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Teaching Philosophy Believing in yourself can take a good amount of effort This effort has to be min by motivation. When a person is motivated to complete a goal, this means they are passionate about the goal or reward. I strongly believe in the amount of ‘motivation that is within in me, will lead me to succeed at any task putin front of me. Being social studies graduate, Ihave the skill setto teach more than half the subjects any Texas High school offers theirstudents, With good references and background knowledge, I know a teaching career the right path for me. I want to teach because forthe past two years I experienced working with students in an educational field. My recent employment was at Clarke Middle School. The Socorro School District holds high expectations forall their employees. I coached various sports and gotto experience good and bad situations, Working with parents, teachers, and fellow coaches{s a job like no other. ! have worked in a sales associate position before and was a successful sales person. The difference however, is it was justa job. Asa coach I wanted to get back to work the next day, seeing the kid's knowledge growing and expancing inthe sport was my reward. Administration was professional with any situation I brought up, and saw both sides to every story. To be able to teach these kids inside and out ofthe classroom is achallenge. A challenge however 'm ready to take with the knowledge I've adapted from studying at UTEP and acknowledging teachers I've had through out my student career. I want the students tobe able to grasp any material Ihave toteach them by learning as | did my senior year in college. Learning by applying the content not just in essays but presenting and sharing prior knowledge with other classmates. Developing a classroom environment where students can feel comfortable participating in clas discussions. Developing this kind of classisa good challenge ‘want to take on, [feel that student participation is the most important aspect of learning. Unfortunately just as Thad great teachers. lso had teachers who were notas great. They failed to address every student, and at points seemed to give up. Another solid question is how can I keep the students attention on me? As a coach! have encountered players with unique attention span, Some playersactually played sports in order torelease their energy. With this in mind during practice it was important to switch up drills and adaptto the players you have that specific year. believe this goes hand in hand with teaching inside the classroom. As ayoung hungry college graduate I believe for many years to come, I will teach the content necessary to the best of my ability. I wll bing a positive mindset to these students to help them learn how to be young adults. Keeping in mind they still are at an age of growing mentally and physically know I have to teach them how to be responsible and respectful to others, I will be open minded to learn new teaching skills, and listen to perhaps tenure teachers, and administration to develop with their skills as well. At the end of the day I know with a good lesson plan. taking itone day at atime the students will grasp the subjectbeing taught and be successful in that specific content.

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