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Artifact E: NASPA/ ACPA Competency Analysis

Overall Competency Rating:
0= no exposure to and no experience in this competency
1= minimal exposure to but no experience in this competency
2= moderate exposure to and minimal experience in this competency
3= moderate experience in this competency
4= experience in this competency
5= much experience in this competency, basic master has been achieved
Specific Skill Rating:
(+)= highly competent
()= competent
()= area of improvement/experience needed
Evidence of Learning:
W= Work
I= Internship
C= Coursework
V= Volunteer work
O= Other

*Note: All competency descriptions are taken from the ACPA and NASPA Professional
Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners (2015)

Competency Area

Personal and Ethical


Involves the
knowledge, skills, and
dispositions to
develop and maintain
integrity in ones life
and work; this
includes thoughtful
development, critique,
and adherence to a
holistic and
standard of ethics and
commitment to ones
own wellness and

Overall Rating:

4 5

0 1 2 3

Articulate key elements of ones set of
personal beliefs and commitments
(e.g., values, morals, goals, desires,
self-definitions), as well as the source
of each (e.g., self, peers, family, or one
or more larger communities).


Articulate ones personal code of

ethics for student affairs practice,
informed by the ethical statements of
professional student affairs
associations and their foundational
ethical principles.

Describe the ethical statements and

their foundational principles of any
professional associations directly
relevant to ones working context.

Identify ethical issues in the course of

ones job.

Explain how ones behavior reflects

the ethical statements of the profession
and address lapses in ones own
ethical behavior.

Appropriately question institutional

actions which are not consistent with
ethical standards.

Utilize institutional and professional

resources to assist with ethical issues
(e.g., consultation with appropriate
mentors, supervisors, and/or
colleagues, consultation with an
associations ethics committee).

Articulate awareness and

understanding of ones attitudes,
values, beliefs, assumptions, biases,
and identity how they affect ones
integrity and work with others.

Take responsibility to broaden

perspectives by participating in
activities that challenge ones beliefs.
Identify the challenges associated with
balancing personal and professional
responsibilities, and recognize the


Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement &


W: In my graduate
assistantship, I have come
to understand how my
presentation, actions and
perceptions allows for
others to make
assumptions on personal
code of ethics. Once I
become a steward and
professional of an
institution, I am more
critical and aware of how
institutional ethics and
values come to play.
I: Internship class often
asks for us to examine
SDA Learning Outcome
#3: Exhibiting
professional integrity and
ethical leadership in
professional practice.
Alongside an ongoing
reflection, we were asked
to interview our
supervisors in interpreting
real-life situations that
deals with a code of
C: In SDAD 5640-5660,
we spend time in each
integration class exploring
ethical dilemmas within
the contexts of our
internship site. This
allows up to understand
current ethical dilemmas
and use theories and
values to inform practice.

- When entering into a new

role or a different institution,
I will productively utilize my
time with my supervisor to
understand how they
function when it comes to
ethical practice. Make sure
that 1:1 time with supervisor
is intentional to understand
campus culture and ethics.
- With experience in the
field, I am able to articulate
the knowledge and skills to
navigate ethical dilemmas.
As a graduate student and
intern, I have little exposure
to code of ethics. As a future
professional, I will be
exposed to my own ethical
dilemmas and will seek
support from supervisor,
allies and colleagues in
navigating dilemmas.
- Attend local/ regional/
national conferences and
participate in sessions that
will help me grow in this
competency area.

intersection of ones personal and

professional life.
Identify ones primary work
responsibilities and, with appropriate,
ongoing feedback, craft a realistic,
summative self-appraisal one ones
strengths and limitations.
Articulate an understanding that
wellness is a broad concept comprised
of emotional, physical, social,
environment, relational, spiritual,
moral and intellectual elements.

Competency Area


Philosophy and

knowledge, skills,
and dispositions
that connect the
philosophy and
values of the
student affairs
profession to
ones current

Recognize and articulate healthy

habits for better living.

Identify positive and negative impacts

on wellness and, as appropriate, seek
assistance from available resources.

