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One Oil Liquid Lotion

There are two phases to a good lotion recipe: the heated phase and the cool down phase. The
heated phase contains two parts as well: the water phase and the oil phase. As a chemist I
keep the heated phase for at least 20-30 minutes. I find that it keeps the lotion emulsified
without separation. The following recipe is a watered down version of one that I will be selling. I
also always use the metric system NOT the English system. Dont forget to spray everything
with bleach and let it air dry then spray with 97% rubbing alcohol or vodka! haha
Based on 2000 gram recipe
Heated Water Phase:
Water (filtered and distilled)--> 66%
Aloe Vera (up to 10%)--> 10%
Humectant (up to 5%)--> 2%

1320 gms
200 gms
40 gms

Heated Oil Phase:

BTMS-50 (or something similar but not BTMS-25) 8%
Oil (anything liquid at room temperature)--> 10%
HEC (HydroxyEthylCellulose)--> 0.001%

Cool Down Phase:

Liquid Germall Plus (or something similar 0.5%-1%)-->1%
Fragrance/Essential Oil (0.25-2%)-->1%
Vitamin B12 (panthenol)-->1%
Silicones (0.5 Dimethicone & 0.5 Cyclomethicone)--> 1%

~Dr. LenaJeanne PhD
Biochemistry/Molecular Oncology

160 gms
200 gms
2 gms

20 gms
20 gms
20 gms

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