Tutorial 2

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University of British Columbia

Econ 101
Section 004
Tutorial 2 PPC Production Point of view !
Table 1
(thousands of bottles)

(thousands of bushels)







1) In Table 1, what is the opportunity cost of producing TWO thousand more bottles of wine if the
society is currently producing 12 thousand bottles of wine and 9 thousand bushels of grain? Can
we say this is also the marginal cost? Why? 4 no
2) In Table 1, what is the opportunity cost of producing ONE thousand more bottles of wine if the society
is currently producing 14 thousand bottles of wine and 5 thousand bushels of grain? Can we say this is
also the marginal cost? Why? 5
3) The night before a history test, you decide to go to the movies instead of reviewing your notes. You get
60 percent on your test compared with the 75 percent that you normally score. You ________ a tradeoff
________, and the opportunity cost of your evening at the movies was ________.
A) faced; between a higher test score and an evening at the movies; the 15 percent fall in your grade
B) did not face; because your roommates agreed you should go to the movies and not study; zero
C) did not face; because you made the best choice; zero
D) faced; between a higher test score and an evening at the movies; the mark of 60 percent on your test
E) did not face; most students get 60 percent on history tests; the mark of 60 percent on your test
4) A point inside a production possibilities frontier
A) indicates some unused or misallocated resources.
B) is unattainable.
C) is preferred to a point on the production possibilities frontier.
D) indicates a point of production efficiency.
E) illustrates the idea of opportunity cost.
5) A tradeoff exists when
A) we move from a point within the production possibilities frontier (PPF) to a point on the PPF.
B) we move from a point on the PPF to a point within the PPF.
C) the PPF shifts outward.
D) we move along the PPF.
E) the PPF shifts towards the origin.
6) The quantity of shoes produced is measured along the x-axis of a bowed outward production

possibilities frontier and the quantity of shirts produced is measured along the y-axis. As you move down
towards the right along the production possibilities frontier, the marginal cost of Tlking about shoes , So
MC of Shoes in this case ::::: Always see the gain Good
A) a pair of shoes decreases.
B) a pair of shoes increases.
C) a shirt decreases.
D) a shirt increases.
E) a pair of shoes and a shirt is equal at the midpoint between the x-axis and the y-axis.
Figure 1

A = MC
B = MB
7) In Figure 1, when 2,000 bicycles are produced each month
A) the marginal benefit from another bicycle is greater than the marginal cost of another bicycle.
B) more bicycles must be produced to reach the efficient level of output. MB = MC = 3
C) fewer bicycles must be produced to reach the efficient level of output.
D) the economy is efficient at this level of production of bicycles.
E) both A and B.
8) Which one of the following would cause a production possibilities frontier to shift outward?
A) An increase in the stock of capital.
B) An increase in the production of consumption goods.
C) Bad weather.
D) A decision to fully utilize unemployed resources.
E) A decrease in the population.

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