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Lesson Plan 4

Title: America the beautiful

Content Area: history

Teacher Name: Kendal Pruitt

Make sure students know important leaders and symbols
throughout American history.

Grade Level: 1st


IMPORTANT CONTENT CONNECTION: Describe the important concepts related to this lesson that students have as prior
or future concepts to learn.

Students should have prior knowledge by seeing certain symbols like the U.S dollar or the American flag for example
and in their future they will learn about more and more important leaders that grew the country.
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MATERIALS. List the texts, equipment, and other materials to be used by the students. List the materials, including
equipment or technology used by the teacher in presenting the experiences.

A bell, flag, arms, legs etc.

Components of the
lesson. learning activities

Anticipated Student
Responses and solution

and key questions (and time


strategies. (Potential Barriers

& Misconceptions)


Prior knowledge would be

places students have
traveled and recognized
important American
symbols. Obviously the
American flag during the
pledge of allegiance every
Discuss symbols and
leaders associated with

procedures for activating prior

knowledge and student

What are some symbols

that we recognize in every
day life that have to do
with America?

Teaching notes

Evidence of learning.

adaptations for ELL, EC, LD

Evaluation points or
assessment questions.

Incorporate movements.
Show pictures of American
symbols. Have students
stand up and do a
movement associated with
picture. Examples= flap
arms like the eagle, hold
torch like lady liberty,
march like a soldier, ring
the liberty bell, wave like

Are my students engaged?

Are they remembering
symbols they have seen
and does anyone associate
leaders with these

Who are some of the

leaders we have heard of
or associate symbols with?
STRATEGIES. Outline what
the teacher(s) and students
will do to Engage & Educate.
Active learning tasks. If
required, include the script of
your lesson here.

symbols and summarize

what they have done for
the country.
List all the symbols you can
think of and what you think
of when you see these
symbols. What do they
mean to you and/ or

When we see these

symbols and leaders what
comes to mind?
SUMMARIZE. Outline how
you will close.

Now we know the

importance symbols and
leaders past and present
hold in our country.
ONS. What other lessons
does this lesson connect to?

Some students might not

have an experience to
share but can learn from
others. Some students may
not be from America and
will be learning for the first
It is important for students
to recognize these
important symbols and
know what leaders did in
America because they live
here and should know more
about where they are
from/or live.

a flag etc.

Incorporating another
movement- after learning
what leaders are
associated with certain
events. I will have all my
students stand up. I will
have a list of each leader
we have learned and have
them do a movement that
reflects an action or
characteristic of that
Open for questions and
review all the symbols/
leaders we have learned

Have students share their

experiences of historyHave they seen the statue
of liberty in New York, the
liberty bell, an eagle, a
soldier etc. Students can
share what they saw and
what they learned/

I will continue to answer

questions and add my own
stories in of things I have
seen and know about
American History to get
students thinking.

Students will apply what

they know throughout the
years and be able to
understand where we as a
country are headed by
understanding where we
have been.

Exit slip- Write about what

symbols you have seen
today or would like to see.

This lesson will connect

with future history lessons
as the years go by and
they dig deep into laws,
judicial systems, historical
events etc.
REFLECTION: After the lesson, reflect on what went well and what didnt go well. Write changes you might implement the
next time the lesson is taught.

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Movement Breaks Please clear describe each movement break you plan on doing and state how it related to
your content. Each lesson plan should include at least two movement breaks (labeled Movement 12etc) and
within your lesson plan you should indicate where you plan on doing these breaks.

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