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Assignment III,IV

January 21, 2016

Group Members

Abener Tewodros
Hana Endiris . .
Miliyon Tilahun .
Sisai Bekele . . .
Shimekit Legese .










































(Assignment III) Show all the necessary steps

1. Show H C NG (H).
Solution. NG (H) = {a G : aH = Ha} is a subgroup of G since e NG (H) and if b NG (H) i.e. b
G 3 bH = Hb, then Hb1 = b1 H i.e. b1 NG (H) thus for a NG (H), ab1 H = aHb1 = Hab1
i.e ab1 NG (H). We need to show that H is a subset of NG (H). Let a H, then aH = H = Ha
hence a NG (H). H is normal in NG (H) since for g NG (H), gHg 1 = H.
2. Let f : G H be a homomorphism. If J C H, then show that f 1 (J) C G.
Solution. f 1 (J) = {g G : f (g) J} G.
Now, let a G and b f 1 (J), then k J such that f (b) = k.
f (aba1 ) = f (a)f (b)f (a1 )
= f (a)k[f (a)]1
= k1 f (a)[f (a)]1

(J C H, for some k1 J)

= k1
This implies aba1 f 1 (J) and hence f 1 (J) C G.
3. Let G = {1, i, j, k} = Q8 . Show that
i) C1 (G) = C(G) = {1, 1}
ii) C2 (G) = Q8
Solution. C(G) = {a G : ax = xa x G}. Claim:- C(G) = {1, 1}.
1 is an identity element for G so 1 C(G). 1 C(G) x = x (1)x = x(1) x G.
Now each of i, j, k are not in C(G) because
Take x = k for i (i)k = j 6= j = k(i)
x = i for j (j)i = k 6= k = i(j)
x = j for k (k)j = i 6= i = j(k)
Now, G/C(G) = {aC(G), a G} = {{1}, {i}, {j}, {k}} which is abelian as it is of order 4 hence
C(G/C(G)) = G/C(G). Define : G G/C(G) by (a) = aC(G). Define 1 : G/C(G) G by
1 (xC(G)) = x, then 1 is onto. Therefore,
C2 (G) = 1 (C(G/C(G))) = 1 (G/C(G)) = G = Q8 .

4. Show that each G(i) C G.

Solution. We show by induction on i.
When i = 0, G(0) = G C G.
Assume that G(j) C G for j = i 1. To prove that G(i) C G, it suffices to show that for any element
a in a set of generators of G(i) and any element b G, bab1 G(i) . Notice that G(i) is generated by
xyx1 y 1 for all x, y G(i1) . For any x, y G(i1) and any b G,
b(xyx1 y 1 )b1 = (bxb1 )(byb1 )(bxb1 )1 (byb1 )1
where bxb1 , byb1 G(i1) by induction hypothesis. Therefore, b(xyx1 y 1 )b1 G(i) . Thus
G(i) C G. Therefore, by the principles mathematical induction the statement holds for all i N.

5. Show that S3 is solvable but not nilpotent.

Solution. G = S3 solvable because G00 = hei. To show S3 is not nilpotent: C(S3 ) = hei. We show by
induction that Cn (G) = hei, n . For n = 1, C(G) = hei. Assume Cn (G) = hei.
WTS:- Cn+1 (G) = hei.
Cn+1 (G) = 1 (C(G/Cn (G))) = 1 (C(G/hei)) = 1 (C(G)) = 1 (hei) = hei.
Thus Cn (G) 6= G for all n N and hence G = S3 is not nilpotent.

(Assignment IV) Show all the necessary steps

1. Show that pm Zpn
= Zpnm (m < n)
Solution. Note that pm Zpn has order pnm and we have pm Zpn = hpm i by definition. Then lets
consider hpm i and Zpnm . hpm i is a cyclic group generated by pm which has order pnm . Zpnm is also
a cyclic group of order pnm . By the uniqueness of cyclic groups, it follows that they are isomorphic.
That is pm Zpn = hpm i
= Zpnm .

