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Standard II: Learner Centered Leadership and Management

Principle 3: Budgets/Funding: The librarian advocates for funding and

manages school library program budgets to build and maintain a program with
resources and services that support a curriculum designed to develop
information-literate students who achieve success in the classroom and function
effectively in the community.
A. Receives from campus or district budget an amount equal to less than the
number of students times 1.00 multiplied by the average replacement cost
of a book, as reported annually in a national professional library
publication such as Bowker or the March issue of School Library Journal.
According to Strategies for Librarians Standard II: Principle 3:D, we rated below
standard. We have 820 students. If we multiplied 820 by 1.00 and then multiplied by
$19.95 (according to School Library Journal the replacement cost of a book), we should
have a budget of $16,359. This doesnt even come close to the budget that we actually
receive. Our actual budget is $5,085 which includes library books, magazines and
periodicals, general library supplies, travel, and dues. Obviously the amount of money
we get doesnt allow us to do very much in respect to our digital resources or help us
meet our technical needs.
I requested a detailed transaction for our library budget from the district for our
campus. According to my principal, our budget was determined and appropriated by
our district. The following is our beginning budget for the school year:
Library Books
Magazines & Periodicals
General Supplies - Library
Travel Employee - Librarian


As of December, the following encumbrances will have been made:

Library Books
General Supplies

Junior Library Guild
Valley Morning Star
Ink for ID machine
Region 1 Conference
TLA membership



For an entire year, Junior Library Guild will ship a box of about 15 books of
different genres on a monthly basis. The books will arrive catalogued and MARC ready
so they will be ready to be put on the shelves shortly after arriving. The remainder of
the funds in library books will be spent with other book vendors in the spring semester.
We will also continue our subscription with San Benito News which will use the
remainder of the funds in magazines and periodicals. In the spring, I will make a
requisition to order library supplies such as bottles of book glue, wide clear tape, clear
spine tape, white spine labels, date stamps, ink for stamps, and white address labels.
Since the ID card machine is in the library, the library will be supplying the ink for the ID
card machine. The first ID card will be given to the students at no charge. Any
replacement ID cards or additional ID cards will be given at the cost of $10.00. I will be
attending the TLA conference in the spring. My budget only allows for me to pay for the
membership and registration. According to my principal, the transportation, hotel, and
food will be taken from other campus funds.
It is evident that our campus has a minimal budget. However, many of the larger
expenses are taken care of by the district. For example, our online reading programs
such as Accelerated Reader and MyON as well as our databases and online resources

are paid for by the district. These are expenses that our district pays for and not
considered as part of our budget. In conclusion, our campus budget will be depleted by
the end of the school year.
At this point, we have no plans for having any fundraisers for extra funds.
However through our previous two Scholastic Books Fairs, we have managed to collect
about $1700.00 to use with Scholastic in order to purchase books, materials, and/or
equipment needed in the library. We did survey the students and we will be ordering
some of the featured books from the previous book fair for our library.
According to Strategies for Librarians Standard III Principle 3:D, most of our
funding goes toward to building and maintaining a library program with resources and
services that support a curriculum designed to develop information-literate students who
achieve success in the classroom and function effectively in the community. Since
there is no funding through the library budget for celebrations, rewards, and/or
recognitions for students who exceed in meeting high expectations in literacy, I will be
asking the principal to see if a few funds can be spared to funds some of these

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