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Timeline of Your Life Project!

Think back on your life thus far: What are some of the events and memories that
stand out for you? Choose 5 different years and an event in your life that occurred
during that year. Write the years and the events on your time line using the pass
compos. Underneath each pass compos event on the time line, write three
sentences using the imparfait to describe what was going on at the time of the
event. Include a small illustration with five of the events (either pass compos or
imparfait events) to make your time line visually appealing. Do not use the same
sentence twice for any of your entries. FRENCH IVR STUDENTS: You should
choose 4 different years with pass compos events, and for each, write 2
sentences underneath using the imparfait.
Date: 1983
Pass Compos: I married my husband. Je me suis marie avec mon mari.
Imparfait: I was 27 years old. J'avais 27 ans. (Describing age in the past)
Imparfait: I was happy. J'tais contente. (State of mind in the past)
Imparfait: We lived in San Francisco. Nous habitions San Francisco.
(ongoing action in the past)

Use the worksheet on the back of this page to write your sentences. You can
either input your pictures and sentences directly onto the timeline template via
the link on my webpage: frenchmrsd
"French level 4"
and then print it, email it to me to print or drop it in my share folder
OR: You can print out the template, hand-write your sentences and cut and paste
your pictures onto it.

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