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Saray Hernandez-Salazar

Feb. 4, 2016
Professor Castro
Draft- Research Paper

President Barack Obamas most ubiquitous quote says that, What makes someone
American isnt just blood or birth, but allegiance to our founding principles and faith in the idea
that anyone-from anywhere-can write the next chapter of our story. The word, immigrants
tends to shake many Americans at the sound of it because they know that nothing good is going
to coming out of it and that there is no definite solution to stop it. Plethora of Americans in the
United States have been going against the government allowing immigrants to step foot in this
country. It is quite a controversy and a substantial issue that has been going on for decades and it
has gotten to the point in which the U.S congress and the House of Representatives are trying to
act to change immigration policy. Immigration policy rules and laws are so outdated that they fail
to accommodate todays fast growing immigrant populations. However, many major
corporations, factories and schooling systems have said that thanks to the amount of immigrants,
it has actually helped the work force and help the country gain a higher education opportunities,
especially from illegal students. Many may ponder, how exactly does the diversity of the cultures
in the Unites States such as undocumented immigrants affect the work force and help contribute
to and through a higher education?
Many parents of undocumented students have come to this in this country, not for them,
but for their children because they know that they will receive a higher education here.
Undocumented students have been seen as high performers especially in their studies. This has
been said to attract many employers because of them being hard working and driven towards

their studies. However, despite this, their opportunities are limited because they do not have the
proper documentation and social status in the US, but through government programs, they may
qualify. It is through this that help improve the economy. Aside from students, many other
undocumented immigrants are willing to work. In the US, there has been a high demand in the
work force, especially low wage jobs, in which employers are specifically looking for
immigrants or minorities to come work in which they increase economic efficiency. Various
employers that many Americans would not be willing to take them.
There are copious of reasons of how undocumented immigrants play a role in Americas
economy and society as a whole. While many Americans believe that immigrants have come
here to utterly destroy the prosperity of the US, they fail to realize the prodigious effect towards
the growth and expansion of opportunities.

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