Identify and describe personal and

professional responsibilities inherent
to excellence in practice.

Recognize the importance of reflection

in personal, professional, and ethical



Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement &


Describe the foundational

philosophies, disciplines, and
values of the profession.

Articulate the historical contexts

of institutional types and
functional areas within higher
education and student affairs.

Describe the various research,

philosophies, and scholars that
defined the profession.

Demonstrate responsible campus

citizenship and participation in
the campus community.

Describe the roles of faculty,

academic affairs, and student
affairs educators in the

W: Within the context of

multicultural affairs, I am
able to understand the
historical context of the
existence of such centers.
By understanding mission
of cultural centers that are
rooted under resistance at
further marginalization of
communities of color, I
can develop intentional
and purposeful
programming for a
particular student
population. I am able to
articulate and perform the
role of a multicultural
student affairs
professional and align
values historically and

- In Winter 2016 and

Spring 2017, I hope to
enroll in both SDAD
5800: Higher Education
Law and SDAD 5810:
History of Higher
Education to gain a better
understanding of other
aspects of student affairs.
These courses could better
inform my practices as a
student affairs
professional and provide
context to the
functionality and purpose
of institutions.
- Taking the time for a
critical analysis of the role
and responsibilities of the

Overall Rating:

4 5

0 1 2 3

Explain the importance of

service to the institution and to
student affairs professional

Learn and articulate the

principles of professional

Articulate the history of the

inclusion and exclusion of
people with a variety of
identities in higher education.

Explain the role and

responsibilities of student affairs
professional associations.

Explain the purpose and use of

publications that incorporate the
philosophy and values of the

Explain the public role and

societal benefits of student
affairs in particular and of higher
education in general.

Articulate an understanding of
the ongoing nature of the history
of higher education and ones
role in shaping it.

Be able to model the principles

of the profession and expect the
same from colleagues and

Explain how the values of the

profession contribute to
sustainable practices.

Articulate the changing nature of

the global student affairs
profession and communicate the
need to provide a contextual
understanding of higher

I: With an understanding
of the foundational
philosophies, disciplines,
and values of the
profession, I am able to
demonstrate my
commitment in a variety
of contexts and functional
areas. By understanding
the organizational
structures and various
leadership at an
institution, I am able to
identify key players who
would be great assets in
collaboration to create an
institutional commitment
for students.
C: SDAD 5300:
Foundations of the
Student Affairs Profession
was an exemplary course
that provided the
foundational framework
that allowed me to
understand the field.
Within the course, there
were various assignments
that helped us understand
the emerging field of
students affairs. Through
course readings, weekly
news update and projects,
this Foundations course
has laid the groundwork
to facilitate what it means
to be a student affairs
professional. SDAD 5760:
Leadership and
Governance in
Post-secondary Education
helped examine various
models of organization
and governance of
institutions in higher
education and explored
different ways that
leadership is exercised in
postsecondary education.
By understanding
institutional structures
(i.e., President, faculty,
staff, community), we
were able to explore case
studies that allowed us to

different student affairs

professional associations
from a historical

reflect on
decision-making practices
in a variety of institutions.

Competency Area

Evaluation and

Focuses on the ability

to design, conduct,
critique, and use
various AER
methodologies and
the results obtained
from them, to utilize
AER processes and
their results to inform
practice, and to shape
political and ethical
climate surrounding
AER processes and
uses in higher

Overall Rating:

3 4 5

0 1 2



Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement &


Differentiate among assessment,

program review, evaluation, planning,
and research as well as the methods
appropriate to each.

Select AER methods, methodologies,

designs, and tools that fit with
research and evaluation questions and
with assessment and review purposes.

- Although I have some

experience in assessment and
gather feedback, I am still
lacking in data collection and
creating extensive

Facilitate appropriate data collection

for system/department-wide
assessment and evaluation efforts
using current technology and

Effectively articulate, interpret, and

apply results of AER reports and
studies, including professional

Assess the legitimacy,

trustworthiness, and/ or validity of
studies of various methods and
methodological designs (e.g.
qualitative vs. quantitative, theoretical
perspective, epistemological

Consider rudimentary strengths and

limitations of various methodological
AER approaches in the application of
findings to practice in diverse
institutional settings and with diverse
student populations

Explain the necessity to follow

institutional and divisional procedures
and policies (e.g., IRB approval,
informed consent) with regard to
ethical assessment, evaluation, and
other research activities.