2. How many subgroups of order p2 does the abelian group Zp3 Zp2 have? Justify!
Solution. p2 + p + 1: A group of order p2 is either cyclic or of the form hx, yi with x and y of order p.
Lets count first the number of cyclic subgroups. If (a, b) is a generator, then we want ap = 1 = bp and
at least one of a or b nontrivial. Z/p Z has p p elements of order p , p p elements of order p2 ,
p1 elements of order p and 1 elements of order 1. Z/p2 Z has p2 p elements of order p2 , p1 elements
of order p and 1 elements of order 1. This gives us (p2 p) p2 + (p 1) (p2 p) + 1 (p2 p) = p4 p2
choices. The generator of a cyclic group of order p2 can be chosen in p2 p ways, so the number of
such subgroups is pp2p
p = p + p.
The second case was when the subgroup was generated by two elements of order p. Note that Z/p3 Z
has only p elements of order p, same as Z/p2 Z. Thus, there are only p2 elements of order 1 or p in
the group, and they constitute the only subgroup isomorphic to Z/pZ.
This gives a total of p2 + p + 1 subgroups of order p2 .
3. What are the elementary divisors of Z26 Z42 Z49 Z200 Z1000 ? What are the invariant actors?
Solution. The elementary divisors are: 2, 2, 23 , 23 , 3, 52 , 53 , 7, 72 , 13 which may be arranged as:
21 ,
21 ,
23 ,
23 ,

30 ,
30 ,
30 ,
31 ,

50 ,
50 ,
52 ,
53 ,

70 ,
70 ,
71 ,
72 ,


Consequently, the invariant factors are; 2, 2, 23 52 7 = 1400, 23 3 53 72 13 = 1911000.

4. If N C G and N, G/N are both p groups, then show that G is a p-group.
Solution. Since N and G/N are p-groups let |N | = pm , |G/N | = pn for some m and n. Then by
Lagrange theorem we have |G| = [G : N ]|N | = |G/N ||N | = pm pn = pm+n . Thus G is a p-group.

5. Show that every group of order 12, 28, 56 and 200 must contain a normal sylow subgroup and hence is
not simple.
Proof. i) |G| = 12 = 22 3. By 3rd Sylow Theorem we know that there is either 1 Sylow 3-subgroup,
or 4 Sylow 3-subgroups. If there is only one, then know it must be normal. Thus, suppose there are 4,
H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 each with order 3. Each of these subgroups has 3 elements, 1 being the identity. Thus
the other 2 elements are of order 3. Together then we have 4(3 1) = 8 elements of order 3 in G.
Then G can only have one Sylow 2-subgroup which must be of order 4 because this gives us 12 total
elements. Again, being the unique Sylow 2-subgroup gives that it is also normal.
ii) |G| = 28 = 22 7. The Third Sylow Theorem tells us that the number of Sylow 7-subgroups is
either 1 or 4, and that it must also be 1 mod 7, therefore it cannot be 4. So there is only one Sylow
7-subgroup and thus it is normal.
iii) |G| = 56 = 23 7. By the Third Sylow Theorem we know that the number of Sylow 7-subgroups is
either 1 or 8. If it is 1 then we are done, so suppose it is 8. Call them H1 , H2 , . . . , H8 . Then similar
to part (i) we have that there are 8(7 1) = 48 elements of order 7 in G. Then G can only have one
Sylow 2-subgroup as it must be of order 23 = 8. Therefore it is normal, being unique.
iv) |G| = 200 = 23 52 . By the Third Sylow Theorem we have that the number of Sylow 5-subgroups is
a factor of 23 or equal to 1, and must also be congruent to 1 modulo 5. This can only happen if there
is exactly one Sylow 5-subgroup. Thus it is normal.
6. If N C G and N G0 = hei, then N C(G).
Solution. Since N is normal, it is true that for all g G, gN g 1 = N . In particular, given n N , we
have that gng 1 N . Now we have gng 1 n1 N and gng 1 n1 G0 hence gng 1 n1 N G0 .
Since the intersection is just e, gng 1 n1 = e gn = ng, g G. Hence n C(G) which implies
N C(G).

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