2 5yearprofessionalplan

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Year 1


Career: Pursue a job in multicultural affairs, academic advising or department that has a commitment to diversity, equity
and inclusion.
Professional Development: Reflect on personal and professional values and determine a student affairs professional
organization that would supplement my professional identity in the field. After reflection, join a national organization.
Professional Development: Seek out opportunities for professional development within the Division of Student Life,
across departments and institution. Depending on the region and location, seek out opportunities other universities.
Mentorship: Continue relationships with mentors from undergraduate and graduate studies as a system of support as I
navigate my first professional job in student affairs.
Mentorship: Establish and strengthen relationship with supervisor that will serve as a mentor. Connect with professionals
across campus with shared values and philosophy. Cultivate meaningful relationships across campus and establish allies to
work towards collective collaboration to advance diversity, equity and inclusion.
Mentorship: Seek out formal/ informal Asian Pacific Islander (API) support groups on campus can help retain me as a
professional of color on an anticipated predominately white institution. On campus, that may be a collective group of API
faculty and staff that engage in conversations around personal and professional identity and how it informs their work.
Law & Policy: Understand local, regional and national laws and policies that enable or prohibit certain communities to
access education (i.e. disabilities, undocumented).

Year 2

Career: Reflect with supervisor, colleagues and peers on my first year in the professional role. Find areas of improvements
and find ways to strengthen gaps in competencies. Develop a plan in transitioning to the second year in the role.
Professional Development: After seeking membership in a national organization, I hope to be involved in knowledge
communities or committees that connects professionals across the nation towards a common goal. My interest would be
serving in committees or knowledge communities that specifically work towards increased retention/ persistence efforts,
support for first generation college students, addressing gaps in support for API students or multicultural affairs.
Professional Development: Serve on institutional committees that reflect efforts in advancing equity and inclusion.
Professional Development: As a new professional, perform assessment on the department to better understand gaps, areas
of improvement, provide recommendations and showcase innovation in relationship to trends and best practices.
Mentorship: Seek out a community organization that supports API communities. In the capacity as a volunteer or
participant, I hope to gain knowledge in community organizing and advocacy to better support marginalized students.
Skills Development: Find ways to get involved with the student conduct process. This opportunity will help develop the
competency on ethics, student conduct, conflict mediation, integrity formation and institutional policies.

Year 3

Career: Go into Year 3 of first professional career. Assess the ways that I have grown in the position and whether or not I
have cultivated a healthy environment at current department to enhances my professional identity and development. Figure
out if I should continue to Year 3 or transition into another job search.
Professional Development: Assess the needs of the department and design a project or initiative that enhances student
experiences. Research best practices, connect with colleagues across the division/ institution or other institutions that are
doing exceptional in a particular area.
Professional Development: Attend free workshops or events on state college campuses that would enhance my
competencies around mental health, diversity and inclusion, or innovation in higher education.
Professional Development: Education and teaching has been a great interest. Seek out an opportunity to conduct a
leadership course, first-year seminar or lead facilitation/ workshop/ dialogue series that focuses on identity, leadership,
spiritual or professional development. Facilitate social justice/ diversity training for students, faculty, or staff.
Mentorship: Cultivation of relationships with professionals across the nation where I could use them for best practices.
These relationships could have been cultivated through mutual colleagues or through a connection at a conference.

Year 4

Career: Shift professional role from entry-level position to mid- level position. Possibility of same institution or shifting to
another institution locally/regionally/nationally. Assess whether I have accomplished all the I need to and whether or not I
am being challenged in my role. Have I become too comfortable?
Professional Development: Assess the campus climate of department, division or institution and facilitate webinars to
engage in conversations around emerging trends in higher education.
Professional Development: Submit a few session proposals to a national student affairs organization.
Mentorship: Connect with student affairs professionals in region that are in the same functional area. Learn about how
local, regional, national policies and procedures may enable or prohibit access to education in our respective region.

Year 5

Career: A mid-level professional role.

Professional Development: Institutions of higher education is filled with knowledge, capacity and responsibility to engage
with surrounding communities to impact change. I hope to work at an urban institution so that I can create programs and
opportunities for students to engage with non-profit organizations that advocates for access, equity and change. I hope to
empower students to be socially responsible for their actions in their communities and workplace to create change.
Academic Development: B
egin the discernment process on the possibility of going back to academic and pursuing a PhD.
Pause and evaluate professional pathway and whether it is feeding my curiosity and passion.

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