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Marquise Watson

Com 203
Final paper

Friday is one of the most influential movies in Americas society today,

the movie is about a not so normal Friday and Craig Jones (Ice Cube) has just
gotten fired for stealing cardboard boxes. To make matters worse, rent is
due, he hates his overbearing girlfriend, Joi (Paula Jai Parker), and his best
friend, Smokey (Chris Tucker), owes the local drug dealer money -- and that's
all before lunch. As the hours drag on, Jones and Smokey experience the
gamut of urban life, complete with crack heads, shoot-outs and overly sexual
pastors, concentrated into one single, unbelievable Friday. The movie is
directed by F. gray gray who also played in the movie as actor. In the movie
the main character had to carry a gun in his bed room because of the culture
he was around .Smokey the best friend main character is stuck in between a
rock and a hard place because he does not have a job and has to sell drugs.
His mother is tired of taking care of him so like most people in his community
because of the culture they relate to drugs. Grant it drugs is not the best way
to work but selling drugs is one of the biggest forms of pay in urban
neighborhoods. This all ties in too family structure if your family dynamic is
not communicating properly and forcing you to get a good job then you will
allow yourself to settle.

The two things I want to expand on that we learned during the year is
culture as and opportunity and family communication and the features that it
has which were all very relevant in the movie Friday. The entire movie was
structure and based in a very urban area and in chapter 12 Conflict as

opportunity Four assumptions Conflict is a normal, useful process All issues

are subject to change through negotiations Direct confrontation and
conciliation are valued and Conflict is necessary to move ahead. In the
community during the movie Friday there comes a time where Craig gets
into a fight with the neighborhood bully. He gets into a fight because his
friend gets hit by the bully so Craig fights him and ultimately win. There was
a direct confrontation with the fight and the conflict was resolved with the
fight and this happens in most cultural based societies.
In chapter 8, family communication is one of the biggest chapter that
stood out too me because its all about family commutation and throughout
the movie its constant communication between the family because its so
many lesson being taught at one time. Manhood, getting a job, and learning
how to live in your community is themes that was used throughout the
movie. Maria Teresa exclaimed in and article Searching for value forms and
contents together with the efforts to analyze the differences between them
are the prerequisites that enable us to communicate in certain social and
cultural environments. Conflicts in these environments evolve mainly
because of an insufficient understanding of the content of values, as people
do not behave spontaneously nor based on reflexes but very often they
decide how to behave according to their purpose, goals anti expectations.
Here, the attention is focused mainly on the principles of the
development of these standards, their organization, possibilities and forms of
competent interpretation, semantic and logical analyses of these standards

and other issues related to social-political and cultural themes. Provided that
these values can be examined within the framework of the economic sphere,
the examination has to be based on the behavior of individuals participating
in economic processes. In general, values are adopted by the individuals
within the process of socialization in early childhood long before the
analytical part of thinking that enables adoption of practical skills is
developed. All these things commination in the community and culture has
led to academic being weakened by people also.

IN a Journal it was said

Whether we like it or not, academics especially cultural studies and more

broadly humanities academics do have a reputation in society at large as
producing useless knowledge, and even if we are driven, on our moral
outrage, to rally in defense of our cherished academic freedom, it still
amazes us to think seriously and honestly about why what we do matter .The
decision-making process always means a choice between possible and
acceptable, tolerated or feasible alternatives that are not always based only
on goals, but also on available or disposable funds. This means respecting
certain values expressed in a form of value utterances and the connecting
rules; the integral part of which are legal and ethical standards.

References/ Worked Cited

Foxwell-Norton, K. (2013). Communication, culture, community and country:

the lost seas of environmental policy. Continuum: Journal Of Media & Cultural
Studies, 27(2), 267-282. doi:10.1080/10304312.2013.766307


MODERN SOCIETY. Communication Today, 6(1), 16-23.

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