Ensure all communications of AER

results are accurate, responsible, and

W: During my time in the

program, I was able to
participate in the Division
Assessment Working
Group and have taken a
course to be certified in
performing assessment to
enhance departmental and
institutional needs. As the
sole assessment member
of the department, I am
able to create a tool,
deliver and assess the
information to inform
future practices.
I: At my ACUHO-I
internship at Pacific
University, I was asked to
develop and re-envision
what their Social Justice,
Diversity curriculum
could look like during RA
training. I was able to
assess the gaps in
multicultural competency
training within the staff,
students and institution,
assess the current campus
climate that could
complement the training
and looked at the impact
of being in the Pacific
I: The University of
Washington, Seattle,
Student Activities Office
has not performed an
assessment on their
department to understand
student satisfaction in
relationship to advising,
funding and club support.
As the intern, I was able
to design, interpret and
provide recommendations
to the staff in relationship
to whether or not their

- I have experience creating

assessments that look at areas
of improvement for
small-scale programming and
services. I hope to challenge
myself and do a greater
assessment for a department
or division that connects to
larger institutional and
divisional strategic plans.
- Attend professional
development workshops on
research and assessment and
learn from others who embeds
this within their daily

Competency Area

Law, Policy and


Includes the
knowledge, skills and
dispositions relating
to policy
processes used in
various contexts, the
application of legal
compliance/ policy
issues, and the
understanding of
governance structures
and their impact on
ones professional

Identify the political and educational

sensitivity of raw and partially
processed data and AER results,
handling them with appropriate
confidentiality and deference to
organizational hierarchies

fiscal procedures and

policies are accessible to
all student organizations.
C: SDAD 5750: Best
Practices in Student
Services had a theme of
student success and
outcome for inclusive
excellence. A big portion
of the course took a look
at the importance of
assessment in order to
produce that outcome for
inclusive excellence.
C: EDUC 5000:
Introduction to Research
and Graduate Study has
refreshed my
understanding of methods
on how to collect data and
interpret it. I have a
language to help in my
ability to create

Design program and learning

outcomes that are appropriately clear,
specific, and measurable, that are
informed by theoretical frameworks
and that align with organizational
outcomes, goals and values.

Explain to students and colleagues the

relationships of AER and processes to
learning outcomes and goals.



Evidence of Learning

Describe the systems used to govern

public, private, and for-profit
institutions of all types (two-year,
four-year, graduate, professional,
vocational, etc.) in ones
state/province and nation

Explain the differences between

public, private, and for-profit higher
education with respect to the legal
system and what they may mean for
respective students, faculty, and
student affairs professionals.

Describe how national and

state/provincial constitutions and laws
influence the rights of students,
faculty, and staff on all types of
college campuses..

Describe evolving laws, policies, and

judicial rulings that influence the
student-institutional relationship and
how they affect professional practice.

Act in accordance with national,

state/ provincial, and local laws and

I: Through my
internships, I have
intentionally sought out
opportunities that would
expand my knowledge in
different institutional
capacities. In my
undergraduate and
graduate studies, I have
experience in
understanding the ways in
which private, Jesuit
higher education
functions. For my
ACUHO-I internship, I
have learned a lot while
being at Pacific
University which is a
private, liberal arts
institution and University
of Washington, which is a
large, public, research
C: SDAD 5760:
Leadership & Governance
in Post-Secondary

Future Improvement &

- I look forward to taking
SDAD 5800: Higher
Education Law in Winter
- In a new professional role, I
hope to have a transparent
conversation with my
supervisor about the realities
of law, policy and governance
in relationship to how to do
our work.
- Depending on the region in
which I decide to pursue a
career, I hope to have a well
understanding about how
local, regional, or federal
policies affect student access
for particular populations (i.e.,
Veteran, undocumented).
- Academic and student affairs
often have a siloed
relationship on college
campuses. Therefore, I dont
have solid understanding on

