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Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 7 English
Mr. Jill M. Hilarion
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: difference between
literal and figurative language.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: distinguishing between and
using literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues.
Competency: EN&V-II-a-10.1: Discriminate between literal and figurative language.
I. Objectives
Given an excerpt of a literary text, the students should be able to:
a) use idiomatic expressions in different communication situations appropriately;
b) discriminate between literal and figurative language (idiomatic expressions); and
c) analyze the connections between the selected idiomatic expressions and their
personal experiences.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Idioms/Idiomatic Expressions
Materials: Visual aids, Word Aquarium, Worksheets
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
Good morning class!


Good morning, Sir!

The teacher will pick one student to lead

the opening prayer.

The student will go in front of the class and

starts to lead the prayer.

Kindly lead the prayer, (Students name).

Let us bow down our heads and pray

In Holy Sons name, amen.

After the prayer, the teacher will ask the The students will pick up pieces of paper
students to pick up pieces of paper and and arrange their chairs.
arrange their chairs.

You may now take your seats.

Thank you, Sir.

B. Motivation
Before we start our lesson for this Okay, Sir.
morning, I want you to listen and sing this
song that Ive prepared.
The teacher will give the instructions of the
The teacher will play a popular song and
the students will try to find words, phrases
or sentences from the lyrics that they think
it shows a figurative meaning. After
listening and singing, each student will
draw from the teachers box which
contains various idioms taken from the
song lyrics that was played. They will need
to use it in a sentence.
Did you understand? If you have
questions /clarifications, dont hesitate to
Did you enjoy our activity?

The students will ask questions about the

instructions they have not understood.

Yes Sir, we enjoyed.

C. Review
The teacher will conduct a review on the
lesson they discussed from the previous
meeting which was about the figures of
figures of speech.
He will provide example sentences for



each and conduct an oral activity.

Please read the following sentences
written on the board/Cartolina and identify
what figures of speech being used.
Students will participate in the oral activity.
They will read the following sentences

D. Lesson Proper
The teacher will elaborate about
idioms/idiomatic expressions as a form of
examples of idioms and discuss its origins,
and how its origins relate to the
metaphorical meaning of the phrase.
The teacher will distribute worksheets to
the class. The students will need to
answer it.
The teacher will give another activity. The
students will have to form a group consists
of at least five (5) members. They have to
do a role-play using idiomatic expressions
for a certain situation or occasion.

The teacher will provide rubrics for the

said activity.
What do you think is the major difference
between literal and figurative language?
How does figurative language (idioms)
make a certain literary text, songs, etc.
more artistic?
Select your favourite idiom and draw a
literal representation of the phrase.
Draw it on one side of a sheet of paper
and write the idiom on the back.

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