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Example of introduction in Research Paper

Today in the modern era, scientists and medical researchers continue to explore and
scrutinize things under the use of their microscopes and evidence-based practices. The most
obvious difference between 21st century civilization and that of any other period is the great
power man has exerted over the tremendous metamorphosis of the field of medicine. This has
been made possible by the perseverance, tenacity and composure of medical scientist and
researchers all over the world. Medicine as a dynamic arm of science continues to transform
vivaciously. Because of these undeniable transformations and progressions, medical scientists
and researchers with microscopes and test tubes are arguably changing and making it possible for
the persons suffering from severe diseases to be healed and cured easily. They discover scientific
facts in the field of medicine. They use facts to aggrandize and nourish the facts that persons
with severe diseases can be now healed well. Moreover, their passionate desire towards making
possible for those patients to live with no worries about if they can live longer is continuously
discovering many therapies, inventions and remedy for all diseases.
In this age of advance medical improvement, we cannot deny the fact that people who has
a cancer, such as leukemia, are growing and spreading throughout the world. Medical researchers
and scientist have been growing and evolving to meet the demands of a dramatically healthcare
system of the persons suffering from leukemia. Because of the eagerness of those researchers and
scientist in discovering the antidotes and lessening the intensity of the sufferings of the leukemic
persons, they discovered the newly-improved stem cell therapy is just one of the proofs that
technology today is more powerful than it was.

The newly-discovered stem cell therapy and its benefits to patients with leukemia are the
topics of these papers. Stem cell researches have coaxed human embryonic stem cells to create
cancer-killing cells in the laboratory, paving the way for the future treatments, antidotes and
remedies for various types of cancers or tumors; such as blood cancer ( Leukemia ), prostate and
breast cancer. This new type of therapy can now be beneficial and useful to leukemic patients.
The recent researches of stem cell scientist and researchers have shown that there are a lot about
the potentials of stem cells to treat other conditions such as Parkinsons disease, diabetes
mellitus, and Alzheimers disease. Moreover, this kind of therapy suggest s that it is possible that
we could use the embryonic stem cells of humans as a constant source of immune cells that can
be better target and destroy cancer cells and potentially treat mild and severe kinds of infective.
The topic of the study simply opens the awareness and cognizance not only the persons
suffering from leukemia but also all persons in the world about the effectiveness and benefits of
stem cell therapy. Besides, this research papers unleashes the primal fear, exasperation and
anxiety of the persons who have the said diseases involved.
A cancer-related research that focuses on the effectiveness of stem cell therapy on
patients with an acute increasing number of white blood cells in blood, which is the leukemia.
Researchers believe current cancer treatments and antidotes sometimes fail because they dont
destroy the cancer stem cells. Think of a cancer as a weed: the stem cells are the root while the
remaining majority of the cells are the part of the weed above ground. If you remove only the
leaves but not the root, the weed will grow back. The same is true for cancer, if you do not kill
the cancer stem cells, the cancer is likely to return. For this type of analyzation, we can say that
the purpose of this research paper is undeniably significant to us.

Furthermore, the main purpose of this cancer-related research paper is to inform the
readers how the stem cell therapy will be beneficial and useful to patients with leukemia. It will
going to provide a substantial framework about how difficult it is to have leukemia. In addition
to that, it will inform that that the said therapy can be an option to cure or at least to lessen the
pain of the sufferings of those involved persons who have acute and chronic diseases through the
effectiveness of stem cell therapy.
Every detail here is the product of countless meetings of the researchers and sleepless
nights that the researchers had to go through. Every details here was carefully constructed and
analyzed first before publishing it out.
There are four chapters in this research paper that the researchers had to organize and
orchestrate well in order to make it presentable to your eyes and mind as well.
The first chapter will serve as the background of the topic or problem. It will help you to
draw your attention the scope and limitation of this cancer-related research papers. You will
attached statement of the problems of this research paper which composes of significant
queries, you will also know in this part the profile of the respondent.
Next is the second chapter, this is where the methodology of this research can be seen. It
includes the research design that we used, also where we have conducted this research, the
subject of this study which is the patients who have leukemia, the procedure used to collect
necessary data, and also the sources of data that we will use to gather all our data.
On the third chapter which is the Results and Discussion, this is the chapter where all the
collected data will be discussed together with the gathered date from the respondents, case

studies, articles etc. This is the portion where the readers will be filled with knowledged about
the whole contents of this research.
Next is the fourth chapter which is the Summary, Findings, Conclusion and
Recommendation. This is the chapter where all the collected data will be summarize in order to
sum up all the gathered data including the summary of the first chapter.
Last is the miscellaneous part of this research, this include the finishing part of this study
so that it will be pleasing to the eyes and minds of the readers of this papers.

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