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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02


Buguey, Cagayan

SY 2011- 2012


The year- long strenuous work of an educator had temporary ended,
but it is nice to recall the good things that were accomplished for the year.
There the improvement of instructional competence of the teacher in order to
deliver the lesson effectively. The socio- cultural involvement is not to be
disregarded for it is a part of DepED trust to get involved in the programs and
projects of the community and tapping the stakeholders in the school system.
The discipline of students was also given priority for no worth doing good
things for them if they themselves cannot appreciate the initiative of
teachers for their development as an individual. Peer linkage became so
important because of the nature of work of mentors, not to mention the task
as Faculty president. These were all contained in this humble report of mine.


a. Students Development
1. Enrolled 58 CP- TLE (ICT majors) students from 1 st year to 3rd year
and 22 4th year
students graduated with ICT skills.
2. Administered remedial instructions to slow learners in ICT.
3. Administered Weekly Test, Unit Test and Summative Test.
4. Administered First, Second, Third and Fourth Periodical Test.
5. 90 % or 182 out of 202 lesson plans executed by the teacher with
teaching materials.
6. Motivated students to be active in class and participate in any
academic and nonacademic contest.
7. Gave advice to truant students that they should change for the
b. Personal Development
1. Finished doctorate degree last April, 2011.
2. Attended seminars and conferences such as; Anti- corruption on
Government Employees, UBD Seminar- Workshop for 2 nd year
Teachers, and Management Conference for School Heads, etc.
3. Attended trainers training seminar on UBD for 2 nd year teachers.
4. Finished and passed NC II in PC Hardware Servicing and Networking.

5. Attended/ Participated school, division and regional seminars.

6. Attended Staff- Meeting and PTA meeting.
7. Accomplished required reports and other reports.
c. Curriculum Development

1. Implemented the 2002 Revitalized Basic Education Curriculum.

Had up to date macro and micro plans/ logbook.
3. Constructed and renewed some modules and activity sheets.
4. Prepared Computer Literacy Modules which were utilized by teachers
the class.
5. Conducted computer enhancement training to co- teachers.
6. Served as lecturer/ trainer to teachers of Buguey South Educational
d. Co- curricular Development
1. Solicited funds for the retirement of 2 co- teachers and for Teachers
day celebration.
2. Organized the ICT- Club officers and members for the school year
2011- 2012.
3. Solicited the help of the parents in cleaning and maintaining the
school ground
through the Brigada Eskwela Program.
4. Called the parents of students with problems on discipline.
5. Conducted faculty meetings and consultation.
e. Socio- cultural Development
1. Participated in all synchronized barangay meeting.
2. Coordinated with the LGUs and Barangay Officials on any events or
activities of the
3. Tapped barangay officials on any problems involving truancy of
students especially
outside the school campus.
4. Participated in the National Greening Program of the government.
5. Attended socio- cultural activities of the barangay and municipality
e.g. fiesta, independence day, Rizal Day, and others.


1. Acted as coach of the sepak takraw during the dual meet but was
not able to gain the first place finish, though some of the players
were selected to compete in the Congressional meet.

Prepared by:
Teacher II
Submitted to:

Principal II

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