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Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

RWS 1302
November 6, 2016

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.


Human sex trafficking, what is it and how does it have such a huge impact in America for all
people in the world. Human sex trafficking is such a huge issue in America because it is taking
our women in America and making them into criminals when they far from that. This issue
swallows up young women every day because we do not discuss enough to stop it and the reason
that it is not put to a stop because we think it is the womens fault, but once the readers read and
take a second to see what these women go through in the everyday lives. That is when the
audience will find the right answer and hopefully wants to make a change and a stand. When
analyzing my research the questions that have been asked among the audience will be answered,
the following questions are

What is human sex trafficking?

Is human sex trafficking similar to slavery?
Who is responsible for human sex trafficking crimes?
What policies are in place that deal with human sex trafficking? What are their effects?

These questions will help the reader understand what human sex trafficking is and how it is a
huge issue in America. If we do not make a change, it could really have a lasting effect on our
country in the long run. After all of my research, I hope too that the readers get a great
understanding on human sex trafficking and with these efforts it would want them to help end
these horrible crimes. With these efforts, we hope to catch these people that are putting these
women away and holding them as hostage and slaves.

What is Human sex trafficking?

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

According to article 3, paragraph (a) of the protocol to prevent, suppress, and punishing
trafficking in persons it is defined as trafficking in recruitment, transportation, harboring, and by
means using force to get what you want. Human sex trafficking has three constituent elements;
The act, The means, and the purpose. The act which is what is done to the victim is trying to
recruit these victims and find the right women for the job. It is said that women who are fit for
these jobs are young, beautiful, strong, and are in the age range of 19-26. (
trafficking, 2016)
The means behind is how it is done to the women which is the threat and the use of force to lure
these young women into going with them and forcing them to do sexual acts for these men, they
can do this because they are in control of these women and because the women does not want to
be harmed or even killed they cooperate with these horrible people. ( trafficking,
other forms would also be would be the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve
the consent of a person having control over another person. Lastly is the purpose of trafficking,
the purpose of it is the exploitation and for these reasons the people who are in charge of these
women feel powerful when they take advantage of these young women. (
trafficking, 2016). All three of them come together because of the criminalization of human
trafficking. The definition contained in article 3 of the trafficking in persons protocol is meant to
provide consistency and consensus around the world on the issues on trafficking in persons.
Article 5 requires that the conduct set out in article 3 be criminalized in domestic legislation.
Domestic legislation does not need to follow the language of the trafficking in persons correctly,
but should be adapted in accordance with domestic legal systems to give concepts to this certain
protocol. ( trafficking, 2016)

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

Is human sex trafficking similar to slavery?

Slavery what is it? Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals are owned by others, who
control where they live and at what they work. (, 2009). Sex trafficking
is very similarly to slavery because it is the new the form of slavery in America written by Diana
Black ,2014. In the fox news article that I researched, journalist Diana Black states that sex
trafficking is far removed from our everyday lives because it is something that we do not see
every day and we only think of it being in the movies. In a report the federal government reports
that more than 17,500 persons are trafficked into our country annually, and these estimates dont
even compare with how many get trafficked in our borders each day, and with the rise of internet
sex trafficking has sky rocketed over the past few years. (Black, D. 2014). They are not many
differences between sex trafficking and slavery, but there are a few which are that sex trafficking
is that the person or persons being held captive have to perform sexual acts and for slavery they
are also held captive, but dont have to perform these heinous acts. (Black, D. 2014)
In an interview that I had comprised, I conversed with one of my professor and we discussed the
issue, he had a few opinions on how he felt about human sex trafficking and why he agrees that
we should do something to stop it. For this question, he believes that human sex trafficking and
slavery are similar because one person is in control of another person even though the two
differentiate, they are similar. He also believes that it is wrong because no one should ever have
to go through what these innocent people are going through and he was behind me all the way,
becoming very passionate about the subject. (Guzman, A, interviwer,2016).
Who is responsible for human sex trafficking crimes?

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

Organized crimes are largely responsible for the spread of international sex trafficking. Sex
trafficking alone with all of the different elements which are prostitution, rape, and physical
abuse is illegal in nearly every single country. However widespread of greed and corruption
make it easier for sex trafficking to occur. Though the government try to make attempts to end
sex trafficking, it could be possible that these police forces could be participating in these sex
trafficking rings and carrying out these activities. A huge factor in the importance of human sex
trafficking is that the lives of the young women are expandable, the reason being is because in
our society women are undervalued and underappreciated. For this reason, women are targeted
way more because of their vulnerability. Orme, J., & Ross-Sheriff, F. (2015).
However, if women had the same social standing when it comes to improved economic and
social status, sex trafficking would most likely be eradicated all around. Why do traffickers
traffic you must be wondering, the reason is because sex trafficking can be extremely lucrative
especially in areas where opportunities for education and legitimate employment may be limited.
According to the United Nations office on drugs and crime (UNODC), the greatest number of
traffickers are from Asia, followed by central and southeastern Europe, and western Europe.
Crime groups involved in sex trafficking of women are also often involved in transnational
trafficking of drugs and firearms, frequently use violence as a way to carry out their activities,
this all come into place when the women fear for their lives and it can be very terrifying. Orme,
J., & Ross-Sheriff, F. (2015).

What policies are in place that deal with human sex trafficking? What are their effects?

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

There are a few policies and the homeland security help out when it comes to it. ST or sex
trafficking is a contemporary form of female slavery, is a human right issue of critical concern to
social work. The global response to ST has been very important to stop this huge issue in
America. 166 countries have adopted the anti-ST legislation. Orme, J., & Ross-Sheriff, F. (2015).
Despite many strong efforts to combat ST, the magnitude keeps increasing and increasing. These
efforts go unnoticed and even with the women around the world are getting less attention, but
these new laws which is the victims of trafficking and violence prevention act (TVPA). The
TVPA combats trafficking in persons, especially into the sex trade, slavery, and involuntary
servitude. Orme, J., & Ross-Sheriff, F. (2015).
In conclusion sex trafficking is form of slavery and it could really have a lasting effect on not
just America, but the lasting effects it could have on all of these innocent women that dont
deserve to go through these horrible things. Human sex trafficking can be stopped if everyone
lends a helping hand and pays much more attention to it than ever before. Also, I hope these
women can get justice from all the men and women who have abducted them over the years and
introduced them to sex slavery. With these new policies being introduced, we hope to one day
suppress this issue and one day totally eradicate it.

Alvarez, P (2016). When Sex trafficking goes unnoticeable in America. 60(2),

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

Black, D (2014). Modern day slavery: America must fight epidemic of human trafficking
here at home. 20(1),
Bromfield, N. F. (2016). Sex Slavery and Sex Trafficking of Women in the United States:
Historical and Contemporary Parallels, Policies, and Perspectives in Social
Work. Affilia: Journal of Women & Social Work, 31(1),
Frundt, T. (2005). Enslaved in America: Sex trafficking in the united states.
Leary, M.G. (2015). Modern Slavery, 60(1),

Orme, J., & Ross-Sheriff, F. (2015). Sex Trafficking: Policies, Programs, and
Services. Social Work, 60(4)
Weiss, M.S. (2015). Human trafficking and forced labor. 3(1),

Human Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

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