Overall Rating:

2 3 4 5

0 1

Competency Area

Organizational and
Human Resource

with institutional policies regarding


Education has helped me

understand the various
models for the
organization and
governance of institutions
of higher education in the
United States. This course
challenged me to reflect
on current issues through
a variety of case studies
that placed me in the role
of key decision-makers in
a variety of institutions.

how decisions are made about

academics or curriculum. I
hope to create relationships
with faculty to better bridge
that gap.

Future Improvement &


Identify major internal and external

stakeholders, policymakers, and
special interest groups who influence
policy at the national,
state/provincial, local, and
institutional levels.

Describe the governance systems at

ones institution including the
governance structures for faculty,
student affairs professionals, staff,
and students

Describe how policy is developed and

implemented in ones department and
institution, as well as the local,
state/province, and national levels of

Know when and how to consult with

ones immediate supervisor and
institutional legal counsel regarding
matters that may have legal

Explain concepts of risk management,

reasonable accommodation, and enact
liability reduction strategies.

Demonstrate awareness of inequitable

and oppressive ways that laws and
policies enacted on vulnerable student
populations at national, state/
provincial, local and institutional

Describe the student conduct process

at the institutional level and concern
for the legal, social, moral,
educational and ethical expectations
of the community.

Encourage and advocate participation

in national, state/ provincial, local and
institutional electoral processes as



Evidence of Learning

W: Through my time at
the Office of Multicultural
Affairs, I have experience

Demonstrate effective
stewardship/use of

- If I decide to work at urban

institutions, I hope that I can
be more intentional about
finding ways that the
institution could commit
students to civic engagement
and service that enhances the
lives of surrounding
communities. Relationships
with organizations and
communities around the
institution can create a strong
sense of allyship that is
important when advancing
society as a whole.

Includes knowledge,
skills, and
dispositions used in
the management of
institutional human
capital, financial, and
physical resources.
Overall Rating:

3 4 5

0 1 2

resources (i.e., financial, human,

Describe campus protocols for
responding to significant incidents
and campus crises.

Describe environmentally sensitive

issues and explain how ones work
can incorporate elements of

Use technological resources with

respect to maximizing the efficiency
and effectiveness of ones work.

Describe ethical hiring techniques

and institutional hiring policies,
procedures, and processes.

Demonstrate familiarity in basic

tenets of supervision and possible
application of these supervision

Explain how job descriptions are

designed and support overall staffing
patterns in ones work setting.

Design a professional development

plan that assesses ones current
strengths and weaknesses, and
establishes action items for fostering
an appropriate pace of growth.

Explain the application of

introductory motivational techniques
with students, staff, and others.

Describe the basic premises that

underlie conflict in and the constructs
utilized for facilitating conflict

Develop and utilize appropriate

meeting materials (e.g. facilitation
skills, agenda, notes/minutes).

Communicate with others using

effective verbal and non-verbal
strategies appropriate to the situation
in ways that the person(s) with whom
you are engaged prefers.

in sitting in interviews
and participating in HR
policies to hire new
professionals into our
department. Aside from
that, I supervise two
student groups:
Connections Leadership
Program Peer Mentors
and Costco Scholars
Advisory Board. I am able
to productively advise
these students that
contributes to their
individual and
professional identity
formation. These student
leaders have been selected
under my leadership
where I am able to
strategically develop
hiring criteria that aligns
with the departments
mission, vision and
I: At my ACUHO-I
internship at Pacific
University, I was able to
work collaboratively with
2 student employees and
the Housing and
Residence Life staff in
implementing the Social
Justice, Diversity
curriculum during RA
training. While this
training is a sensitive
topic and often
contentious, I was able to
find ways to mediate
conflicts within
facilitations and
dialogues. And lastly,
during my time there, I
was able to establish
strong allies through the
institution in various
departments and within
the faculty side to gain
buy in in an institutional
efforts in continued
conversations around
diversity, inclusion and

