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SED 464 Signature Assignment

Innovation Grant Proposal Template
based off of the
Arizona Technology in Education Association (AzTEA) and
Innovation in Classroom Technology Integration (ICTI) Grant
2016-2017 Project Proposal Template
Curtain Divider Project
Paul Soriano
Arizona State University


School Environment Narrative

Home of the San Tan Storm, San Tan Junior High was established
in 2002 and sits in the southeast region of the Chandler Unified School
District. We are the only school to be housed on a K-8 campus. Our
excellent teaching and support staff afford a positive school climate
promoting student success and celebrating the unique cognitive and
affective achievements of all our students. With an emphasis on a
rigorous and innovative curriculum, students excel. Continued support
and encouragement insure academic success for all students. Students
are given a surplus of opportunities to participate in clubs and in sports
throughout the year, thus accentuating the whole essence of the junior
high experience. In our junior high Physical Education, students are
instructed how to collaborate, converse, comprehension of fitness, and
to also become healthier themselves. Classes are either in the weight
room, outside, or in the gymnasium.
Applicant Biography
My name is Paul Soriano and I graduated from Arizona State
University in 2016 with my bachelors in Secondary Education, K-12
Physical Education. My philosophy is promoting knowledge of fitness,
various physical activities, and traditional and non- traditional games
that students can implement by gaining the skills needed. With these
skills and knowledge attributed, the students can go on to live a


healthy lifestyle outside of the school settings. When it comes to

project based learning, I love for the students to engage and
collaborate with one another. It brings out different ideas that one
student might not think and advance their critical thinking skills. My
experience in technology in physical education is very limited
compared to classroom teachers but I try to use the appropriate
technologies I need for my class. Mostly in my class I use pedometers,
heart rate monitors, and using videos games such as the Wii and Xbox
Kinect. I use the technologies that can promote a relation for health
and fitness.
Having a great environment and collaboration is key to any
success. And what I learned over there is what I want to provide for my
school and community. I want the school to not only be a great
atmosphere but an awesome atmosphere with positive experiences
from everyone that is involved.
Project Narrative
Although the gymnasium is a fairly large area and a has a great
amount of space for the students, the first quarter of the school year
can be a little difficult due to the summers in Arizona. Heat advisories
during the months of July through September cause three Physical
Educators to share the inside, which means that one instructor is in the
weight room while the others are left to share the gymnasium.


I have asked one of the Physical Educators of a possibility of

having a curtain that separates the gymnasium. The reason for
requesting a curtain is to have no interruptions or distractions with the
other classes. Instructing a class with another class right next to you
can be a very difficult task. With the addition of a curtain, our school
can also establish an intramural program during lunch by allowing
students lunch on one side of the curtain while the other half can be
used for physical activity. Recent research indicates that physical
activity actually has a positive impact on academic performance.
We would like to request $10,000 to provide San Tan Junior High
a curtain in the gymnasium for the opportunity for a better teaching
experience and the advantages for providing a quality intramural
program for the students of San Tan Junior High for not just the
summer days of Arizona but throughout the whole school year.
The project that is being presented will impact students, for both
present and future, by decreasing the amount of obesity, improvement
of academics, builds ones confidence, and behavior improvements.
There has been research that shows strong evidence that supports the
connection between movement and learning. Evidence from imaging
sources, anatomical studies, and clinical data shows that moderate
exercise enhances cognitive processing. It also increases the number
of brain cells as well (Jenson, 2005). This is a possible reasoning for
students to perform in a social environment better than others. This


will benefit students who learn and engage in inquiry-based learnings.

Schools that do not implement a solid physical activity program are
shortchanging student brains and their potential for academic
performance (Jenson, 2005).
The curtain being in place, as a divider, will be impactful by having
a structured classroom with no disturbances from other classes that
they are sharing in the gymnasium with. This requires students a solid
project based learning environment, with no distractions, by having
successful games and experimenting various skills. Also if another
instructor is playing a different sport than the other, both equipments
wont be mixed during lessons. And during lunch, students as well will
be using inquiry learning and cooperative learning just by adding more
activities and games because of the curtain divider. Technology can be
used on one side of the divider such as the Xbox Kinect or Nintendo Wii
while the other side can be use with actual sports equipment.
With classrooms, for example, a basketball unit to is used to assess
students understandings of various basketball fundamentals, basic
game rules, find enjoyment of playing basketball and implementing the
skills taught and relate it into other sports or in their everyday life.
Connections that share of concerns with a unit like basketball are
students actually learning and performing better with a curtain divider?
Will the students be more engaged in the activity? And finally, will
students use these skills taught in basketball and use them in other


various sports? And if yes, what sports and what certain skills? By
answering these questions, providing a lesson should be engaging for
students interests with fun games and something different other than
traditional lessons like instructional drills. Having them perform project
base learning skills allow them to figure out on their own ways to shoot
a ball in game situations, such as the jump shot, a lay-up, or a bank
shot and how working as a team can translate to real life occasions
with working with others that are different based off of different
diversities and opinions.
SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) America provides
the national standards for Physical Educators. Standards are the

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates

competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge
of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to

movement and performance.

Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the
knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing

level of physical activity and fitness.

Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits
responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and


Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the

value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression and/or social interaction.

