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Artifact 8

ETR 501 Proseminar in Educational Research and Evaluation

MOOCs Learners' Satisfaction and Perceived Learning: An Assessment Tool
Introduction and Reflection
The artifact presents above is the final evaluation proposal for ETR 501 course. This
course was taken at the end of my ERE Masters Program. In this course, I created a survey
instrument to assess MOOCs learners perceived learning and satisfaction within Saudi Arabian
context. The participants in the survey are learners who took MOOCs classes offer by Rwaq, ( a
Saudi MOOCs platform). The survey instrument aims to test the following hypotheses:

Hypotheses 1: Learners motivation will be positively related to learners perceived

learning and satisfaction

Hypotheses 2: student-student interaction will be positively related to learners perceived

learning and satisfaction

Hypotheses 3: student-instructor interaction will be positively related to learners

perceived learning and satisfaction

Hypotheses 4: Previous MOOCs courses experiences will be positively related to

learners perceived learning and satisfaction

To what extent do learners characteristics (gender, age, socio-economic, and educational

background) relate to their perceived learning and satisfaction?
The survey instrument consists of 56 items, which adopted from existing studies (see

Artifact 8). These items were slightly modified to fit the scoop of the project. To ensure items
reliability, a pilot study was conducted. The overall Cornbach value was .85. Due to the small
sample size (n = 19), some variables had low alpha values. The survey instrument was put in

Qualtrics platform and then generated a link the following link:
Before survey distribution, I sought permission from Rwaq. They distributed the survey
to their users via email and also posted the survey link on their official Twitter account. A total
of 193 completed the survey.
Evidence of Mastery of Objectives 2 and 5

Objective 2, design and select appropriate assessment or evaluation tools for a given
educational problem: This objective is met because the artifact of this course shows my
ability to develop an assessment tool to assess Moocs learners perceived learning and
satisfaction. Also it shows my ability to select the appropriate variables that need to be
measured. These constructs are:
1. Interaction (student-student)
2. Interaction (student-instructor)
3. Perceived learning
4. Previous Moocs courses experiences
5. Learner's characteristics (gender, age, socio-economic, and educational
6. Learners motivation (Based on ARCS motivation mode

Objective 5, apply appropriate technology to conduct analyses of educational data: This

objective is met because the artifact of this course shows my ability to use SPSS to
analyze the collected data. Also, it shows my ability to design the survey using Qualtrics

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