- I have a lot to learn as a

supervisor. I have advised
many student groups in the
past. I have not spent time for
my students and myself to
assess my technique and its
effectiveness. This is an
important tool so I can grow
as a supervisor. I want to
make sure that my support it
helpful and empowering for
students. I want my
interactions with students to
go beyond being transactional.
- When I move to a new
institution for a job, I want to
make an intentional efforts in
meeting professionals and
staff where I could cultivate
healthy and fruitful
relationships with. Allyship is
so important to do impactful
- Find opportunities to serve
on institutional search
committees so I can
understand the different
approaches and frameworks.
- Develop stronger
supervisory identity around
leadership and find
opportunities to supervise

Competency Area

the knowledge, skills,
and dispositions
required of a leader,
with or without
positional authority.

Overall Rating:

Recognize how networks in

organizations play a role in how work
gets accomplished.

C: In EDAD 5700:
Educational Leadership,
we learned about the
Human Resource Frame
in Organizational
Leadership that really
focuses on the needs of
people as well as their
role, skills, interests,
values and interactions.

Understand the relational roles

partners, allies, and adversaries play
in the completion of goals and work

Explain the basic tenets of personal or

organizational risk and liability as
they relate to ones work.

Provide constructive feedback in a

timely manner.

Advocate for equitable hiring


Articulate basic institutional

accounting techniques for budgeting
as well as monitoring and processing
revenue and expenditures.

Effectively and appropriately use

facilities management procedures as
related to operating a facility or
program in a facility.

Demonstrate an understanding of how

physical space impacts the
institutions educational mission.

Understand the basic concepts of

facilities management and
institutional policies related to energy
usage and environmental



Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement &


Articulate the vision and mission of

the primary work unit, the division,
and the institution. (Education)

Identify and understand

individual-level constructs of leader
and leadership. (Education)

- I will challenge myself to

take on leadership roles to
enhance my leadership skills.
That can be done by chairing
committees, attending
workshops, facilitating
discussions, etc.

Explain the values and processes that

lead to organizational improvement.

Explain the advantages and

disadvantages of different types of

W: My graduate
assistantship in the Office
of Multicultural Affairs is
where I have formed my
professional identity. I am
not only learning about
theories and frameworks
in courses, but I am able
to practice my leadership
philosophy and
continuously evaluate
how my leadership is
strengthening, triggering,
or affecting team

- As professionals, it has been

important in our field to
establish our leadership
philosophies. This is an
important aspect as we are all
continuously engaging in
identity formation. One thing
that I would like to do is

4 5

0 1 2 3

decision-making processes (e.g.

consensus, majority vote, and
decision by authority). (Education)
Identify institutional traditions,
norms, and organizational structures
(e.g., hierarchy, networks, governing
groups, technological resources,
nature of power, policies, goals,
agendas and resource allocation
processes) and how they influence
others to act in the organization.

Identify ones own strengths and

challenges as a leader and seek
opportunities to develop leadership
skills. (Training)

Identify basic fundamentals of

teamwork and teambuilding in ones
work setting and communities of
practice. (Training)

Describe and apply the basic

principles of community building.

Describe how ones personal values,

beliefs, histories, and perspectives
inform ones view of oneself as an
effective leader with and without
roles of authority. (Development)

Build mutually supportive

relationships with colleagues and
students across similarities and
differences. (Development)

Understand campus cultures (e.g.

academic, student, professorial,
administrative) and apply that
understanding to ones work.

