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Josiah Wilson
Leslie Drake
13 October 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Institute for Career, R. (2007). Executive Careers in Business Administration : Chief Executive
Officer/CEO, Chief Operating Officer/COO, Chief Financial Officer/CFO,

Executive/senior Vice President. [Chicago, Ill.]: Institute for Career

This particular source is an e-Book about the different jobs as executives in business
administration field. This book explains the type of learning that it takes to become one the
higher up positions in the work field. It has a list of the highest careers attainable with a business
administration degree. This source gives students a high ceiling to shoot for; giving careers like
CEO and others are very successful.
This e-book was published in 2007; the information in this source works very well for my
topic. This source is attracting a scholarly audience since information is too in depth for a general
audience. The authors of this book is the Institute of Career Research, they have been known for
being the authors of many different careers, There is no bias in this source, all of the information
given are facts needed to know. The intentions for the authors were to inform scholars about high
level careers in business administration career. This source is important for my research because
it shows what is needed to be successful having this major and how the career justifies the major.
Southerst, J. (2016). MBA All-Stars: The Age of Specialization. Canadian Business, 89(3), 6672.

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This source offers information on a couple of successful graduates that have a Masters in
business administration. Also how business schools have specialized programs that develop their
students to prepare them for today's industry. Then it goes into different graduates and their back
story of education and their success in the industry.
The date this source was published was March 2016; the intended audience is a scholarly
one. The information in the source has been edited since the source is a periodical. The author of
the source is John Southerst, he is known for telling and writing stories about business
endeavors. He writes well enough so all audiences can comprehend his articles. In one point in
time he was the editor for PROFIT magazine. There may a little bias in the article since it is
about individual careers. The intention of this article is to show the success possible to achieve in
business administration. This article is important for my research to show success of past
What is Business Administration? (2016). Retrieved October 17, 2016, from My College Guide:
This website breaks down the whole business administration major into categories for
college students. There are categories available like average salary of different jobs in the career.
Also the skills needed to be successful in business administration. Lastly, there is a section on
which level of education would be better in work field.
This website was edited in 2016 and the authors are experts that work for the website and
magazine My College Guide. My College Guide has done many articles for various career paths
to inform the general audience. The purpose of this source is to inform people about the different
aspect of taking a business administration path. This source is important to research because it
gives a breakdown the business administration major and what it has to offer.

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Business Administration. All Star Directories, Inc.
-administration/. Accessed 28 September 2016.
This website is about the overview of the business administration major. It shows the
types of skills needed that would be helpful. Also the day to day life of having one of the careers
that deals with business administration. There is a section that shows the accreditation that comes
with having one of the many careers in business administration.
This website was created in 2002 but has been edited over the years. The audience this
website is intended for is the general public. The website was not created by one author; it was
made by an organization called All Star Directories. The organization has done much in society
to help people. There is no bias in the website; it is more of facts and no opinions. The intention
of the author in this source is to get the facts out to people who are interested in this major. This
source is important for research because it has good information on the website.
Business Administration Quick Facts. Truman State University.
-programs/majors-minors/business-administration-major/business-administrationquick -facts/. Accessed 28 September 2016.
This website has quick facts about the business administration major. For example it
shows what types of concentrations there are to go into. It has a section on what to expect after
gaining the degree. Other than that it shows basic knowledge about the university.
This website has been edited to keep facts up to date and was last edited in 2016. The
authors of this website are the university itself and the business apartment. The intended
audience for this source is scholarly audience sine only people who would want to attend Truman
would visit. There is a bias since the facts are about the one university. The intention on the

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source is to inform people about the Truman business program. This source would be helpful for
research to show what universities are working their business programs.
Ruiz-Lozano, M., de los Rios-Bergillos, A., Tirado-Valencia, P., & Millan-Lara, S. (2012).
Ethical and Social Values in Business Administration and Management Studies.

