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Reflection Paper: Ice Cream Social

The ice cream social that the academic advisors planned was a success. At the time, I was sick
with tonsillitis, and was actually hesitating about attending the ice cream social because I was in
the bed sick, but in fact the ice cream really helped my tonsils. In the beginning every advisor
introduce their self whether it was by acting, singing, making jokes, or dancing. The playlist the
advisors chose to use was very acceptable. The music took different shifts, they went from
playing exciting music to calm and even played gospel. The advisors were very interactive with
the audience and asked us questions relating to school or life in general. The academic
advisors also showed how they cared about the students at A&T and were there to listen to the
students concerns. After the introduction, we had to meet up with our advisor. With my particular
advisor, we were given a strip of paper that either said green, red, or blue on the front and on
the back there was a question. They then told us to find three people who had the same airhead
as us and asked them the question on the back. After that, some students were asked to
answer their question in front of the group. Lastly, we were given tickets to get our ice cream.
We waited to be served and were given three ice cream options and toppings. The ice cream
was delicious and soothing to me sore throat. The ice cream social was a success because it
showed the students who their advisor were and how much they cared for the students at A&T.

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