Use appropriate technology to

support leadership processes (e.g.
seeking input or feedback, sharing
decisions, posting data that supports
decisions, use group support website
tools). (Engagement)

Think critically, creatively, and

imagine possibilities for solutions that
do not currently exist or are not
apparent. (Engagement)

dynamics with students,

the staff or with others in
the division. I am
continuously asked to
unpack and interrogate
my own values without
losing my authentic nature
of being.
I: At my ACUHO-I
internship at Pacific
University, I had to take a
lot of initiative in
designing the learning
outcomes and curriculum.
This has allowed me to be
independent and stretch
my leadership capacities.
After designing the
training, I had to advise
and coach professionals of
the staff that is of far
tenure than me on
conversations around the
importance of diversity,
equity and inclusion.
C: I have taken two
leadership courses during
my time in the Student
Administration program.
One is the EDAD 5700:
Leadership in Education
and STML 5720:
Leadership, Personality
and Culture. In both
courses, we were asked to
develop our own
leadership philosophy.
After learning about the
different theories and
frameworks, I am able to
design a philosophy that
is unique to my identity,
rooted in my vision and
mission of myself and my
future team.

engage my advisees in formal

or informal ways that helps
them unpack their own
leadership philosophy.
- Continuously think about the
ways in which my leadership
style is influenced by my
identities and how their
interact with the environment/
institution is very important.

Competency Area

Social Justice and


A process and a goal

which includes the
knowledge, skills and
dispositions needed to
create learning
environments that
foster equitable
participation of all
groups while seeking to
address and
acknowledge issues of
oppression, privilege
and power.

Overall Rating:

Identify and consult with key

stakeholders and individuals with
differing perspectives to make
informed decisions. (Engagement)

Articulate the logic and impact of

decisions on groups of people,
institutional structures (e.g.
divisions, departments), and
implications for practice.

Exhibit informed confidence in the

capacity of individuals to organize
and take action to transform their
communities and world.

Within the scope of ones position

and expertise, lead others to
contribute toward the effectiveness
and success of the organization.



Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement &


Identify systems of socialization that

influences ones multiple identities
and sociopolitical perspectives and
how they impact ones lived

Understand how one is affected by

and participates in maintaining
systems of oppression, privilege, and

Engaged in critical reflection in order

to identify ones own prejudices and

- When designing programs

or having conversations
around social justice and
inclusion, I cant forget about
the intersectionality and
complexity of identities. I
often catch myself planning
programs that focus on race,
gender, sexuality, ableism or
class, but never the
intersectionality of multiple

Participate in activities that assess

and complicates ones understanding
of inclusion, oppression, privilege,
and power.

Integrate knowledge of social justice,

inclusion, oppression, privileges, and
power into ones own practice.

Connect and build meaningful

relationships with others while
recognizing the multiple intersecting
identities, perspectives, and

W: In my assistantship in
the Office of Multicultural
Affairs, social justice and
inclusion has become the
fabric of what I do and the
lense in which I operate.
During my time, I have
coordinated the
Connections Leadership
Program, a 3-day
immersion for first and
transfer students of color.
This intentional immersion
focuses on students
relationship with the self,
group and community
rooted in identity and
leadership development to
create sustainable change.
With a critical eye on the
lack of resources for Asian
Pacific Islander students at
Seattle University, I have
devoted time to understand
this population and
implement programs that
works towards inclusion

- I hope to sit on a social

justice centered committee in
my year or job one. I have
engaged with professionals
within an office that is
committed to social justice
and inclusion. It would be
interesting to engage with
others across different areas.

0 1 2 3 4

developmental differences people

Articulate a foundational
understanding of social justice and
inclusion within the context of higher

Advocate on issues of social justice,

oppression, privilege, and power that
impact people based on local,
national, and global interconnections.

and support for this

I: At my ACUHO-I
internship at Pacific
University, I designed and
reenvisioned their Social
Justice, Diversity training
for RAs. The curriculum
focuses on the Cycle of
Socialization, Complex
Identities, History of
Inclusion/ Exclusion in
Higher Education,
Privilege and Class.

C: EDUC 5150:
Multicultural Perspectives
and EDUC 5200: Social
Justice in Professional
Practice has given me the
foundation, language and
framework to translate
theory into practice.
Competency Area

Student Learning

and Development

Addresses the
concepts and
principles of student
development and
learning theory. This
includes the ability to
improve and inform
student affairs and
teaching practice.

Overall Rating:

4 5

0 1 2 3

Articulate theories and models that
describe the developmental of
college students and the conditions
and practices that facilitate holistic
development s(e.g. Learning,
psychosocial and identity
developments, cognitive-structural,
typological, and moral).

