cyclical. Once she’s, targeted an area, she simply looks for the next area of growth. | This a clear strength of Roby’s character and professional practice. ‘of Action: Continue selfrefletve joumal Plan of Action: Continue reflective journal. Look for opportunities to ‘communicate with families about student progress.

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