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Topology Assignment

Miliyon Tilahun(ID: GSR/1401/08)

January 21, 2016
1. Use to show that
(x2 + y 2 ) = 0



Solution. WTS:- Given > 0, > 0 such that

|f (x, y) L| <



(x x0 )2 + (y y0 )2 <

In this case we have f (x, y) = x2 + y 2 , L = 0 and (x0 , y0 ) = (0, 0). So we need to show
for every > 0, > 0 such that
|x2 + y 2 | <
0 < x2 + y 2 <
2 + y 2 < |x2 + y 2 | < 2 .
But 0 < x
Choose = and hence

x2 + y 2 <

2. Define f : R R by f (x) =

|x2 + y 2 | <

x. Is f bijective?

Solution. Let x1 , x2 R, and assume f (x1 ) = f (x2 )

5 x1 = 5 x2
x1 = x2
This implies f is one to one. To show f is onto, let y be in R. Take x = y 5 , then
f (x) = f (y 5 ) = 5 y 5 = y
Hence f is onto.
f is a bijective.

3. Prove Heine-Borel theorem: Let I1 = [c1 , d1 ] be a closed(bounded) subset of R which

is covered by G = {(ai , bi ) : i I} of open intervals. Then G contains a finite subclass
which also covers I1 .
Proof. Assume that no finite subclass of G covers I1 . We bisect I1 = [c1 , d1 ] at 21 (c1 +d1 )
and consider the two closed intervals

c1 , (c1 + d1 ) and
(c1 + d1 ), d1
At least one of this two intervals can not be covered by a finite subclass of G or else
the whole interval I1 will be covered by a finite subclass of G. Let I2 = [c2 , d2 ] be one
of the two intervals in (1) which can not be covered by a finite subclass of G, we now
bisect I2 . As before one of the two intervals

(c2 + d2 ), d2
c2 , (c2 + d2 ) and
can not be covered by a finite subclass of G. Call that interval I3 .
We continue this procedure and obtain a sequence of nested intervals I1 I2 I3
such that each interval In can not be covered by a finite subclass of G and lim |In | = 0
where |In | denotes the length of the interval In .
By the Nested Interval Property of the real numbers there exists a point p in each
interval In . In particular , p I1 , since G is a cover of I1 , there exists an open interval
(ai0 , bi0 ) in G which contains p. Hence ai0 < p < bi0 . Since lim |In | = 0
n0 N

|In0 | < min(p ai0 , bi0 p)

such that

Then, as indicated in the diagram below, the interval In0 is a subset of the interval
(ai0 , bi0 ) in G.

But this contradicts our choice of In0 . Thus the original assumption that no finite
subclass of G covers I1 is false and the theorem is true.

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