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This article is based on the research of Andy Adcroft and Jon Teckman on
Team Dynamics in Test Match Cricket. Authors highlights the uncertainty of
direct relationship between diversity and results. As per the author McGrath
which he also mentioned in his book (McGrath et al, 2000) that study of team
composition is necessary a complex one. Selection of team indeed a complex
task as it will be consisting of skill, knowledge and abilities. Team dimension
is not a single dimension structure its a multi dimension structure. And how
good teams lead and managed and the roles of communication and decision
making process. Input process Output model clearly exhibits the relationship
between the team and what is happening inside the team. The input of the
team includes the structure organization of the team, skill of its members,
goal of the team and what reward they are achieving after reaching the goal.
As per McGrath the dimension of team depends upon his talent pool they
currently having so the people can be nourished and groomed for the future.
Team composition is important role in the game of cricket as it helps in series
of design activities and determine the overall role that team needs to play.
Diversity provides the understanding of different blend of each member of
the team. Diversity gives the knowledge of each individual collaboration,
interpersonal communication and leadership skills. Team dynamics improves
only when each of its members is very creative. Successful team creation
base on two needs first is each individual completes his own responsibility
and second factor based on focus more on the people aspect of the team
and involve the facilitation of interactions. Certain issues of team
composition which dont allow people to blend and politics is one of the issue
and second is the resource or pool of talents they are currently having. Team
composition is essential for team progress and growth and team diversity is
the ingredient on what team achieve and how they achieve it. According to
Harrison team diversity can be better explained vis demographic condition
like age, gender or race of team members. According to the authors
performance orientation in terms of the internal characteristics of any
sporting team; its collection of activities and systems and the way in which
they are managed
The methodology used by the authors is Test match cricket as it is the more
complicated sports to examine the blend of team performance and competitiveness
within the competing teams for both theory and practical reasons. Team and
individual dynamics of members of the team is fully based on the opponents, place,
their strength and their talents and capabilities. As test match cricket test the

temperament of the individuals and it will give the great reflection of the blend of
the team. In the game of cricket some activities are more important rather than
determining the outcome. So game of cricket tells about the spontaneous blend in
the team dynamics and blend. So team dynamics is all about how well you
anticipate and blend in situation.

Abstract of the article

Purpose The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between the diversity
of team composition and the outcome enjoyed by those teams in test match cricket
Design/methodology/approach The paper examines 100 test matches over 13
years played by eight test match-playing countries. It draws on 12 measures of
performance and 12 measures of competitiveness across more than 130 players.
Findings The paper finds that there is a link between diversity and outcome, but it
is not always clear as to which direction that relationship lies. Team characteristics
are found to be a function of member characteristics and not a simple aggregate.
Research limitations/implications The findings of the paper are probably not
generalizable outside of international test match cricket. Practical implication The
paper provides evidence that suggests that, in developing sporting teams,
consideration must be given as to which activities are more important in delivering
outcomes. Originality/value The paper adds to the literature on team dynamics in
terms of theory and sporting context
Author : AP Adcroft
Publisher: Emerald
Year: 2011
DOI identifier: 10.1108/20426781111107180
OAI identifier:
Provided by: Surrey Research Insight
Total Page 19

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