Articulate how race, ethnicity,

nationality, class, gender, age, sexual
orientation, gender identity,
dis/ability, and religious belief can
influence development during the
college years.

Identify the strengths and limitations

in applying existing theories and
models to varying student
demographic groups.

Articulate ones own developmental

journey in relation to formal theories.

Identify ones own informal theories

of student development (theories in

Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement &


W: My work in
multicultural programming
has given me insight in the
way identity development
theories play out. Student
Development theories has
helped and strengthened
my understanding working
with LGBTQ+ students
and students of color. This
unique student population
has unique needs and
identity development is a
large component of the
work that I have done.
Theories have influenced
workshops, presentations,
and facilitation that I have
done through my time in
the Office of Multicultural
C: SDAD 5780 has given
me great insight on
foundational student
development theory and
how it shapes the work we

- The Student Development

Administration program has
given me a strong foundation
of theory and how it
manifests in all aspects of our
profession in overt and subtle
ways. Through my career, I
hope to continue to reflect
back to what I learned in the
program but also read current
research to see how
scholarship can influence
practice. Becoming a scholar
minded practitioner can be
crucial in helping give
students the tools they need
to develop their full potential.

use) and how they can be informed

by formal theories to enhance work
with students.

Competency Area

Focuses on the use of
digital tools,
resources, and
technologies for the
advancement of
student learning,
development, and
success as well as the
performance of
student affairs
Overall Rating:

3 4 5

0 1 2

do. It has given my a

language to help create
presentations, dialogue,
workshops, etc.

Identify dominant perspectives

present in some models of student
learning and development.

Construct learning outcomes for both

daily practice as well as teaching and
training activities.

Assess teaching, learning, and

training and incorporate the results
into practice.

Assess learning outcomes from

programs and services and use theory
to improve practice.



Evidence of Learning

Demonstrate adaptability in the face

of fast-paced technological change.

Remain current on student and

educator adoption patterns of new
technologies and familiarize oneself
with the purpose and functionality of
those technologies.

Troubleshoot basic software,

hardware, and connectivity problems
and refer more complex problems to
an appropriate information
technology administrator.

Draw upon research, trend data, and

environmental scanning to assess the
technological readiness and needs of
students, colleagues, and other
educational stakeholders when
infusing technology into educational
programs and interventions.

Critically assess the accuracy and

quality of information gathered via
technology and accurately cite
electronic sources of information
respecting copyright law and fair use.

Model and promote the legal, ethical,

and transparent collection, use, and
securing of electronic data.

W: As the Program
Coordinator in the Office
of Multicultural Affairs, I
utilize technology a lot as
a form to communicate
and interact with students,
faculty, staff and the
institution. In my role, I
have been the individual
who is responsibility to the
up-keeping of the social
media platforms in
communicating future
programs, job
opportunities, and
Additionally, I have also
been trained through
Marketing and
Communications to
understand the T-9
software to edit website
content. Lastly, I am
always evaluating the
ways in which we can
continue to reach students.
I have also been
productive on OrgSync,
Redhawk Experience app
and Canvas.
I: At my ACUHO-I
internship at Pacific

Future Improvement &


- In the future, I hope to

utilize technology as a
platform for professional
development. A great tool
that I have seen in other
departments and campuses is
through the use of webinars.

- My age as a young

professional gives me an
advantage in understanding
the different mediums in
which students are engaging
with technology to receive
information. As a
professional practice, I hope
to rely on research and trends
in higher education to inform
my practice.

- Understand the ways in

which we could utilize

technology in a way that is
equitable and accessible for
all students.

Competency Area

Advising and

Ensure compliance with accessible

technology laws and policies.

Demonstrate awareness of ones

digital identity and engage students
in learning activities related to
responsible digital communications
and virtual community engagement
as related to their digital reputation
and identity.

Model and promote equitable and

inclusive practices by ensuring all
participants in educational endeavors
can access and utilize the necessary
tools for success.

