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Inter-Office Memorandum


All City Employees


Mayor Patrick Madden


City of Troy Proposed 2017 Budget


November 30, 2016

Id like to share with you some initial thoughts on what transpired at last nights City
Council meeting.
By now you know that I made a real effort to correct the practices of the past that have
left us with deficit budgets for most of the past decade. I did this for two simple reasons: it is the
right and proper thing to do and we have no fund balance left to cover another deficit year. The
challenge of my approach is that it necessitated a significant tax increase or a significant
reduction in services.
A four member group of Council members last night was able to essentially block any
increase in taxes for 2017. The result is that over $5.8 million must be cut out of my
budget. The very sad truth is that there is no way to accomplish that reduction without
significant reduction in services and staffing.
Over the coming days we will begin to craft that plan and we will share details of it with
you as we are able.
A fair question you may ask is, isnt there something you could have done to avoid this
or at least minimize the number of layoffs. Unfortunately we were presented with demands that
we could not agree to. We were asked to intentionally violate collective bargaining
agreements. We were told that people who regularly work 60 and 70 hour weeks had to work
harder. We were asked to deceive the public by agreeing to numbers that we knew were not
achievable. We were presented with demands that were untenable. We had no acceptable
alternatives. I am sorry.
I am incredibly grateful to all those who worked so hard and gave so much of their time
trying to craft a budget that was fair and realistic. Know that your co-workers gave everything
they had to avoid last evenings outcome. We are all devastated this morning.

Please be mindful that the days and weeks ahead will be terribly stressful for us all. Now
is the time to come together. Now is the time to lay aside past grievances. Now is the time to
support each other.
My door is always open to your thoughts, questions and ideas. Please feel free to take
advantage of that.
Thank you all for your service.

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