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As part of your unit design and lesson planning experience in EDUC 450, your group will

develop the Stage 2 of Understanding by Design from the perspective of an interdisciplinary

unit. Your Stage 2 will include:
Introduction to set the stage of your unit and includes your topic
In this unit, students will explore the history of Eastern Philosophy in Japan through literature,
art, and music. Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism will be explored through related
items in art history, historical texts such as the Dao De Jing, Confucian poetry, the Bhagavad
Gita, and Buddhist Sutra-Gatha study, and music.
Standards and objective (Evidence Outcomes)
Comprehend, Create, Transfer
Reflecting on history of Eastern philosophy, students will be able to create a personal shrine
using literature, visual art, and music that explores their understanding of central themes/ideas,
form/structure, and connections.
Big Ideas/Essential Understandings for each content area
Language ArtsArt- Artists use symbols to reflect personal philosophies.
Music- There are various characteristics that contribute to the performance, understanding and
and creating personal meaning to ancient Japanese Eastern Philosophy and the corresponding
Inquiry Questions
- How do my value systems and thought processes relate to ancient eastern
- How do beliefs evolve across time and space?
- How do technical elements such a structure, form, style, etc., function in different
mediums of art.
- In music, what are the structural elements needed to create cultural context?
- What music theory, history and technique do I need to represent the era as
accurately as possible through performance?
Possible misconceptions
- Everyone in the area (Japan) believes these philosophies
- The purpose of this study is to teach what is right or true, rather than to conduct a
more broad investigation of what has been thought and what it means to think.
- What aspects of ancient Asian music has been assumed by American tradition and

Formative assessment ideas (2 per content area, e.g., social studies and English,
math = 6)
Describe the assessment
What exactly will you assess (evidence outcome), and how will
this data drive your instruction
1- Socratic Seminar: Students will participate in a whole-class inquiry based discussion
of Taoism and Confucianism, questioning how these different philosophical models
function across societies.
2- Technique Analysis- Students will conduct a brief analysis of written pieces, gathering
noticings and inferences about the form and structure of the works and how these
technical aspects are used to communicate the concepts.
1- Educator Interview: Students will have short one on one meetings with the educator to
discuss theme and ideas to check in with process and materials needed. Teacher will have
the opportunity to check in on ideation process and provide any needed resources.
2- In progress critique: Students will participate in a one-on-one critique with guiding
questions. A two column paper will be folded in half and answered by students looking at
a partners piece. They will answer questions about each other's pieces regarding form
and structure, theme and ideas, and connections. These connections will be about the
viewer and the creator and lead into the summative assessment portfolio.

1- Mind Map of Eastern Philosophy in Japan; Students create a map in their interpretation
(Prezi, powerpoint, etc.). This would entail analysis of harmonic, historical, cultural and
structural of Eastern Philosophy in Japan and the influence of music. There are three tiers
of questions; what did you learn, how is it applied and expansion of curiosity.
2- Harmonic analysis and concert performance of representative music; Students will
discover and be provided with music of the era. In an informace method at a concert
students will present the influence of the philosophy on the development and the
performance of the music. This will include; form, harmony, instrumentation, etc.
Description of Summative Assessment (do not write a test)
*My Personal Shrine across content

Students will be creating a shrine to something that is valuable to them personally. This subject
specifically should be one that is integral to personal emotional and mental health and growth. A
musical aspect will accompany this physical representation, supporting and enhancing the project
by setting appropriate tone. A critical reflection/description will explain the choices made during
the process, providing further context and analysis.
- Language Arts element: Students will produce a critical reflection of their shrine
project, explaining their reasoning behind their creative and formal choices in creating
the visual art and musical elements.
- Visual Arts element: Students will create a digital portfolio to record their
personal artistic process and connections to the hero they chose to represent.
- Music element: Students will use either assessment from language arts or visual
arts to interpret. Using the tools ranging from but not limited to compositional techniques
to instrumental techniques to write and present an original composition in the style of the
Rubric of Summative Assessment
My Personal Shrine

The Sandwich Rubric

Deluxe Sub
-Loaded up with
all the works!

-All of the basic
ingredients are
here and
executed well!

-The foundation
is here and well
made, but could
use some extra

-Youve got the
most important
part; now lets
work to build a
full product!

Form and

aspects of the
knowledge of
form and
structure by
these elements in
written work,
doing so highly
effectively by
concepts and

knowledge of
form and
structure by
these in written
work effectively
by implementing
elements in
written work,
sometimes by
way of reference
or replication,
relating to
concepts and

knowledge of
elements, mostly
commenting on
them and
referring to
concepts and

basic knowledge
of elements by
identifying them,
though do not
directly attend to
concepts and

Concepts and

Concepts and
themes are
expanded upon
through nuanced

Elements are
explored and

Elements are

Elements are


Connections are
detailed and

Connections are Connections are

entirely logically evident

Poster Presentation of Project Assessment

Connections are

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