The ISTE technology standards that will be met through this project are
the following:

Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

o Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching
and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that
advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in

both face-to face and virtual environments

Model digital age and learning
o Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes
representative of an innovative professional in a global and
digital society
During class, providing high quality instructions with all kinds of

activities without disruption from other classes. This can be the case
for Standard 4 with SHAPE, which describes those students, will exhibit
responsibility and social behavior. While the curtain can profit in the
classroom instruction it can also profit when it comes to students
getting involved in an intramural program, which also can correlate to
Standard 5. Standard 5 of SHAPE states, Individual recognizes the
value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression and/or social interaction.


Assessments will include for the lessons are both formal

evaluations and performance assessments. As a physical educator,
students motor learning and motor development vary. So there has to
be different modifications for students who are more advanced and/or
less advanced from their peers. Both the lesson and game
modifications must be made to satisfy all students in order for them to
be successful in the classroom and following both the content and
standards. Class discussions at the end of classes will also determine
the progress of learning a unit. And with the implementation of
technology, students will do reviews and quizzes online to submit to
me for any progressions as well.
Budget Table and Narrative
The cost of this project will include the curtain divider itself along
with the parts and the labor. The project would be a yearlong
proposition due to the processes of being accepted by the school and
the district itself since this is an immense project. If we were to look at
the cost specifically, using AALCO Manufacturing Company provides an
idea of how much the project would be exactly. The curtain divider I
would purchase for my school would be a fold-up curtain with the
motor that includes a 5-year curtain warranty. If we were to use
AALCO, a motorized vertical stack curtain that is 25 x 84, 10 solid
18oz. vinyl remainder mesh, the total delivery, including freight, and
installation would come out with the total budget of $8,775.00


(, 2016). Which means the

school would still have an addition $1,225.00 remaining. With the
remaining balance, I would have to find another resource for
installation of the wiring, since ALLCO does not provide that. They do
however assist you in providing professional installation services that
are available in your local area. And by hiring and electrician for the
wiring, based off the Fixr website, they usually charge in between $65$85 per hour. So I would have the opportunity to hire an electrician for
only between 18.8-14.4 hours of labor. So this project would have to be
very precise in order for it to be successful.


$8,775.00 = $1,225.00
$1,225.00 = 00.00

Hiring wiring contractors from Fixr,

Salt River Project (SRP)
$65-$85 per hour/18.8-14.4 labor

By the divided curtain being in place, this will be impactful by

having a structured classroom with no disturbances from other classes
that they are sharing the gym at the same time. This requires students
a solid project based learning environment, with no distractions, and
by providing successful games and experimenting various skills. And
also during lunch students will be using the gym and be provided



intramurals by adding more activities and games indoors and outdoors.

But during the hot days of summers in Arizona, providing more
opportunities indoors for students is vital for them and their
brainpower, as heat advisory warnings have limited the outdoor
resources for students to be more engaged to being active. There has
been research that shows strong evidence that supports the
connection between movement and learning. Evidence from imaging
sources, anatomical studies, and clinical data shows that moderate
exercise enhances cognitive processing.
Inquiry Based Lesson Plan
Teachers: Soriano, Paul

Subject: Basketball

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety
of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts,
principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills
to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and
social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical
activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Objective (Explicit): By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand various basketball
fundamentals, understand the basic game rules, find enjoyment of playing basketball and implement the
skills taught into other sports or in their everyday life

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

The teacher will be going around throughout the class to assess if the students are on task or if they need
assistance on leading their ideas. I will also be assisting if needed if they are underperforming or over
performing by providing the students feedback on different modifications for both success and challenges.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): By the end of the lesson students will be able
to demonstrate a bounce pass, chest pass, an overhand pass, and understand how to use different angles and






speed during each pass.

Key vocabulary:
Materials/Technology Resources to be used:
Bounce pass, chest pass, overhand pass, assist, trick pass, Basketball, cones, basketball court
catch, eye-hand coordination
Engage (Make content and learning relevant to real life and connect to student interest)
Discuss about their favorites basketball teams and basketball players (who they idolize) and why? Expand
the question from favorite player to favorite player from specific positions.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Ask students to be in groups and explain why
Be in groups of no more than 4 and do a
certain basketball players are considered one of sequences of various passes from their favorite
the greatest
passers in the game of basketball
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Lesson will benefit on students identifying basketball players and demonstrating various bounce
passes, chest passes, and a overhand passes and understand how to use different angles and speed
during each pass
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Will construct students why certain passes are
During their group discussions, students will
made and how basketball players determine
rationalize why certain passes are distributed in
why certain passes are made in certain
certain situations of the game of basketball and
situations of the game and relate passes to
relate these passes in other sports such as
other sports
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
This portion will assist students on standard 2, which states, applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and
Teacher Will:
Give students a homework assignment and have
them research the best passers in each decade of
professional basketball and explain how passing
can be related in other sports.

Student Will:
Research through videos, research online, and
when they come to class the next time, students
will present whom were the best passers during
their decades and explain how basketball passes
can be related to other sports and everyday

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
This gives students a history portion of basketball and the process and evolution of the passes
throughout the decades in the game of basketball.
Students will be evaluated through formal assessments based of knowledge and understanding of various
basketball passes and performance assessments based off by demonstrating the basketball passes.


(2016). Retrieved from:
(2016). Retrieved from:
(2016). Retrieved from:
(2016). Retrieved from
Jenson, E (2005, May). Chapter 4: Movement and Learning. Teaching
with the Brain in Mind, 2nd Edition. Retrieved from
(2016). Retrieved from


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