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Behavior Management Project Report Form

IEP Behavior Goal: Within 36 instructional weeks, student will transition between daily activities
with no more than 1 verbal or visual prompt per transition and without displaying non-compliant
behavior (scream, crying, falling to the floor, leaving area, ect) in 4 out of 5 school days across 2
consecutive six weeks.
Data Collection: I will write the time of the non-complaint behavior on a form that is hanging in
the room. (Ex: 50 minutes)
Intervention: By implementing a visual schedule with hug icons, the student will be able to have
more predictability in her day. After conducting an FBA, I discovered that hugs are the students
biggest reinforcement.
Student's Initials: LT
Gender: F
Age: 4
Grade: PPCD
Targeted Behavior: Non-compliant behavior (kicking, scratching, screaming, hitting)
Data Collection Form: Time how long her non-compliant behavior occurs and write on a
document hanging in the classroom.
Intervention: Implementing a visual schedule
Time Period: All day

Data Points:











Summary: (*see attached paper for graph*)

After examining at the graph, I see that the intervention was successful in reducing the
students non-compliant behavior. When I first started the interventions, I did not have
the ask for a hug icon. The visual schedule in itself, did not provide much
improvement. After conducting a FBA, I came to learn that physical touch (hug) was the
biggest reinforcement for the student. I edited my intervention very early on and saw a
drastic decrease in problem behavior after that.

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