Syllabus - Process Engineering Thermodynamics

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Curriculum for Applied Learning [ CAL ] - Model Syllabus


Pre-Req NA

L, T, P, J, C
2, 1, 0, 4, 4

Fundamental Concep ts and Defin itions:
Introduct ion- Definition and Basic Concepts , classical and
the rmodynamics ,
Conce pt
Cont inuum,
The rmodynamic steady state, equilibrium state process.
Volumet ric propert ies of pure fluids : PVT Relations , I deal gas,
Real gas, Law of corres ponding states
Laws of th ermodynamics :
First law analys is closed non-flow system, Steady state flow
systems and the ir analysis.
Second law of the rmodynamics - chang e in inte rnal e nergy ,
enthalpy, ent ropy calculation for process , phase change.
Heat effects - standard heat of react ion.
The rmodynamic propert ies of pure fluids:
Gibbs free energy, Helmohltz free ene rgy, exact diffe rent ial
equat ion, the rmodynamic prope rty relat ions, Maxwells
relat ions and its applicat ions , fugacity, activ ity of pure
substances, dete rmination of fugacity of pure gases, solids and
The rmodynamic propert ies of s olution:
mixture of pure fluids, P art ial molar prope rties , Chemical
potent ial, fugacities in solut ion, idea l solut ions, Lewis Randal
rule, Raoult s law, He nry s law, Gibbs Duhem equation,
Residual prope rties ; Property changes of mixing for ide al, non ideal solutions , enthalpy , entropy , gibbs free energy, Ex cess
prope rties re lations and Gibbs free ene rg y calcu lation
Phase Equilibria: criteria of phase equilibrium, sing le
compone nt, mult iple compone nt, phase rule.
Vapour Liquid Equ ilibria in ideal solutio ns: Phase diagram for
binary systems, constant tempe rat ure Equilibria, constant
pressure Equilibria, c onstructing phase e quilibrium curves.
Vapour Liquid Equilibria in non -idea l solution s: Azeot ropes
and Multicomponent systems, VLE minimum boiling - Maximum
boiling Azet ropes, VLE -PXY diagram and TXY diagram, Bubble
point , Dew Point, calculation meth ods, VanLaar e quat ion,
Margules equation and Wilson e quat ion. Mult icomponent
Systems flash vaporizat ion.
Consistency Test for VLE Data.
Chemica l Reac tion Equ ilibria: Chemical react ion e quilibria,
Reaction coordinate , crite ria for chemical e quilib rium,
equilibrium constant, G ibbs Free Ene rgy of the reaction, effect
of tempe rat ure on e quilibrium constant, equilibrium constant
of homogene ous gas and liquid phase reactions.

L Hrs


Curriculum for Applied Learning [ CAL ] - Model Syllabus

Total Lec tur e Hours

# Mode: Flipped C lass Room, [Lecture to be vide o tape d], Use of
physica l and compute r models to lect ure , Vis it to Industry and study
the the rmal e quipme nts, Min of 2 le ctures by industry ex perts
# A minimum of 5 problems to be w orked out by students in
every Tutorial C lass.
Another 5 problems per Tut orial Class
to be given as home work.
At least one ope n e nde d des ign proble m to be g iven.
# Mode: Indiv idual Exe rcises, Te am Exe rcises, Online Q uizzes ,
Online Dis cussion Foru ms
Project # Generally a team project [5 t o 10 members]
# Concepts studie d here will be use d
# Down to earth applicat ion and innovative idea should have
been attempted
# Report in D igital format w ith all dat s and drawings using
software package to be submitted.
[Ex. 1. Calculation of pressure in LPG cylinde r at room
temperat ure. Ex 2. If he ated to 40oC what happe ns if the cylinder is
empty and if it is full]
Ex 3. What Optimal heat is required t o cook rice at 1 atm
pressure a nd at 1. 2 atm pressure. Design of a pressure cooke r vessel.
Feasibility of any chemica l react ion and if possible w hat would
be the heat liberate d at given tempe rature.



ct hrs]

# Assessment on a continuous basis w ith a min of 3 rev iews.

Text Books
1. KV Narayanan, A Textbook of Chemical Engineering The rmodynamics , Pre ntice
Hall India, New Delhi, 2006.
2. P. Ahuja, Chemical Enginee ring Thermody namics, P HI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2009
Referenc e Boo ks
3. JM Smith, HC Van Ness and MM. Abbott, Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics, 6th Edn., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2008
4. YVC Rao, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, University Press, New Delhi, 2005
5. JM Honig, The rmodynamics : Principles Characte rizing Physical and Chem ica l
Processes, Elsevie r Scie nce & Techn olog y Books March 2007


2. Demonstr ate an unders tan ding of the con cepts such as conserva tion o f mass,
conserva tion of energy, work in teractio n, hea t transfer and firs t law of
3. Identify cl osed a nd open systems and analyz e related pro blems.

Curriculum for Applied Learning [ CAL ] - Model Syllabus

4. Apply the co ncep t of seco nd law to design simple systems.
5. Demonstr ate the importance of pha se chang e diagrams of various pu re su bsta nces.
6. Apply gas laws to mixtures.
7. Analyze problems of comb ustion an d s toichi ometry.

8. Having an ability to apply mathematics and scie nce in eng inee ring
9. Having a clear unde rstanding of t he subject relate d conce pts and of
contemporary issues
Having an ability to be socially inte lligent with good SIQ (Socia l
Intelligence Quotie nt) and EQ ( Emot ional Quotie nt)
Having Se nse-Mak ing Sk ills of creat ing unique insights in what is be ing
seen or obse rved (Higher leve l t hinking sk ills which cannot be codifie d)
Having design think ing capability
Having an ability to desig n a component or a product app ly ing all the
relevant standards and wit h realistic constraints
Having computat ional thinking (Ability to translate vast data in t o
abstract conce pts and t o unde rstand database re asoning)
Having Virt ual Collaborat ing ability
Having problem solving ability - solving social issues and e nginee ring
Having a clear unde rstanding of professional and ethical respons ibility
Having inte rest in life long learning
Having adapt ive t hinking and adaptability
Having an ability t o des ign and conduct experiments , a s well as t o
analyze and inte rpret data
Having critical think ing and innovative skills


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Date: 2016.02.03
21:54:35 +05'30'

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