Appropriately utilize social media

and other digital communication and
collaboration tools to market and
promote advising, programming, and
other learning-focused interventions
and to engage students in these

Engage in personal and professional

digital learning communities and
personal learning networks at the
local, national, and/or global level.

Design, implement, and assess

technologically-rich learning
experiences for students and other
stakeholders that model effective use
of visual and interactive media.

Ensure that ones educational work

with and service to students is
inclusive of students participating in
online and hybrid format courses and

Incorporate commonly utilized

technological tools and platforms
including social media and other
digital communication and
collaboration tools into ones work.

Exhibit culturally inclusive active
listening skills (e.g., appropriately
establishing interpersonal contact,
paraphrasing, perception checking,
summarizing, questioning,


University, I have assessed

the ways in which they
utilize technology and
their website to
communicate resources
that will enhance student
success. Specifically, I
have found that there is a
lack of resources for the
LGBTQ+ community on
campus. With the help of
the student assistant, we
were able to design a
webpage that outlines the
resources available for this
community on campus and
in the greater Portland
area. At my internship at
the University of
Washington, Seattle,
Student Activities Office, I
have provided similar
support in assessing the
web content page which is
outdated. Their calendar
systems, online funding
processes and their online
platform in connecting
student organizations with
one another are outdated
as well.

Evidence of Learning
W: Through my role in the
Office of Multicultural
Affairs, I have advised 8
Peer Mentors and 8 Costco
Scholars. I have

Future Improvement &


- I look forward to taking

COUN 5100: Counseling to

further my understanding in
how to advise and support

encouraging, avoid interrupting,


Addresses the
knowledge, skills and
dispositions related to
providing advising
support to individuals
and groups through
direction, feedback,
critique, referral, and

Overall Rating:
0 1 2 3 4 5

Establish rapport with students,

groups, colleagues, and others that
acknowledges differences in lived

Recognize the strengths and

limitations of ones own worldview
on communication with others (e.g.,
how terminology could either
liberate or constrain others with
different gender identities, sexual
orientations, abilities, cultural
backgrounds, etc.).

Facilitate reflection to make meaning

from experiences with students,
groups, colleagues, and others.

Conscientiously use appropriate

nonverbal communication.

Facilitate problem-solving.

Facilitate individual decision-making

and goal-setting.

Appropriately challenge and support

students and colleagues.

Know and use referral sources (e.g.,

other offices, outside agencies,
knowledge sources), and exhibit
referral skills in seeking expert

Identify when and with whom to

implement appropriate crisis
management and intervention

Maintain an appropriate degree of

confidentiality that follows
applicable legal and licensing
requirements, facilitates the
development of trusting
relationships, and recognizes when
confidentiality should be broken to
protect the student or others.

Seek opportunities to expand ones

own knowledge and skills in helping
students with specific concerns (e.g.,
relationship issues, navigating

experience in engaging
with students in 1:1
settings and in group
meetings. I have worked
on academic, personal, and
professional goals in 1:1
settings. My experiences
in advising has given me
the insight on how to make
sure student are taking
ownership of their student
leadership experience. My
advising and support with
students go beyond
scheduled interactions. My
philosophy is to create
spaces with students with
a shared mission and
establish expectations for
one another that garners a
healthy relationship
moving forward.
C: SDAD 5400: Student
Development, Theory,
Research and Practice has
provided the foundation to
understand how students
gain knowledge and are
supported in academic
settings. Learning about
the different identity
development theories
helps to exhibit culturally
relevant and sensitive
advising pedagogies.

students through common

theories and frameworks.
- I hope to continue my
understanding in how to
support students in different
affinity groups. When
working with
underrepresented students, I
have the privilege of an
education that is consumed
by academic jargon that
students may not understand.
I hope to continue to remind
myself to use language that is
accessible to all students.

systems of oppression, or suicidality)

as well as interfacing with specific
populations within the college
student environment (e.g., student
veterans, low- income students, etc.).
Utilize virtual resources and
technology to meet the advising and
supporting needs of students.

Know and follow applicable laws,

policies, and professional ethical
guidelines relevant to advising and
supporting students development.

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