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Essential Knowledge



Energy is the ability to do work, and comes in many forms--including heat, solar, nuclear, sound,
electrical, potential and kinetic. Energy is a scalar quantity, and the unit is Joules (J).
Energy is a conserved quantity. This means that energy can not be created or destroyed. The total
amount of energy (all forms combined) is constant and can't be changed. However, energy can be
transformed from one type into another. For example: a motor transforms electrical energy into
mechanical energy.
The term Mechanical Energy refers to the combination of kinetic and potential energy. Potential
Energy is the energy associated with the position of an object. This type of energy is stored in the
object and is usually the result of working to overcome some force to get the object to its position.
Work is the process by which energy changes. Forces change motion, increasing or decreasing an
objects energy. So forces change energy by doing work. Work can be calculated by finding the
change in energy between two positions during motion. This is called the Work-Energy Theorem. In
equation form: W =E


When the weightlifter raises the barbell up over his head the
force of his arms is increasing the PE of the barbell.
When the pitcher throws the ball, the force of his hand
increases the KE of the baseball. When the catcher catches
the ball, the ball loses KE because of the force applied by his
glove. When energy decreases the work is negative.

Work Done by a Constant Force: We can calculate the amount of work done by a constant force (F)
to produce a displacement (d) as the product of the force vector and displacement vector. If is the
angle between the force vector and the displacement vector, then we can calculate the amount of
work (W). W = Fd cos()
No work is done if the displacement is perpendicular to the force (because = 90o and
cos 90 o = 0) If the force and displacement are parallel, then W = Fd because = 0o and cos(0) = 1.
Work is a scalar quantity (just like energy). The unit of work is the Joule. 1 J = 1 Nm.
W = Fd
(max KE) F


Study and
Read pp. 61-65

(KE = 0)

Work done by a changing force we can determine

the work done by forces that change by making a graph
of Force (y) vs. Displacement (d). The area under the
graph represents the product of force and

W = Fd cos()

Power is defined as the rate at which work is done. Since work is equal to the change in energy,
power is also the rate at which energy changes. In equation form, P = W / t =E / t

The unit of power is Joules/seconds. This is defined as a Watt (W). 1 J/s = 1 W.

Read pp. 65-66

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