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Rosaliano Flores Carrera

Fecha: Noviembre 30-11-2016

Tutor: Javier Ayala
Matricula: A07044989
Name: Rosaliano Flores Carrera

Forma 3 oraciones correctas usando los modales (de preferencia con would,
pero se puede usar could una vez) para expresar preferencia. Subraya los modales.
It would like to swim today if the water is warm.
John would enjoy making dinner for us.
1. I would like to go to the movies but I have no money.
2. .Pedro would arm the camping house for us
3. I would like to eat an ice lolly

2) Forma 3 oraciones usando los gerundios e infinitivos.

Subraya los gerundios, infinitivos, y la expresin de gusto.
I prefer to go to bed early.
We enjoy singing traditional songs.
1. He Loves cooking dinner for his friends.
2. People Like to jump in the snow.
3. We Enjoy spending time with family.
3) Forma 3 oraciones usando las clausulas relativas. No se puede repetir. Subraya el
pronombre relativo (that, which, who y whose). Determinar si es: defining o nondefining.
Sally has to take care of her grandmother, who is sick. Non- defining
I might like to go to college that offers engineering. Defining
1. My aunt has to visit a sick friend Who lives in Peru. In the definition Nondefining
2. He likes to walk in the park That is near my house. Defining
3. Paul wants to talk to Sarah, whose dad passed away last week.
4) Forma 4 oraciones usando el vocabulario del tema 3, unidad 2. Subraya las palabras.

1-My uncle is often sad and lonely in the morning

2. The lady is very elegant but quite nervous.
3. I can the large glass to drink water.
4. Please clean-up, your face is very dirty.

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