This source is about the impact of knowledge gaining in business administration

students, first year to last. They would conduct a survey to compare the values of each set of
students. The study found that students their values could be classified as moral values and
values related to decision-making. These findings will help improve the education so students
could gain more in their time.
This source was created in 2012 and has not been edited since. The intended audience for
this source would be a general audience. The author is known for being a professor in Spain and
writing many journal articles. There is no bias in this source since it is a study being conducted.
The intention for this source is to show what happens to a students overview of education in
their college career. This source helps research by giving a students point of view of the
education given.
Choi, H. L. (2011). An Evaluation Study of an Executive Master of Business Administration
(EMBA) Program in an Urban City: Examining the Transfer of Knowledge and
Leadership Practices. Online Yearbook Of Urban Learning, Teaching, And Research, 12
This study is about if an Executive Business degree knowledge gained transfers to the
workplace or not. To see if the knowledge gained from the program leads to good leadership
skills. They found that gender and age created a difference in people studied. The curriculum

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learned by students created the biggest factor in seeing if knowledge gained would transfer to the
The source was made in 2011 and has not been peer reviewed. The intended audience for this
source is a scholarly audience. The author, Choi, was a student at the University of Buffalo and
has written a couple of scholarly articles since. There is not any bias in this article since it is a
study. The intention of the author in this source is to find out if being in a business program
actually transfers to the workplace. This article will help research by giving an insight of students
after their schooling.
Shoemaker, N., & Kelly, M. (2015). How College Business Students Learn with Emphasis on
Differences between Majors. Journal Of College Teaching & Learning, 12(3),
This source is about a study focusing on which techniques help business students learn
more effectively. The way a student learns plays a huge factor in their education and further. In
this study, researchers found out that the best way for students to learn was by visuals. This data
found suggest that learning visual exercises and such help students learn more.
This source was made in 2015 and has been peer reviewed. The intended audience for
this source is a scholarly audience. Nikki Shoemaker is a professor at a small college in Texas
and is great at teaching business in a financial aspect. There is no bias and the intention for the
author is to show the best way to teach business students. This source will help research sine it
gives an example of the best way to teach business for students.
Blackburn, G. (2011). Which Master of Business Administration (MBA)? Factors influencing
prospective students' choice of MBA programme - an empirical study. Journal Of

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Higher Education Policy & Management, 33(5), 473-483.
This source is about a study on what factors help students decide what school and
program to go into. They started with what features attracted students to schools of their choice.
The approach they used was to interview students and asks them a series of questions. Five key
factors kept appearing in the interviews which were repute, syllabus, quality, facilities, and
This source was made in October 2011 and was not peer reviewed. The intended
audience of this source is a scholarly audience. The author Blackburn graduated from Regis
University and has done great works in healthcare. The intention of the author was to address to
students what are the factors to choosing your education and career path. This source would help
to present what it takes for students to choose their university and other aspects.
Gander, M. (2015). Higher Education Business Management Staff and the MBA: A Small Study
Analysing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Benefits. Journal Of Education For Business,

Higher education is increasing in difficulty and people are starting to wonder is it worth

the higher education. In the UK it has led to an increase of non-academic managers in business.
The study conducted in this article is finding whether or not higher education is worth the
trouble. The results found shows that the higher education has it benefits in the long run.
This article was created in 2015 and is peer reviewed. The audience for this article is a
general audience. Gander graduated from Murdoch University and was a non-profit executive
director. There is some bias because the author outs their own experience in the article. The

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intention of this article was to show the benefits of a higher education. This research will help in
the aspect of effectiveness of higher education.
Business, Management, & Administration. (2015, January 29). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from
This website gives an overview of the different business majors and careers there are.
There is a section about education needed after high school. There is another section that gives
resources to help people to learn more in depth about business. Lastly, pathways to help people
choose the right career they are looking for.
This website was last edited in January 2015. The intended audience is the general public.
There is not a bias shown for this website. The intention of the website is to give people a place
to look for information about business. This source is important for research because it has more
in depth of business and just not the administration major.
What's the Difference Between Business Administration and Business Management? (2014,
October). Retrieved October 19, 2016, from American Intercontinental

This website is helping people learn what the difference between administration and
management is. They have a couple of differences; to begin with their majors have different
names for each other. They also have different course requirements which may become difficult
to understand. Each degree specializes on different area of business like administration is more
overall view of business while management is more planning and organizing.
This source was posted in October 2014 and was not peer reviewed. The intended
audience is the general public to decide which degree is better for them. There is not bias since

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the article is only giving facts of each major. The intention of the website is to help people
distinguish the difference of administration and management.

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